Anca Sigartău

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O zi in Bucuresti

O zi in Bucuresti

Apr 27, 1987
A musical film about... one day on the streets of Bucharest, in the '80s, having Anca Sigartau as a tour guide.
Nunți, botezuri, înmormântări
Cosmin plays a tennis game with 3 friends. He looks at the clock and starts panicking: he is late to the Registry Office, to a wedding- his wedding, with his ex-wife, who he had divorced without his friends knowing. Everything starts in 2007 when the real-estate bubble reaches its peak. Cosmin gifts Reli a land on the edge of a lake, for their wedding anniversary. He plans to build 7 villas, sell them and win 1 million Euros.
Pădurea de fagi

Pădurea de fagi

Aug 17, 1987
In August 1944 Romania, a group of telephone operators are caught in the events in a new center placed in a forest to evade bombardment.


Sep 01, 2006
Being forced into prostitution by her father, she finds solace in her friends and her journal.
Zâmbet de soare

Zâmbet de soare

Jan 01, 1987
Several students spend their last days of high school in a cheerful and musical atmosphere. Petrica and 'Sunny Smile', who has become a fairy tale princess in the meantime, find their way back to each other, from the real world to the dream one and the other way around, in order to meet their love halfway between the two realms.


Feb 27, 2002
Durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, en Allemagne. Kurt Gerstein, médecin en poste à l'institut d'hygiène de la Waffen SS, devient le superviseur de l'approvisionnement en gaz Zyklon B des camps de la mort nazis. De passage à Auschwitz, il découvre, horrifié, la terrible réalité des chambres à gaz. Chrétien convaincu, il décide de porter témoignage, de se faire « espion de Dieu » pour alerter la communauté diplomatique internationale. Aidé par un jeune prêtre italien, il tente surtout de prévenir le Vatican, certain alors de pouvoir stopper ces trains qui alimentent chaque jour les camps en milliers de vies humaines. Inlassablement, jour après jour, sans se décourager, au péril de sa vie, Gerstein poursuit son entreprise de dénonciation, accumulant les documents et les preuves matérielles, s'enfonçant dans le double jeu et le désespoir…
A l'Ombre des Séraphins
En Roumanie, dans les années 1990, Gabriel, un adolescent de 15 ans, entre au séminaire afin de devenir prêtre. Confiant et plein d’espoir, il se heurte vite aux brimades des élèves des classes supérieures, à leurs petites combines, et aux méthodes souvent abusives des enseignants. Dans ce monde sans scrupule où la piété et la foi ne sont qu’un leurre, il devra apprendre à survivre par le mensonge, la tricherie, le vol et la trahison.
Sunt o babă comunistă
The film tells the story of a generation that cannot adapt to the reality post-revolution. Nostalgic Emilia tries to keep alive the golden age.


Aug 25, 2022
Adela a new fiction series produced by Ruxandra Ion and Dream Film Production, it is an adaptation of the series O hayat Benim / This is my life, produced by Fox Turcia.