Владислав Стржельчик

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Mar 19, 1988
In one of the developing countries, local and Soviet geologists discovered a tantalum ore deposit. Having learned about this, the CIA now intends to draw the country into the American sphere of influence: to incite discontent among religious communities, organize student unrest and provoke a severance of diplomatic ties with the USSR...
Guerre et Paix

Guerre et Paix

Apr 28, 1968
1805 - Les hostilités entre la France d'un côté, l'Autriche et la Russie sont déclenchées, mais pour l'aristocratie, dans les grandes villes et à la cour, la vie continue avec ses mondanités et ses petits scandales. Le prince André Bolkonski rêve de gloire et s'engage dans l'armée du Tsar. Il est gravement blessé à la bataille d'Austerlitz... 1812 - La grande armée de Napoléon Bonaparte envahit la Russie. La bataille de la Moskova est un carnage épique. Moscou est incendié. La retraite en hiver soumise aux attaques des Cosaques est un calvaire. Après la version de King Vidor, la campagne de Russie de Napoléon vue par les Russes. Oscar du meilleur film étranger.
Guerre et Paix, Partie I: Andrei Bolkonsky
Premier film d’une adaptation en quatre parties du roman de 1869 de Léon Tolstoï. À Saint-Pétersbourg en 1805, Pierre Bezukhov, fils illégitime d'un riche noble, est présenté à la haute société. Son ami, le prince Andrei Bolkonsky, rejoint l’armée impériale russe en tant qu’aide de camp du général Mikhail Kutuzov lors de la troisième coalition contre Napoléon.
Guerre et Paix, Partie III: l'Année 1812
En 1812, l'armée de Napoléon envahit la Russie. Kutuzov demande à Bolkonsky de le rejoindre en tant qu'officier d'état-major, mais le prince demande un commandement sur le terrain. Pierre se prépare à assister à la prochaine confrontation entre les armées. Pendant la bataille de Borodino, il se porte volontaire pour s’enrôler dans l'artillerie. L'unité de Bolkonsky est en réserve, mais il est touché par un obus. Anatol et Bolkosnky souffrent tous deux de blessures graves. L'armée française est victorieuse et avance sur Moscou.
Guerre et Paix, Partie IV: Pierre Bezukhov
Alors que Moscou est incendiée par les Russes en retraite, les Rostov fuient leur domaine en emmenant avec eux des soldats blessés, et à leur insu, Andrei. Pierre, habillé en paysan, tente d'assassiner Napoléon mais est fait prisonnier. Alors que les Français sont obligés de battre en retraite, il doit marcher pendant des mois avec la Grande Armée jusqu'à sa libération par un groupe de maraudeurs. Les Français sont vaincus par Kutuzov lors de la bataille de Krasnoi. Andrei est reconnu et est ramené à son domaine. Il pardonne à Natasha sur son lit de mort. Elle retrouve Pierre et ils se marient pendant la reconstruction de Moscou.
La couronne de l'empire russe
Les vengeurs insaisissables, un groupe de jeunes partisans rouges, dont Valerka, un ancien écolier, Yashka, un gitan qui se soucie peut-être du diable, et deux frères et sœurs orphelins, Danka et sa sœur Ksanka, deviennent des agents de la Tcheka après avoir volé avec succès la carte dans The New Aventures des vengeurs insaisissables.
Блокада: Пулковский меридиан
Autumn 1941. German tank troops are making another attempt to break through to the Uritsk and Pulkovo Heights. During heavy fighting, Soviet troops managed to stop the offensive of fascist tanks one and a half kilometers south of the Pulkovo Observatory. The 900 days of the blockade and the incredible courage of the Soviet people were approaching ...
L'Etoile d'un merveilleux bonheur
En Décembre 1825, un régiment d’élite de l’armée russe doit prêter serment au nouveau tsar Nicolas 1er. Mais de jeunes officiers ne supportent plus l'anachronisme du servage et préparent un coup d'État pour mettre en place une monarchie constitutionnelle. La sédition est écrasée et les organisateurs exécutés ou envoyés en Sibérie. Certaines épouses des officiers condamnés n’hésitent pas à aller les rejoindre en exil. Le film rend hommage à ces femmes.
Майор «Вихрь»
The Nazis planted explosives to blow up the cities of Krakow and Prague, but the underground resistance in Poland works with the Russians to stop the disaster.


