Lung Tien-Hsiang

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Aug 31, 1979
A small village's enchanted stone that brings the inhabitants good fortune is threatened by faeries
Ten Tigers Of Kwangtung
Chu, partisan des Ming, fuit les forces mandchoues. Li Chen-chau, marchand local et passionné de kung-fu, héberge le fugitif dans son magasin de prêts sur gages et recrute discrètement quelques-uns de ses collègues maîtres d'arts martiaux pour aider à protéger le jeune homme. Lorsque le rival professionnel de Li le dénonce, le fonctionnaire mandchou Liang ne se contente pas d'orchestrer son armée, mais dupe quelques autres maîtres de kung-fu.
Five Element Ninjas

Five Element Ninjas

Apr 21, 1982
Une célèbre école d'arts martiaux se fait décimée par les "five elements ninjas", 5 groupes de ninjas marchant de concert représentant la terre, le feu, l'or, l'eau et le bois. Le seul survivant de ce massacre part chez un vieux maître qui pourrait l'aider à contrer ces terribles ennemis et leur chef. Aidé par 3 de ses élèves, ils partiront finalement laver l'affront dans le sang armés de haches multi fonction.
L’Homme à la lance contre Shaolin
L'Homme à la lance contre Shaolin : Les membres du clan du Drapeau de Fer sont conviés à un repas de réconciliation organisé par leurs ennemis du clan de l'Aigle, une bande de sinistres personnages tenant salles de jeux et bordels. La mascarade tourne au traquenard lorsque une armée encercle les invités et les attaque sans sommation. Le chef du clan du Drapeau de Fer est soudainement assassiné dans le dos par l'homme qu'il avait engagé pour le protéger. Abasourdis, les bons épéistes se débarrassent du chef du clan de l'Aigle, Monsieur Ming, et prennent la fuite.


Jun 19, 1984
The story concerns the efforts of the emperor to obtain the Dragon Sabre and it's companion magic sword so the "martial world" will be forced to respect him. He enlists a bad guy who plots a massacre of the Mongolians to blamed on the "Ming cult" so that the Mongolian hero played by Ti Lung will attack and steal the sabre from the cult and then give it to the bad guy who has in the meantime stolen a powerful magic sutra from Budhhist nuns, kidnapped a Mongolian Princess and is trying to become a Yin/Yang fighter which looks like ... wait, none of this makes much sense, but that's the film. Derek Yee plays the hero of the Ming cult who is trying to find out who is framing the cult for the massacre.
House of Traps

House of Traps

Jan 09, 1982
Une équipe de combattants expérimentés navigue dans une maison truffée de pièges ingénieux et mortels.


Dec 16, 1983
Celebrated director Chu Yuan helms "Descendant Of The Sun", a Superman meets Hercules a la old style martial art film. Derek Yee is a magic solar baby sent Earthbound by a benevolent god, raised by an old carpenter, has martial art superpowers and "green kryptonite" loses them during solar eclipses. That's when the evil baby counterpart shows up. Demon-paced martial arts action by Jackie Chan's kung-fu classmates Yuan Pin and Yuen Hua compliments Toho Studio style special optical effects.


Jan 01, 1986
Little Kai (Sun Ya-Tung) is a member of a criminal organisation. The tattoo on his chest earns him the nickname of ‘Leopard’. Immediately upon Little Kai’s release from jail, his brother is framed and murdered. Suspecting that it’s an inside job, Kai returns to the organisation to see if he can find out root out who is behind his brother’s death.


Jul 27, 1990
Chiang May-Yin (Tu Kuei-Hua), is fired from her job as a waitress and, n the way home, she is terrorised by some thugs, raped and left unconscious on the roadside. After a series of confrontations, the leader of the gang, Ah-Chen (Lung Tien-Hsiang), kidnaps Chiang’s son. Chiang sets out for revenge.
Le Chasseur d'aigles et le fils prodigue
En tentant de tuer Huang Rong, le traître Yang Kang s’empoisonne accidentellement. Pris de folie, il massacre avant de mourir, tous ses partenaires ainsi que la mère de son enfant. Le héros Guo Jing décide de recueillir l’orphelin, qu’il nomme Yang Guo en souvenir de l’amitié qui unissaient les familles Yang et Guo auparavant. Devenu adulte, Yang Guo est régulièrement humilié par les disciples et la fille de Guo Jing, à cause du passé honteux de son défunt père. Un jour, il croise par hasard un vieil homme amnésique et découvre rapidement qu’il s’agit de Ouyang Fung, le « Poison de l’Ouest », qui assista à la mort de son père
Demon of the Lute

Demon of the Lute

Aug 04, 1983
Le mystérieux démon du clan de l’araignée dorée et sa horde se sont emparés d'un luth démoniaque à six cordes et projettent de régner sur les arts martiaux. Le seul moyen pour détruire cette arme absolue est de retrouver l’arc et les trois flèches angéliques. Une mission périlleuse à laquelle une jeune guerrière, un vaillant jeune forgeron et leurs compagnons vont s’atteler.


