Sitare Akbaş

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Zübeyde, Analar ve Oğullar
Zübeyde, Mothers and Sons, tells the life of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's mother, Zübeyde Hanim, which begins in Thessaloniki, in the last periods of the Ottoman Empire, and reflects the period until the declaration of the Republic.


May 02, 2014
The dream of becoming a professional footballer Necip 1.struggling to get into the league they last is carried to a playoff game. In a tough match at the end of the intervention, his entire body is paralyzed. In the hospital, intensive care and treatment at home after what happened on the first day and the lens of the lives of people around them will keep necip.
Ben Bir Denizim

Ben Bir Denizim

Sep 19, 2020
Deniz (Sea), is a 20 year old boy who makes a living by gathering discarded cardboards for his father's recycling business. He returns to the warehouse empty handed every time unlike the Syrian refugees and gets scolded by his father. One day he enters a construction site, in order to collect more cardboard. There he meets Nisan (April), a young girl who will change the course of his life. He urgently needs to find some money in order to be with her. Once his dad refuses to help, he would have to figure out an alternative solution.


Dec 01, 2021
Short film directed by Akin Gungor. Rüya has come to England to study from Turkey and resides in the flat her uncle has allocated for her. She disappeared without a trace a year ago. After his uncle Rüya's disappearance, he tried every way to find her but failed. Rüya's mother, Sevgi, comes to England from Turkey to find her daughter and participates in a TV show. Just at this time, a meteorite falls in the Cambridge region and there is a fluctuation in internet frequencies. On the other hand, Rüya met Özgür from a social media application.
Mutlu Son

Mutlu Son

Dec 27, 2014
"The world is a piece of land surrounded by stories, sorrow is vertical to the bliss, and love is parallel to the human. Billions of humans–us–are essentially the thousands of scenes of a film."
Sen Çal Kapimi

Sen Çal Kapimi

Sep 08, 2021
Eda lie tous ses espoirs à son éducation et affronte Serkan Bolat qui lui a retiré sa bourse et la laisse sans diplôme universitaire. Il propose alors à Eda de lui rendre sa bourse si elle prétend être sa fiancée pendant deux mois.
Kızıl Goncalar

Kızıl Goncalar

Mar 03, 2025
It is about the intersecting fates of Levent, a secular Atatürk supporter, and Meryem, who lives in a bigoted sect, and draws attention to the unifying power of motherhood/fatherhood when it comes to "child", despite differences of belief and opinion.
Kırmızı Oda

Kırmızı Oda

Feb 18, 2022
A therapy-situated series that will explore every day problems of every day people. Based on a book by Dr. Gülseren Buğdayıcıoğlu.
Dila Hanım

Dila Hanım

Apr 25, 2014
Dila is a beautiful bride of Barazoglu family. Her life turns upside down when her lovely husband is killed by the older son of the Karadagli family, Riza. Dila swears to take revenge of her husband and swears to kill Riza. She moves out Istanbul and starts to live in a big farm house of her father-in-law in order to exact her vengeance.When Riza meets Dila, he is immediately drowned to her without knowing that she comes from Barazoglu family. At the same time, Dila falls in love with Riza but she does not know that Riza is the killer of her ex-husband.In this story, you will explore the impossible love of two proud persons who come from opposing families. Will Dila learn that Riza is the one who has killed her ex-husband? Will Dila and Riza manage to restrain their love? Will the past be forgotten?


Jun 21, 2012
L'histoire débute à Ildır, un village de la côte égéenne appartenant au district administratif de Çeşme, dans la province d'Izmir en Turquie. Fatmagül (Beren Saat) est une jeune femme orpheline, innocente et joyeuse, issue d'un milieu modeste, qui vit à Ildır avec son frère unique, déficient mental léger, sa femme et leur fils. Ils tiennent ensemble, une laiterie artisanale. Fatmagül s'apprête à épouser son fiancé et amour de jeunesse Mustafa (Fırat Çelik) pêcheur du village. Kerim (Engin Akyürek) lui, est un jeune homme, calme et amical qui travaille comme apprenti forgeron. Ayant perdu ses parents très jeune, c'est Meryem Aksoy, herboriste du village, célibataire et sans enfants, qui l'élève comme son propre fils. Au village, les fiançailles de Selim, fils de Reşat Yaşaran, le plus riche homme d'affaires de la région, à Meltem, fille du politicien Turaner Alagöz, constituent un grand évènement. A cette occasion, une grande fête est organisée durant laquelle Selim, son cousin Erdogan, son ami Vural et son ami d'enfance Kerim boivent de l'alcool en grande quantité et consomment de la drogue. Les trois hommes, Erdogan, Selim et Vural sont très riches et influents, tandis que Kerim vient d'un simple milieu modeste. Tous les quatre se retrouvent, plus tard dans la nuit après la fête, pour continuer à boire et à s'amuser dans une terre isolée en bord de mer. Ils poursuivent par hasard Fatmagül qui fait son chemin seule, vers son fiancé, qui s'apprête à voyager en mer pour la pêche. Erdogan, Selim et Vural, violent Fatmagül, à tour de rôle, avec une atrocité inouïe. Kerim n'y participe pas mais sous l'emprise d'alcool et de drogue, ne fait rien pour les en empêcher. Fatmagül, dans un état de choc profond, est découverte seule, le lendemain matin par Meryem Aksoy, mère adoptive de Kerim, alors qu'elle cueillait des herbes à cet endroit isolé. Elle alerte les secours. Après cet incident, Kerim est complètement effondré, n'arrivant pas à admettre son comportement. Mustafa et sa famille réagissent de façon haineuse envers Fatmagül, la jugeant responsable de la tragédie et considérant que son honneur a été sali. Vural est profondément perturbé par l'événement, ayant des cauchemars constants à propos de Fatmagül, tandis qu'Erdogan et Selim continuent leur vie, faisant comme si rien ne s'était passé, confiants du pouvoir de leurs familles à les protéger. Kerim, se sentant honteux et coupable, ne sait quoi faire et décide d'épouser Fatmagül, comme le veut l'arriviste belle-sœur de celle-ci par un accord financier avec les familles des violeurs. En conséquence, Fatmagül, Kerim et leurs familles vendent leurs propriétés à Ildır et déménagent à Istanbul pour commencer une nouvelle vie, dans une nouvelle maison, qui les réunit. Kerim tombe rapidement amoureux de la belle Fatmagül, mais celle-ci, le déteste.
Akasya Durağı

Akasya Durağı

Sep 29, 2011
Akasya Durağı is a Turkish comedy television series on Kanal D, which initially broadcast in 2008 The Story: Nuri is a very old driver and when he become retired he start his own taxi company with money that earned for all of his life. There are a few sympathetic driver and pure tea maker-office boy at the taxi company. And all of them life is very interesting and very funny. They have great time at the taxi company. Too many events do and find our drivers and their lives'. The story goes so... By the way, everyone says to Nuri 'Nuri Dad' because he is a very good man.