Woo Ping

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La Rage du tigre

La Rage du tigre

Feb 07, 1971
Dans une Chine ensanglantée par les guerres de clans, le justicier Lei Li est accusé à tort du vol du trésor du clan du Tigre, suite à une rumeur lancé par le fourbe Lung. Attaqué par le Tigre, ses hommes, Lei Li les met en déroute. Mais Lung, que tous prennent pour un homme sage, surgit, propose à Lei Li un combat loyal, dont l'issue décidera de son innocence, ou non. De plus, le perdant aura le bras droit tranché... Lei Li accepte mais Lung gagne par traîtrise, grâce à une arme truquée. Piégé, Lei Li s'inflige la mutilation promise, renonce pour toujours à se battre. Un an plus tard, Lei Li est devenu homme à tout faire dans une auberge où il subit de fréquentes humiliations. Ces meilleurs amis sont Pa Chao (Li Ching), la fille de l'aubergiste, Feng, un guerrier sans maître. Le jour où les hommes du Tigre tente de violer Pa Chao, Feng, Lei Li lui sauve la mise. Furieux, Fang se rend au fort du Tigre ...


Jun 07, 1975
Jiao is framed for rape and murder (and, later, two more murders) by Chen and his son - the same people who framed Jiao's father and left him orphaned. Into the mix comes THE LADY OF THE LAW, Miss Leng, whose job it is to find the guilty. This she does, and she and Jiao find themselves battling pretty much everyone else who's appeared in the movie up to this point.


Jul 29, 1970
Tina Ti leads a star-studded cast in this hilarious farce as a pickpocket who, while fleeing the police, stumbles into an apartment occupied by seven single men. All hungry for a woman's affection, the men agree to take her in. However, what she doesn't know is that each of the men is coming up with ridiculous ways to have their way with her. A surreal comedy about sexual repression and sexual fantasies, the film mocks the desperate measures people take in the name of sexual gratification. Even though it is an erotic comedy at heart, it is never lewd or exploitative. In fact, like other Cantonese films at the time, the story even ends on a moralistic note as Tam Bing-man's character convinces the pickpocket to turn herself in and mend her ways.


May 19, 1967
Gangster Pang Tin-tak runs an underground casino operated under the guise of the Blue Nightclub. The fearless and cagey Fung Kim-ching and the adept professional To Yuet-hung strut their stuff on the poker table and catch the eye of the boss. Enlisted as his trusted aide, To the undercover officer carefully cloaks her identity to conduct a criminal investigation but has to stop in the light of Pang’s growing suspicion. The raid led by Detective Chan is successfully foiled by the sly gangster, who unmasks the spy and holds her captive together with Chan. Fung frees the captives before he joins Pang for his transactions by the sea. Pointing a pistol at the gangster, Fung identifies himself as the leader of the Interpol anti-drugs squad as the gang members are handcuffed and led away by To and her team.
La Main de fer

La Main de fer

Apr 28, 1972
Le jeune Chi-hao est envoyé en ville pour s'entraîner sous la direction d'un maître d'arts martiaux réputé. Affecté dans un premier temps aux tâches domestiques, il acquiert progressivement les bases d'un style de combat qui pourrait faire de lui le vainqueur potentiel d'un tournoi très attendu. Mais un chef de clan sans scrupules, accompagné de son fils, met tout en oeuvre pour supprimer ce rival et les autres membres de son école, allant même jusqu'à engager une bande de mercenaires japonais pour les provoquer régulièrement. Chia-hao est victime d'une embuscade et se fait briser les deux mains. Infirme, il perd tout espoir de pouvoir pratiquer à nouveau les arts martiaux, jusqu'au jour où son maître consent à lui enseigner la redoutable technique de "La Main de fer"...