Jan 01, 1979
At the age of eight years old, Shao is sent to train under the notorious drunkard "Crippled Fist Master". Shao returns home after ten long years of training, to find himself dealing with local criminals and gangsters.


Jan 01, 1977
Sensing a rebellion is brewing in the small town of Lung Wei Village, the Manchu warlords command the village magistrate to hunt down the rebels. He hires four warriors, all of them expert martial artists, to stop the rebellion. The stakes are high: If they don't succeed, the rebels may change the course of Chinese history.


May 27, 1983
Liu Yung plays Li Lang, a court official out to avenge his former emperor. The target is easy to hate: the power-hungry Kuang-yi (Chao Kuo) is a plundering rapist and a cold-blooded murderer. But can one man take on the imperial army?


Jun 27, 1991
A snake god, prisoner in a cave since thousand years, takes possession of a man and transforms his arm in a snake. Under this form, the man rapes and kills women. Twenty years later, the man bites his own daughter, who is also transformed. With the help of her fiance, of another man who wants to marry her, and a sorcerer, she tries to struggle against the malevolent snake god.
Tales Of A Eunuch

Tales Of A Eunuch

Mar 24, 1983
L'histoire suit un « adorable » coquin qui joue et s'attire divers ennuis avec des hors-la-loi et des rebelles. Il finit par se retrouver dans une situation où il doit se faire passer pour le serviteur d'un eunuque âgé qui est un maître d'arts martiaux maléfique. Ce dernier est un maître d'arts martiaux maléfique. Il se retrouve ainsi impliqué dans les activités de l'empereur qui étudie les arts martiaux. Tout le film tourne autour d'une quête visant à obtenir toutes les copies d'un texte bouddhiste spécial.
Cat Vs Rat

Cat Vs Rat

Sep 30, 1982
Ce film relate la rivalité entre Chan Chiao alias Le Chat (Adam Cheng) et Pai Yu-tang alias Le Rat (Alexander Fu Sheng). Ils se retrouveront bien malgré eux, au coeur d'une intrigue impliquant un précieux sceau de jade appartenant à l'empereur Yung Hsi (Gordon Lau) et des voleurs désireux de s'en emparer. Les deux rivaux, n'auront d'autre choix, que de travailler ensemble et de surmonter leur rivalité.
Little Dragon Maiden

Little Dragon Maiden

Dec 02, 1983
Un jeune mendiant se révèle être le fils d'un maître des arts martiaux mort dans de mystérieuses circonstances. Reconnu par son oncle, celui-ci décide de l'élever comme son propre fils. Mais le comportement des gens qu'il côtoie est étrange et il ne tardera pas à découvrir le terrible secret qui entoure le décès de son père.


Mar 06, 1981
Raised to be a righteous martial artist, Yuan kicks off the story proper by finding a cave containing a skeleton, a treasure map, and a manual teaching him the Golden Snake style. Obeying a request hidden in the manual to give a portion of the treasure to the Golden Snake's old girlfriend, Yuan begins to seek the woman out - on the way solving the riddle of the Golden Snake, and how he came to his end.


Sep 11, 1992
A beautiful stranger, Yan-Hong (who is one of the Roses), wanders into Inspector Liang's office, takes her gear off, then turns him into a zombie-servant of the Evil God. Policeman Cheng tries to get his wife, who is also an Inspector and his boss, in the mood for sex, but she handcuffs him and walks off. Ah-Kong and his sister, Sao Mui, are out for a stroll. Ah-Kong is also trying to stop his lovely wife Mannie from posing for nude modelling. Yan-Hong is arrested by Cheng and is interrogated, then she reports to her superior, the leather-clad Dai-Jeh ("Big Sister"), who practices her evil laugh and hands out a whipping as punishment. Later, a dozy Taoist priest is called in to exorcise the Beauty and her Evil Roses. The priest fails, but lays the groundwork for the final showdown between good and evil.