Aug 31, 1970
The film is dedicated to the great Russian composer Pyotr Tchaikovsky (1840-1893). It tells of the last twenty years of the great master’s life, of his friendship with Baroness von Meck, an outstanding woman of her time, who for many years was Tchaikovsky’s guardian angel. The film also includes retrospections of the composer’s childhood and adolescent years, with Tchaikovsky’s life poetically recounted against the background of fragments from his operas and ballets performed by the best Russian musicians.


Feb 02, 1978
Une comédie romantique classique qui se déroule à Tbilissi, en Géorgie, au début du XXe siècle.
Guerre et Paix, Partie II: Natasha Rostova
À la fin de 1809, Natasha assiste à son premier bal. Andrei tombe amoureux d'elle et a l'intention de l'épouser, mais son père exige qu'ils attendent. Le prince voyage à l'étranger et Natasha le désire désespérément. Mais elle rencontre ensuite Anatol Kuragin et oublie Andrei. À la dernière minute, elle regrette et abandonne son projet de fuir avec Anatol. Bolkonsky en a entendu parler et déclare que leurs fiançailles sont terminées. Pierre, essayant de la calmer, annonce soudainement qu'il l'aime.
Остров сокровищ
Young Jim Hawkins is caught up with the pirate Long John Silver in search of the buried treasure of the buccaneer Captain Flint, in this adaptation of the classic novel by Robert Louis Stevenson.
Россия молодая
The film is set in the era of Peter I The Great, on the Russian North. The plot revolves around the fate of three people: Captain-Commander Sylvester Ievlev, customs army lieutenant Athanasius Krykov vaster and-White Sea Ivan Ryabov. Ivan Ryabov - a real historical character. In 1701, during the defense of Arkhangelsk from the Swedish military squadron of Charles XII, accomplished the feat as a vaster under the guise of traitors planted swedish flagship aground under fire from shore batteries.
Отец Сергий

Отец Сергий

Sep 05, 1978
A film adaptation of the novel of the same name by Leo Tolstoy. The main character of the film is Prince Stepan Kasatsky, an officer, an ardent, proud young man — a big fan of the tsar. Kasatsky is going to marry, but at the last moment he learns from the bride that she was the mistress of the emperor. The prince is deeply disappointed in social life, he takes a monastic vow and leaves the capital. Faith in God was to save the soul, but passions and worldly temptations don't leave Kasatsky.
Гардемарины, вперед!
Three naval cadets accidentally get possession of a secret diary that was stolen from Bestuzhev, a vice-chancellor of Russia. If this diary ever gets abroad, the consequences for the country would be grave. The cadets are trying to return the papers to their owner, but there are others who want to get the papers...
Dny zrady

Dny zrady

Apr 27, 1973
This feature film based on the events of 1938 is a chronicle of the futile efforts of the Czechoslovak president Edvard Benes (Jirí Pleskot), politicians and ordinary citizens, to save the independence and the territorial integrity of the state from the advance of Hitler's Germany. On the 29th of March 1938 the leader of the Sudeten Germans Henlein (Werner Ehrlicher) has a meeting with Hitler (Gunnar Möller). Hitler orders him to intensify pressure on the Czechoslovak government. On the 24th of April in Carlsbad, the Sudetendeutsche Partei (Sudeten German Party) decides upon eight demands that are unacceptable to the Czechoslovak President, since they would ultimately lead to the break-up of the Republic. Benes still shows a certain willingness to negotiate, and Henlein resents this. The Germans are determined to make further negotiations impossible through incidents and violence.
Front in the rear of the Enemy
Le détachement de Mlynsky est chargé de favoriser l’unification internationale des Polonais, des Tchèques et des Slovaques afin de capturer avec eux un terrain d’entraînement où ils testent une arme fasciste secrète.
Полковник Шабер
Colonel Chabert, who miraculously survived the battle, returns to his homeland after several years of wandering, but everyone has long considered him dead. It seems very problematic to prove the opposite - the wife got married again and sharing her fortune is not part of her plans...
31-й отдел