Sep 05, 1967
The heroine, Liu Yanniang, is a beautiful and virtuous woman who is in love with her husband, Wang Zhengtu. However, because of her disagreement with her sister-in-law, Yuhuan, who was unfortunately killed, Yaniang was mistakenly accused of murder by the king's mother and her husband's son-in-law. The governor of Suzhou, Mr. Yan Wentian, is very strict with the king, but just when he finds a clue, the witness is killed again. Yen is not satisfied with his efforts, but he realizes that the murderer has already come to his doorstep.


Dec 28, 1968
A philandering business tycoon accuses his angelic wife of cheating. He learns the hard way he had it good and hopes to win his wife back.


Mar 22, 1973
An anthology based on some marital shenanigans by the Shaw Brothers studio. [1] in Credits: Episode [1] in Credits: Exhausted (12 mins) [2] in Credits: Episode 2: Dumpling Noodles (3 mins) [3] in Credits: Episode 3: Green Hat (74 mins)


Mar 09, 1973
A poor orphan seeks help from her wealthy uncle and his sons.
Delightful Forest

Delightful Forest

Sep 20, 1972
Le combattant légendaire Wu Song est envoyé en prison dans la province de Mengzhou après avoir assassiné sa belle-sœur et son amant. Là, il rencontre le gardien de prison Shih En, qui sauve Wu de la peine de matraque requise pour les nouveaux prisonniers. Wu apprend que le restaurant de Shih, "La Forêt des Délices", a été investi par Chiang Chung. Wu retourne au restaurant, un endroit où il a déjà dîné.
Ai Nu, Esclave de L'Amour
Ai Nu, 18 ans, est kidnappée et vendue à une maison close. Sa belle apparence et sa personnalité sauvage la rendent très populaire auprès des clients lascifs, mais elle attire également les attentions lesbiennes de la tenancière de la maison close, Chun Yi. Chun Yi enseigne à Ai Nu les voies de la luxure et celles du kung-fu, et Ai Nu devient de plus en plus semblable à son ravisseur. Mais la rage de son traitement brûle toujours en elle.


Nov 12, 1966
Banker Fung Yan-tsang is a seasoned criminal in fraudulent activities. The righteous cat burglar Ham Siu-fo has issued a deadline for Fung to return the scammed money. Despite the obstacles put up by Fung's allies Chow Wai-pak and his stepwife Julie, Ham still manages to reclaim the money which is accordingly returned to the customers. In the process, Ham is reunited with her long-lost twin sister Katherine, Chow's daughter. Since losing her mother whose health took a turn for the worse after Chow's marriage to Julie, Ham has undertaken a chivalrous course in the footsteps of her aunt. She thwarts the scam marriage set up by Fung for Katherine and his idle son, using the servant Chu Yat-keung as bait, and exposes Fung's illicit affair with Julie. Crossing boundaries of class and wealth, the servant Chu and Katherine become man and wife. A happy Ham leaves, continuing to devote her life to the causes of social justice.


Oct 28, 1964
Tang Wan-tung, the son of a Southeast Asian Sultan is a student in Hong Kong. Only Uncle Mui, his guardian, knows his identity. Tang is known as "student prince". He organises an embassy variety show. Tang invites Lai Tsi-king, who has a lovely voice, to perform in it, but it ruins her chance to study music abroad. Lai’s parents want her to marry Tung Fook-si, the son of a merchant. Lai asks Tang to act for her parents, like a prince courting her. Her parents are convinced, but Tung is not fooled. Tang smuggles Lai out to perform in the embassy. Lai's performance earns her a chance to study overseas, but her parents will not support her. Tang borrows money from his father, but is refused. He pawns his father’s ring to help Lai pay the tuition. Tung takes his father's ring and sells it. Tung's father alerts the police. The rings turn out to be a pair. The police think Tang stole the diamond ring, but Mui tells the truth. Tung is arrested and Tang and Lai have a happy ending.


Jan 12, 1974
The Village of Tigers is known as the home of all evil doers throughout the land, ruled by their leader, Lord Hu Jiao. When the famed swordsman known as the Sword of the Southern Sky, Luo Hong-Xun ends up in said village, he will teach the bandits a lesson.

Nov 15, 1999