Jul 30, 1982
This delightful action comedy came out a full two years before Ghostbusters premiered. Coincidence? You be the judge. Whatever the inspiration, nothing can compare to this amazing showcase of wushu and wizardry as one of the best all-star fighting casts take on spectres, spirits, and phantoms as well as each other.


Jan 19, 1985
In The Master Strikes Back, Hong Kong's Steadicam pioneering director Sun Chung brings back legendary Ti Lung to play famous weapons instructor Tung Tieh-cheng, who is invited to teach a Ching official's soldiers, in this unofficial sequel to The Kung-fu Instructor. But after his son is kidnapped and castrated what follows is a chaotic, human whirlwind of slicing and dicing compliments of the highly touted martial arts director and one of Jackie Chan's kung-fu classmates, Yuan Te.
Ghosts Galore

Ghosts Galore

Feb 06, 1983
Le vétéran Lo Lieh, qui joue à nouveau le rôle d'un prêtre maléfique pratiquant la magie noire, et il libère des fantômes japonais particulièrement méchants dans un paisible village chinois.


Jan 01, 1989
"Chinese Ghost Story" clone, with "Erotic Ghost Story" treatment. Scholar Tsin Fai arrives in a strange village where the beautiful Siu Chui mysteriously arrives in his room and into his bed. Next day, in the street, she treats him as a stranger...


Aug 16, 2024
Drug Prince Michael and Scorpion are seizing the old fellows' turfs, the gangs families tornado spins three nobodies who are trying to survive. You'll never know who's gonna get bit by reality through the alternation of generations?


Feb 04, 1984
A research lab has developed "The Formula", a box that allows living organic material to grow hundreds of times its original size. Criminals invade the lab to steal it, but it's thrown off the side of the road. There it's found by a girl who decides it will be the perfect home for Mosler, the snake she has adopted. Mosler immediately outgrows the box, springing to the ground like a pile of novelty dog poo. Gang members see the girl and her huge snake frolicking outside and put two and two together. Mosler thwarts their first attempt to snatch her, but when they do succeed he goes on a rampage trying to find his friend
Long Road to Gallantry
Du Meng Fei fraîchement sorti de la formation de Kung-Fu, se retrouve pris dans un conflit de 20 ans entre le chef maléfique Thunder Gang Leng Tian Lei et la Dragon Sect. Lei cherche sa fille disparue et va tuer tous ceux qui se mettent en travers de son chemin.


May 14, 1988
Life of Eunuchs and courtesans in the royal hinterland from an expert's point of view. Analyse of the life behind the scenes of the palace and detailed explanation of the life of the Chinese court!
Kua Yue Shi Kong De Xiao Zi
A gang of local hoods are after this diamond and will stop at nothing to get their hands on this prized possession. With bad guys everywhere and danger lurking around the corner, these Kung-Fu kids pul out their bag of martial arts tricks. Flying through the air with kicks and punches, nunchaku, long sticks, swords and other martial arts weaponry, the bad guys don't stand a chance. Kids will love this awesome skateboard riding, pizza eating group of mini-Ninjas!
Les Sept téméraires de la tour de Shaolin
Lors de leur invasion de Taiwan en 1874, les Japonais s'associent à un sinistre Tong pour organiser un tournoi d'arts martiaux dans le but d'extirper et d'assassiner les meilleurs combattants de la résistance de la région, brisant ainsi l'esprit du patriotisme chinois. Deux maîtres de kung-fu locaux prouvent qu'ils sont plus qu'à la hauteur des envahisseurs.


Mar 12, 1987
After her model sister disappears before she can fulfill a contract, a woman teams with two police officers to investigate matters.
Shuang long tu hu

Shuang long tu hu

Mar 09, 1974
A massive gold forture is hidden somewhere in the hills surrounding Hong Kong, and 12 kung fu masters are in pursuit of the loot. Through a series of head-to-head confrontations, the pool of treasure hunters dwindles until there's one left.
Buddha's Palm

Buddha's Palm

Aug 20, 1982
Rejeté par la femme pour laquelle il s'est fait défigurer, Long Jianfei est sauvé du suicide par une étrange créature appartenant à un mystérieux ermite. Ce dernier s'avère être l'un des plus grands artistes martiaux, maîtrisant la redoutable technique de la "Paume de Bouddha". Long Jianfei va alors devenir son élève...
The Lady Is the Boss

The Lady Is the Boss

Mar 31, 1983
L'école du vieux maître Wang Hsieh Yun est menacée de fermeture, mais un télégramme en provenance de son maître exilé aux États-Unis lui annonce sa venue prochaine pour remédier au problème. Seulement, à la surprise générale, c'est sa jeune fille Chan Mei Ling qui est envoyée pour le remplacer, et elle est bien décidée à imposer ses règles et défier l'autorité du vieux maître.


