Franco Beltramme

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La Cage aux folles II

La Cage aux folles II

Dec 10, 1980
À Saint-Tropez, Renato dirige le cabaret « La Cage aux folles ». Son compagnon travesti Albin, plus connu sous son nom de scène « Zaza », est la vedette du spectacle. Mais Renato pense qu'il est désormais trop vieux pour le rôle. Zaza compte lui prouver le contraire en draguant des inconnus à la terrasse d'un café. C'est le début des ennuis lorsqu'il tombe sur un espion qui lui confie un microfilm avant de mourir assassiné... Afin d'échapper aux tueur qui le poursuivent désormais, Zaza part avec Renato dans son village natal d'Italie.
Mister Scarface

Mister Scarface

Dec 03, 1976
Ric souhaite venger la mort de son père qui a été tué par Manzani. Ce dernier dirige de nombreuses activités illégales au sein de la ville. Pour réussir sa vengeance, il s'associe avec Tony, un malfrat travaillant pour un autre parrain de la ville, Luigi Cerchio. Ensemble, ils tentent de déclencher une guerre entre les deux chefs mafieux.
Milan Calibre 9

Milan Calibre 9

Feb 15, 1972
A sa sortie de prison, un gangster est surveille a la fois par la police et par son ancien patron, qui le suspecte d'avoir détourné de l'argent.
Occhi dalle stelle

Occhi dalle stelle

Feb 21, 1978
Alors que Peter, un jeune photographe de mode est en train de faire des photos dans un sous-bois, des événements étranges se produisent et Karin, la jeune cover-girl, prise de panique, s'enfuit en emportant l'appareil photo. Une atmosphère terriblement angoissante étreint le jeune homme qui essaie de se sauver. Mais sans motif explicable, sa voiture refuse de démarrer, son transistor s'éteint, et c'est complètement paniqué qu'il se précipite dans une maison voisine occupée par un vieux monsieur et son chien
Science Fiction
Delitto al ristorante cinese
The officer Nico Giraldi investigates a homicide which has taken place in a Chinese restaurant in Rome. His wife and his son are kidnappeded by the murderer in the course of the inquiry. In the end the case is worked out.
Deux fois traitre

Deux fois traitre

Aug 30, 1968
Luke Barrett, qui a perdu la mémoire à la suite d'un accident, ne se rend pas compte que Dingus a tué sa femme et son frère pour s'emparer des terres et de l'argent des Barrett. Luke lui fait d'abord confiance, mais en recherchant son identité oubliée, il découvre la vérité.
La rivolta dei barbari
A roman consul is sent to Gaul to investigate the theft of gold shipments. He discovers that the gold is being stolen by a tribe of barbarians--whose leader is the governor of Gaul.
Il tesoro della foresta pietrificata
The god Wotan gives the young Prince Sigmund of Valhalla and his sister Brunhilde, the leader of the Valkyries, the task of defending the Petrified Forest. This is threatened by the Vikings (led by the aggressive Hunding), who plans an invasion of the forest in search of the secret treasure of the Nibelung, the possession of which gives one unlimited power. After crossing the border and invading Valhalla, Hunding finds an ally in the daughter of one of Sigmund's loyal followers, Erika, who is embittered by unrequited love. She helps the Vikings raid the camp of the Valhalla residents and kill many warriors. Sigmund swears vengeance and pursues them with the remaining men. However, thanks to other traitors in Sigmund's ranks, Hunding succeeds in capturing him and his fiancée Siglinde, Erika's sister. At the end, Sigmund escapes and, with the help of the Valkiries, succeeds in stopping the invaders and defeating Hunding in a duel.
Un poliziotto scomodo