31-й отдел

Jan 03, 1972
The Commissioner of Police has been tasked with conducting an investigation into the threat of a terrorist attack in the building of the press concern. During the investigation, he learns about the existence of the 31st department, created by the management of the concern with the aim of eliminating the opposition press.


May 22, 1978
Based on the comedy of the same name by Nikolai Gogol. Succumbing to the persuasion of his friend Kochkaryov, a middle-aged court adviser Podkolyosin wooed to the overripe girl Agafya Tikhonovna, a merchant's daughter. At the very last moment, having gone through a painful period of matchmaking, and bringing the matter to a wedding, indecisive grief — the groom escapes from under the crown, jumping into the window...
Osvobození Prahy

Osvobození Prahy

May 06, 1977
On 20th of April 1945 the Soviet army launches its attack on Berlin. The end has come for Nazi Germany and Hitler decides to commit suicide. In Prague K.H. Frank (Nazi Secretary of State and Chief of police in the Protectorate of Bohemia a Moravia) discusses with his commanders how to transform the city into an impregnable fortress, but the Praguers do not intend to wait any longer. From the early hours of 4th of May people start assembling in the streets and tearing down German signs. On the next day, the 5th of May, the uprising begins.


Jul 24, 1982
Christiane de Ravenel and her husband, William Andermath were attracted by the owners of spa resort at Mont-Oriol by offering luxurious amenities and promising health benefits. However, the plans face numerous challenges, including financial difficulties and personal conflicts.


Dec 12, 1964
Poetic treatment of the early life of Ukrainian poet and painter Taras Shevchenko. A biopic made on the occasion of his 150th anniversary. It dwells on the first part of the Shevchenko's life leading up to the writing of his rebellious poem "A Dream" (A comedy). The film features the first appearance on the silver screen of the iconic Ukrainian actor Ivan Mykolaichuk (as Taras Shevchenko).
Время желаний
Svetlana Vasilievna is a young, energetic woman who often changes jobs, accustomed to achieving the goals that she has set for herself in life. Her next desire is to marry a "creative, intelligent" person. After a lengthy search, she chose an elderly, but well-mannered, intelligent official Vladimir Dmitrievich Lobanov. Svetlana believes that with the help of connections and sober calculation, you can achieve everything: well-being, respectability, even personal happiness. She does not notice that the fulfillment of her desires does not at all make the person close to her happy. The payback turns out to be unexpected and terrible.
Рядом с нами
The engineer and the reporter arrived at one of the plants of the Altai. They have just completed the institutions and are confident that the future is in their hands. At the plant, all relations are formed around the dubious glory of the Turner Milovidov. A fresh look, self-confidence and each other help friends to expose the "record holder".
Два голоса

Два голоса

Dec 01, 1982
Fragments of all three short stories retrospectively pass before our eyes. The most difficult thing is not to lose the person who came into your life. Everything can be returned, except the people we lost. Preserving a person is the greatest of arts.
Kak vas teper nazyvat ?
Un film sur le sort de l'officier des renseignements russe. Après l'explosion du parc de stockage de Polozke, la panique a commencé. Quelqu'un a profité de la confusion pour lire les documents secrets du général von Rogge. Le SS General Gottburg a déployé beaucoup d'efforts avant de se cacher sous le couvert d'un chef de restaurant belge.
Libération 1 : L'arc de feu
Lorsque l’armée soviétique apprend l’offensive imminente des Allemands à Koursk, elle décide de lancer une opération spéciale afin de retarder l’avancée ennemie. La bataille de Koursk marque la première défaite des Allemands pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
Конец атамана
A Kazakh spy thriller: In 1921, at the height of the civil war, a Soviet officer is assigned to kill the ataman Dutov, a White collaborator. In order to get close to the ataman he infiltrates his gang.


