Betti Pedrazzi

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Mar 30, 2023
Marta and her daughter Nina move to Malanotte, a small mountain village. The little girl has been suffering from hypnagogic paralysis for some time, a sleep disorder which can lead to hallucinatory states, and Marta thought that a bit of mountain air and distance from the frenetic rhythm of city life might benefit the little girl. However, the house they move into is anything but welcoming, and children are never seen playing in the streets of Malanotte. Nina’s symptoms begin to worsen from the very first night in the new house, and the little girl has more and more vivid nightmares in which a ghostly figure sits on her chest, immobilises her and steals her breath. For Marta, a single mother in a place she finds increasingly sinister, it will become harder every day to know what is best for her child.
Benvenuti in casa Esposito
Tonino Esposito is the son of the fearsome Camorra boss of Rione Sanità, Naples. Unlike him, however, Tonino is clumsy and utterly innocuous—a decent person at heart—and so when his father dies he's passed over in matters of succession. His pride wounded, he doesn't resign himself and tries to be his own boss, only managing to make a fool of himself. When he finds out that his daughter is dating to the son of the judge prosecuting the new boss, Tonino sees the opportunity to prove himself in front of his family and all of Naples.
Sabato, domenica e lunedì
Although this sounds like a weekend like many others, in the Prior house the atmosphere is rather tense because of some nervousness on the part of individual members of the family, especially the father, Peppino, who gets angry with anyone who happens to shoot: with their children, Juliana and Roberto, and his sister, aunt Meme. Meanwhile, his wife Rosa is dedicated to the preparation of the sauce, which she will serve for Sunday's lunch, to which she invited the neighbors, the accountant Ianniello and his wife.
Lettres siciliennes

Lettres siciliennes

Oct 10, 2024
Sicile, au début des années 2000. Après plusieurs années de prison pour collusion avec la mafia, Catello, homme politique aguerri, a tout perdu. Lorsque les services secrets italiens sollicitent son aide pour capturer son filleul Matteo, le dernier chef mafieux en cavale, Catello saisit l'occasion pour se remettre en selle. Homme rusé aux cent masques, illusionniste infatigable qui transforme la vérité en mensonge et le mensonge en vérité, Catello entame une correspondance improbable et singulière avec le fugitif, cherchant à profiter de son vide affectif. Un pari qui, avec l'un des criminels les plus recherchés au monde, comporte un certain risque... Librement inspiré de faits réels .Les personnages du film sont cependant le fruit de l'imagination des auteurs. La réalité est un point de départ, pas une destination.
Il più bel secolo della mia vita
An absurd law prevents John, an unrecognized child at birth, from knowing the identity of his biological parents before his 100th birthday. To succeed in attracting public opinion, his only hope is to obtain the complicity of Gustavo, the only unrecognized-at-birth centenarian alive. The only one who would have the right to avail himself of this legislation but seems to have no interest in doing so. The Most Beautiful Century of My Life tells of the meeting between a centenarian projected into the future and a young man anchored in the past and of their unexpected friendship.


Mar 20, 2024
Cecilia, une jeune femme de foi américaine, est chaleureusement accueillie dans un illustre couvent isolé de la campagne italienne, où elle se voit offrir un nouveau rôle. L'accueil est chaleureux, mais Cecilia comprend rapidement que sa nouvelle demeure abrite un sinistre secret et que des choses terribles s'y produisent.
Simple Women

Simple Women

Sep 06, 2019
An epileptic director trying to make a film about the life of famed Romanian actor Elina Löwensohn discovers that her real-life subject bears little resemblance to the star she idolized.
18 cadeaux

18 cadeaux

Jan 02, 2020
Une femme enceinte en phase terminale d'un cancer laisse à sa fille à naître 18 petits cadeaux qu'elle recevra à chaque anniversaire avant d'atteindre l'âge adulte.


Jan 23, 2020
Sara and Nicola are married and in love. Their lives seem to be perfect: they have an angelic six-year-old daughter, thriving careers and a stable marriage. The birth of their second child, which disrupts the family balance, leads to tragicomic scenarios.
Intérieur d'un Couvent
Des femmes sont enfermées contre leur gré dans un couvent du XIXe siècle, dirigé de main de fer par le prêtre confesseur. Cloîtrées, les recluses supportent mal l'abstinence qui leur est imposée par la mère supérieure. Elles s'abandonnent entre elles au libertinage pour fuir cette autorité.
La Main de Dieu

La Main de Dieu

Nov 24, 2021
Naples dans les années 80. Fabietto Schisa, adolescent mal dans sa peau, vit avec sa famille excentrique et haute en couleurs. Mais son quotidien est soudain bouleversé lorsque Diego Maradona, légende planétaire du football, débarque à Naples et le sauve miraculeusement d’un terrible accident. Cette rencontre inattendue avec la star du ballon rond sera déterminante pour l’avenir du jeune homme. Avec La Main de Dieu, Sorrentino revient dans sa ville natale pour réaliser son film le plus personnel, qui mêle le destin et la famille, le sport et le cinéma, l’amour et les illusions perdues.
Salvo D'Acquisto

Salvo D'Acquisto

Dec 03, 1974
In 1943 Italy is crumbling. Salvo D'Acquisto, a Carabinieri officer is trying to maintain law and order. One tragic incident will unravel a chain of events leading to him having to stand between the Germans and people he swore to protect.
Linda veut du poulet !
Linda est injustement punie par sa mère, Paulette, qui ferait tout pour se faire pardonner. Même un poulet aux poivrons, elle qui ne sait pas cuisiner. Ce poulet que son père avait fait ce jour-là... Mais c'est la grève. C'est partout la grève ! partout la grève !