“The Conductor” is the first feature length film created entirely by the artist Jeremy Mann. It is a story told through a dreamscape metaphor of the eternal artistic struggle.
“The Conductor” is the first feature length film created entirely by the artist Jeremy Mann. It is a story told through a dreamscape metaphor of the eternal artistic struggle.
“The Conductor” is the first feature length film created entirely by the artist Jeremy Mann. It is a story told through a dreamscape metaphor of the eternal artistic struggle.
Liz Baxter, who works as a nanny for a prominent, has a white family in Oakland, California, during the rise of the Black Panther Party in 1967. When Liz discovers that the Connor children are suffering under the hand of their mother, Jane, and attempts to step in to protect the children, she’s accused of participating in a Black Panther conspiracy.
Feb 15, 2021
2021 min93 vues
Le chat et la souris, rivaux emblématiques, sont de retour dans The Tom and Jerry Show, une nouvelle version de la série classique. Préservant le look, les personnages et la sensibilité de l'original, la toute nouvelle série haute définition met en scène la bataille sans fin qui a fait de Tom et Jerry deux des personnages les plus aimés de tous les temps.