Apr 10, 1942
À la veille de la guerre en Finlande, une jeune télégraphiste rencontre un chauffeur de taxi. Ils se retrouvent au front, où elle s'est engagée comme infirmière.
Третья молодость
Paris, the middle of the XIX century. Young Marius Petipa is going on a long journey to St. Petersburg, where he is invited to become the first dancer. He doesn't know that his life will develop both happily and dramatically, and his work will be the glory and pride of Russian ballet.
Мой папа - идеалист
An elderly man - a naive, impractical artist of the musical comedy theater - writes an operetta about goodness. His son is a resuscitation doctor, very businesslike and practical, and teases him all the time. The marriage of Petrov Sr. to the young ballerina Alena also did not add harmony to their relationship. But one day, father and son suddenly realize how necessary they are to each other... When the young stepmother begins to be in danger during childbirth, the son stops being sarcastic and fulfills his human and filial duty.
Он был не один
The action takes place in the North of Scandinavia, where Hitler's Germany tried to keep its last frontier. Here by the will of circumstances gets pilot-Navigator uzbek Akbar Ibrahimov, whose plane was shot down in battle, and joins the ranks of the Resistance. Soon he managed to get an officer on a German submarine, and later report on the secret bases of the enemy.
Моя судьба

Моя судьба

May 02, 1974
Mikhail Nikolaevich Ermakov has come a long and difficult life path. At the age of nineteen, the student, the son of a worker, was sent on a Komsomol ticket to work in the Cheka. In one of the operations he was seriously wounded. And now, many years later, General Ermakov comes to Moscow and settles in the house where he spent his youth...
Приваловские миллионы
A young heir of a big fortune Sergey Privalov is coming back to his native town after a long absence. Having visited his owned plants, he breaks out with the idea to rebuild the industrial processes, improve the life of workers, and build schools and hospitals. Though, his interests collide with the interests of local big wigs, to whom the existing situation suits perfectly
Libération 3 : Opération Bagration
Staline informe ses alliés qu’une offensive soviétique serait lancée peu après le débarquement en Normandie. L’Opération Bagration est la plus grande attaque menée par l’Armée soviétique à l’automne 1944. Son but est de libérer la Biélorussie et d’ouvrir la route vers Berlin.
Libération 2 : La percée
Après l’invasion de la Sicile par les Alliés, Mussolini est arrêté sur les ordres du Roi Victor Emmanuel III d’Italie. À Varsovie, la résistance polonaise bombarde un cinéma allemand. L’armée rouge atteint dans le même temps le fleuve Dniepr.
Biały mazur

Biały mazur

Feb 19, 1979
A film about the life and activities of the Polish revolutionary Ludwik Waryński. In his memoirs, Ludwik returns to his student years in St. Petersburg, to Warsaw, to Krakow, where he was arrested and put on trial. After the end of the process in Krakow, Waryński leaves for Geneva, where he meets with Russian revolutionaries. In 1881, he returned to his homeland and created the first party of workers in Poland...
Блокада: Лужский рубеж
In June 1941, the Extraordinary Defense Headquarters of Leningrad, under the leadership of Zhdanov and Voroshilov, decided to build the Luga defensive line. Heavy fighting west of Pskov forced units of the front to withdraw, and on July 9, Pskov was also abandoned. The battles in the Luga direction held back the enemy. The first attacks of the Germans, intending to cross the Luga line on the move, were repulsed with heavy losses for them.
Достигаев и другие
July-December 1917, the country is undergoing a revolution. "The pillars of society" are alarmed by the looming on them menacing events. Some of them are ready to fight with the revolution, others — among them industrialist Vasily Dostigaev trying to "adapt»