Sep 19, 1974
Ma Tsai-Tung, a vagabond, doesn't have enough money to pay for his meal in a restaurant. He is beaten up but is saved by pretty Shirley and her fiancé Buffalo Hsiung with the help of their friend Ken Chan Lee. Restaurant owner Kao, hears that Ma is still alive, so he decides to finish him off.


May 11, 1979
A group of lovely pearl divers on the Taiwan coast call on the help of an expert martial artist when they start to get exploited by a group of ruthless triads.


Jan 01, 1993
The emperor is taken by a beautiful peasant girl & devises a scheme to officially appoint her as his royal concubine.


Oct 10, 1984
A rampaging swordsman slices and dices his way across China on a bloody mission to cut down every warrior in his way, and claim the blade of the legendary Supreme Swordsman in this Shaw Brothers classic starring Derek Yee and Jason Pai Piao, and directed by Keith Li Baak Ling. But when the son of a slain sword maker emerges as an unexpected challenger, the ruthless killer realizes that he may have finally met his match.
Secret Service of the Imperial Court
Chao Pu-Fun est l’un des membres les plus émérites de la police secrète de l’Empereur pour lequel il capture et assassine. La faiblesse morale du souverain, libidineux et influençable, laisse la voie libre aux ambitions de l’eunuque impérial qui se verrait bien prendre la place de son actuel maître. Pour cela, il n’a de cesse de faire exécuter tous les notables du royaume les uns après les autres, accusés de traîtrise envers l’état. C’est la police secrète qui est chargée de ses basses oeuvres, au grand désarroi de Chao Pu-Fun qui ne tarde pas à se rebeller..


Mar 23, 1978
The film begins with footage of Bruce Lee's funeral. The narrator then says that there is a new actor "who looks quite like him" that will become Lee's successor. His name is Hsao Lung. Later Hsao Lung is filming a movie. On the set, he is approached by a group of gangsters, led by a man named George, who want to control Hsao Lung. Hsao Lung declines, so they go after his girlfriend Alice, forcing her poison Hsao. During sex, the poison takes action and Hsao supposedly dies. Hsao fakes his death and pretends to be a chef so that he can watch over Alice. Alice is kidnapped by the gangsters, so Hsao starts looking for her and goes to a shipyard. There he fights off 4 motorcycle-riding gangsters that are wearing multi-colored tracksuits, one of them being the iconic green and black one from Game of Death. He defeats them and goes to the tower of death.


May 03, 2019
A-Hu, who is born into a small family during an economic crisis. His mother works at recycling with her son A-Hu and his brothers until A-Hu leaves home. Although he has left, he keeps an eye on his mother in order to protect her from a group of people who bully her. During a fight with the bullies, he accidentally kills one and goes to jail. After being released from prison Ahu and his brother join forces with their brother in a gang.


Jan 01, 1970
CHAI Ya-hui returned to Taiwan after getting married in Japan. Since her husband committed suicide, she lived alone with her daughter Xiao-xiao. They were chased by gangsters. One day, Xiao-xiao and her classmate Ya-hoo were kidnapped, Ya-hui asked the police for help but was troubled, so she decided to save her daughter herself. The kidnappers use high-tech methods to torture her and Xiao-xiao, and unravel mysteries related to past dismemberments, organ trafficking, and historical trauma. As clues are intertwined, Ya-hui discovers the key to solving the case, and finally reveals the truth behind the obsession and trauma, and brings an unexpected ending.


May 10, 1991
Cop & robber story with a twist. A cop is trying to nail a bad guy (played by Dick Wei). This pisses the bad guy enough that he goes to the cop's house and kills both his wife and his daughter. When the cop gets there, he catches Dick Wei on his way out and ends up cornering him. Dick, who doesn't want to give the cop the satisfaction, jumps to his death. But the cop follows him into hell to make him pay.
Senior entertainment journalist Liu Chih Chun's career is thrown into turmoil when her junior colleague, Lin Pei Ting, dies under mysterious circumstances at a scandalous party. As the magazine's reputation hangs in the balance, Chih Chun embarks on a dangerous investigation to uncover the truth. With only Lin's cryptic notes to guide her, she ventures into the hidden shadows of the entertainment industry, determined to reveal a story far bigger than anyone imagined.