Vladimir Kadochnikov

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Le Soleil blanc du désert
Le cadre est la rive est de la mer Caspienne (Turkménistan d'aujourd'hui) où l'Armée rouge soldat Fyodor Sukhov a combattu la guerre civile en Asie russe depuis plusieurs années. Après avoir été hospitalisé puis démobilisé, il part à la maison pour rejoindre sa femme, pour être pris dans un combat de désert entre une unité de cavalerie Armée rouge et la guérilla Basmachi. Le commandant de l'unité de cavalerie, Rahimov, « persuade » Sukhov d'aider, de façon temporaire, à la protection des femmes abandonnées du harem du chef de la guérilla Basmachi Abdullah. Donner une jeune Armée rouge soldat, Petrukha, pour aider Sukhov à la tâche, Rahimov et son unité de cavalerie cherchera à poursuivre fuyant Abdullah.Sukhov et les femmes de retour de sérail d'Abdullah dans une ville de la côte à proximité. Bientôt, la recherche d'une voie maritime à travers la frontière, Abdullah et sa bande viennent de la même ville ...
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Summer, 1944. A military airbase near the very front-line. A young soviet pilot Sergey makes his first practice flight. In the course of this flight he hears a call for help on the radio from Russian pilots, having an unequal air combat with superior forces of the enemy. Sergey rushes to their rescue. His plane gets shut down, and he is taken prisoner. Soon he is taken to a special flight school, where future German aces are prepared and Russian pilots at the wheel of captured Russian aircrafts are used as living targets. Nobody wants to put up with such situation, and they prepare an escape.
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Sep 18, 1960
A group of young people comes to a Siberian construction site. They form a brigade, one of their tasks being cutting of a track for a power line. Different reasons made these people go to taiga and become pathfinders. One of them, a former taxi-driver Leonid (A.Kuznetsov) went to earn lots of money, Rimma (A.Zavialova) from the undivided love, the yesterdays schoolboy Constantine to find romantic appeal and adventures, and Vladimir (N.Dovzhenko) attempting to escape his shadowy past. Far away from the city fuss, in severe labor conditions and unsettled way of life, relations of these absolutely unknown to each other people gradually resume the normal course. Here many of them experience revaluation of values, others even find their love.