Un poliziotto scomodo

Dec 23, 1978
Une série de meurtres oriente le commissaire Olmi sur la piste d’un trafic de diamants. Dans un climat de corruption généralisée, sa volonté d’incriminer un haut fonctionnaire des douanes, Degan, est soumise à rude épreuve. Ses méthodes brutales lui font cependant commettre l’irréparable et cette bavure achève de discréditer son enquête. Muté dans une bourgade d’apparence paisible, il est de nouveau confronté à la pègre locale.
Diamanti sporchi di sangue
A man is arrested and condemned to five years in jail for robbery. After serving his term, he is out for revenge on the gang members he considers were to blame for his arrest. The prize for this deadly fight is a large cache of diamonds.
La peur règne sur la ville
"Mitraillette" véritable fauve à la gâchette facile, s'évade de la prison de Rome avec sa bande et un ancien cheminot inoffensif qui avait tué sa femme pour lui épargner d'atroces souffrances. Les vengeances mûries par les bandits pendant leurs années de détention sont immédiates, terribles, impitoyables, la police est dépassée...
Il testimone deve tacere
De Luca is killed by Marchetti's chauffeur. Marchetti ordered the murder because he was to be accused by De Luca. The two have a car accident while going home to get an alibi. There is a witness, Sironi, who calls the police. But when the police arrive the car has gone and so have the two men. Inspector Santi and young judge Novelli look into the strange case. Marchetti, however, is a powerful man and Sironi and his family begin to be obsessed first by threats then by assaults.
Razza violenta

Razza violenta

Feb 24, 1984
A military group led by Henry Silva and Woody Strode are bound by their honor, to execute their orders to kill as many enemies as possible.
Ursula l'anti-gang

Ursula l'anti-gang

Jan 18, 1975
A Naples, a sa descente d'avion, Ursula, hôtesse de l'air, reçoit une lettre à remettre à un patron de la pègre locale, un dénommé Silvera. Tous les clans de la mafia sont en émoi car cette lettre contient un arrêt de mort signé d'un mystérieux américain. Ursula va être entraînée dans une série d'aventures mouvementées, où l'aide de Manuel, son "amant-boxeur" lui sera fort précieuse.
Le notti della violenza
Carla Pratesi, a prostitute, is killed. Her death is followed by a number of attempted murders. Carla's sister undertakes her own investigation. Police enquiries uncover a drugs trade connected to a call-girls organization but the murderer remains at large. Finally, a witness identifies the killer as a well-known actor. However, he has a strong alibi (he was shooting a film). The following night, a girl who manages to escape from the maniac's clutches swears he is a different famous actor but he turns out to have a strong alibi too! Eventually the police set a trap in the park and, with the help of Carla, kill the madman. It emerges he had been disfigured by the atomic blast at Hiroshima and went crazy because his disformed features revolted women and but them off having sex with him. He created masks reproducing the features of handsome actors just to approach prostitutes!
L'Année de Plomb

L'Année de Plomb

Sep 10, 1991
Rome, 1978, David Raybourne, journaliste américain, prépare un roman sur les Brigades rouges. Alison King, une jeune photographe, lui propose sa collaboration. David refuse mais tombe néanmoins sous le charme de la belle jeune femme...
The Messenger

The Messenger

Dec 01, 1986
When his girlfriend dies of a drug overdose, a former Green Beret decides to take vengeance on the drug gangs responsible for her death.
The Broken Key

The Broken Key

Nov 16, 2017
In a near future, due to the effects of an uncompromising law on the eco-sustainability of supports, paper has become a rare item, a luxury possession, controlled by the "Big Z": Zimurgh Corporation.
Science Fiction
Il ragazzo del Pony Express
A youth who has recently graduated can't find a job. One day he unintentionally snatches a bag from a girl and buys a motorbike with the "proceeds" of the theft. Then he begins to work as a mail express courier. At first the girl denounces him then falls in love with him.


Mar 22, 1989
The life of St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226) as related by followers who gather after his death to tell stories so that Leone can record them: a privileged and virile youth, a prisoner of war, an heir who turns away from his father and gives all to the poor, a beggar for others, and an inspiration to friends who accept the Gospels' life of poverty.
L'Année de Plomb

L'Année de Plomb

Sep 10, 1991
The life of St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226) as related by followers who gather after his death to tell stories so that Leone can record them: a privileged and virile youth, a prisoner of war, an heir who turns away from his father and gives all to the poor, a beggar for others, and an inspiration to friends who accept the Gospels' life of poverty.
Un poliziotto scomodo

Un poliziotto scomodo

Dec 23, 1978
The life of St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226) as related by followers who gather after his death to tell stories so that Leone can record them: a privileged and virile youth, a prisoner of war, an heir who turns away from his father and gives all to the poor, a beggar for others, and an inspiration to friends who accept the Gospels' life of poverty.
Le retour du Saint

Le retour du Saint

Mar 11, 1979
L'acteur Ian Ogilvy reprend le rôle de Simon Templar tenu naguère par Roger Moore dans ses nouvelles aventures du Saint, un véritable justicier des temps modernes.
Action & Adventure