Ketti Gallian

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Du Guesclin

Du Guesclin

Jun 03, 1949
La vie de Bertrand du Guesclin, un homme qui a combattu contre les Anglais et les Navarrais avec acharnement. Il a reçu le titre de Connétable de France et est mort sur un champ de bataille en héros
Aloha, le chant des îles
During the London-Melbourne race, two aviators, one male (Guy,) the other female (Betty), are forced to land on a lost island in Polynesia. They learn to survive in difficult conditions and fall in love. Back in civilization, their union does not prove obvious. Pierre is already married to Ginette, a movie actress, and Betty is engaged to her cousin Edouard. Moreover, Lord Stanton, her rich father, will not hear of a marriage with Guy. Will love ultimately triumph in spite of everything?
Mademoiselle X

Mademoiselle X

Jun 27, 1945
Une jeune fille en robe du soir, Madeleine Ardouin, s'évanouit devant la porte d'un auteur dramatique en vue, Dominique Ségar. Ranimée, elle déclare ne se souvenir de rien, puis, peu à peu, retrouve la mémoire. Dominique s'éprend d'elle, abandonnant son amie Catherine Nanteuil qui, d'ailleurs, lui est infidèle. Et Madeleine, éprise de Dominique, oublie Michel, un grand couturier qu'elle gratifia de deux balles, parce qu'elle le jugeait trop peu empressé.
Marie Galante

Marie Galante

Oct 25, 1934
On the French coast, unlucky Marie Galante is abducted and forced to board an American cargo ship bound for the Panama Canal. When an escape attempt leaves Marie high and dry in the Yucatan, she takes work as a nightclub singer to earn her safe passage to the Canal region. But Marie faces bigger problems when she gets mixed up in a destructive plot against the U.S. Naval fleet, and so she accepts the kindly assistance of secret agent Dr. Crawbett.
Under the Pampas Moon

Under the Pampas Moon

Jun 01, 1935
Cesare Campo is a hard-riding and hard-loving Argentine gaucho. Yvonne LaMarr is a famous Parisian singer on her way to play an engagement in a Buenos Aires cabaret. THe plane she is flying in is forced to land on the Pampas. Campo and his riders take the passengers to a hotel. Yvonne and Campo quickly fall in love, but she had to leave to make her singing engagement in Buenos Aires. Campo follows her and discovers that his horse that was the favorite to win the Big Race has been stolen.


Feb 26, 1937
Two reporters pose as man and wife in order to get the goods on a munitions supplier and the rumours of war in Europe.
Agnès de rien

Agnès de rien

Mar 17, 1950
Poussée par son mari à s'installer dans le château de famille, Agnès y retrouve sa belle sœur Alix. Son mari Carlos, souvent absent, se désintéresse de son épouse et se rapproche peu à peu d'Agnès qui finira par renoncer à cette relation.


Nov 23, 1956
"Poisoner" - After her fiancé is arrested Claire finds herself alone and forced to find work. She is hired by a country squire, Etienne de Montenoy, as the tutor of his goddaughter. It does not take long before Montenoy falls for her but a little longer before the young woman, reluctant at first, understands Etienne loves her truly and then requites his love. Etienne lives so happily with her that he decides to make her his heir. Shortly after, he is murdered by poison...
La Piste du Sud

La Piste du Sud

Sep 07, 1938
Hélène, jeune veuve, transporte le corps de son mari à travers le Sahara. Le convoi est attaqué par des pillards. Seule rescapée, la jeune femme est emmenée à Tirzit au milieu d'un groupe d'hommes malades et isolés. Elle retrouve l'associé de son mari, qui tente de la tuer. Hélène ne le dénonce pas et tente de comprendre son geste.