Apr 01, 1984
A railway engineer tells the story of when he seduced a married woman whom he'd known since she was a schoolgirl, and how after convincing her he loved her he cruelly abandoned her.
Всегда со мною...
The famous scientist, academician and art critic Andrei Ilyin, who survived with the Hermitage staff the harsh trials of the Leningrad blockade, returned to his hometown after many years. The whole life of Ilyin is connected with Leningrad. A life that in the distant years of World War II would have seemed to have no future, but which, despite the unbearable horror of hunger and devastation, continued only in the name of the future ...
Европейская история
Two candidates are vying for the post of mayor of one of the major Western European cities - the Social Democrat Dr. Hayden and the "free nationalist" Alden. On the eve of the election, an independent journalist receives documents confirming Alden's connection with the secret services. He becomes the object of blackmail, but does not change his intentions to expose Alden.
Факты минувшего дня
The action takes place in the early 1980s, in the Arctic, at a mining plant. The long-overdue issue of radical restructuring of production has caused heated debate between the opposing parties. How to ensure the safe work of miners and not reduce labor productivity? There is a conflict between the director and the chief engineer of the enterprise...


Dec 31, 1984
The action takes place in the 18th century in Lima. The wandering artists Pericola and Piquillo perform in the town square. They love each other, but cannot get married - the poor artists do not have the means for this. Meanwhile, the Viceroy of Peru, Don Andreas-Ribeira, likening to Harun Al-Rashid, dresses up as a commoner and goes out into the city to find out what his subjects say about him. He falls in love with Pericola at first sight. But the fact that she is not married prevents the Pericole from appearing at the royal court.
Балтийское небо
Based on the novel of the same name by Nikolai Chukovsky. The end of August 1941. At night, a truck rushes along the last road not yet occupied by the enemy to Leningrad. In the back of two — civil aviation pilot Lunin and commissar of the air division Uvarov. Lunin, a man no longer young, experienced, but had not yet been in battle, was sent to the legendary squadron of fighter pilots under the command of Captain Rassokhin. This squadron fought from the first day of the war and has already lost most of its composition. The story of the harsh everyday life of the defenders of Leningrad, full of heroism and tragedy; about the heavy share of city residents who fell into the ring of an enemy blockade. In the center of the story is the fate of military pilots who had to fight in the sky over Leningrad and the Baltic.
Наши знакомые
After the death of her father, Antonina Staroselskaya has difficulty finding work. A dull life is the cause of illness. A merchant seaman takes care of the sick Tona. After the marriage, he is arrested for smuggling, and the care of Tonya is transferred to a neighbor, who beats her from time to time. A chance meeting with the builders of a residential area awakens the desire to be closer to people, to become needed by someone - and Tonya comes to the construction site...
Перед бурей

Перед бурей

Jul 01, 1969
The film takes place between two revolutions - 1905 and 1917. There is no agreement in the family of the Kolomiytsev brothers, bankrupt nobles. The elder brother Yakov is mortally ill. The youngest, Ivan, a gendarme colonel, is completely confused and does not know how to get out of the situation created in the family.
Война и мир

Война и мир

Nov 04, 1967
An epic adaptation of the novel by Leo Tolstoy. The love story of young Countess Natasha Rostova and Count Pierre Bezukhov is interwoven with the Great Patriotic War of 1812 against Napoleon's invading army.
Гардемарины, вперёд!
Three naval cadets accidentally get possession of a secret diary that was stolen from Bestuzhev, a vice-chancellor of Russia. If this diary ever gets abroad, the consequences for the country would be grave. The cadets are trying to return the papers to their owner, but there are others who want to get the papers...
Action & Adventure