Ken Campbell

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Saving Grace

Saving Grace

Jan 24, 2000
Grace est heureuse dans son adorable cottage. Passionnée de jardinage, elle mène une vie réglée et tranquille. Son mari meurt et elle découvre avec stupéfaction qu'il n'a laisse que des dettes. Acculée par les créanciers, sur les conseils de son jardinier, elle troque ses magnifiques orchidées pour la culture de la marijuana. Même si sa nouvelle production est exceptionnelle, il faut la vendre. S'improviser dealer n'est pas de tout repos. Grace va donc devoir bousculer quelques habitudes, dans son village comme dans le milieu de Londres.


Aug 10, 2004
Londres, par une froide et triste nuit d'hiver...A minuit, au sortir d'une soirée chic copieusement arrosée, Kate guette vainement un taxi avant de se résoudre à prendre le dernier métro. Sous l'effet de l'alcool, la jeune femme ne tarde pas à s'assoupir.A son réveil, la rame est déserte... Affolée, Kate se dirige vers la sortie, mais les grilles sont déjà fermées. Un train s'arrête alors, elle y monte, quelque peu inquiète d'en être la seule occupante.Au beau milieu du tunnel, le convoi s'arrête brutalement, toutes les lumières s'éteignent... Et le cauchemar commence...
Bons baisers de Liverpool
Teresa et Elaine habitent a Kirby, petite agglomération a quelques kilomètres de Liverpool. Teresa travaille dans une fabrique de poulets, Elaine ne travaille pas. Apres avoir fauche le porte-monnaie d'un malabar elles partent a Liverpool. Elles rencontrent dans un bar deux marins russes. Pour Elaine c'est l'amour et elle décide de rejoindre Peter en Russie. Tout le monde s'oppose a son départ alors elle écrit a Brejnev qui lui envoie un billet d'avion. Un film dans la veine de "My Beautiful Laundrette" qui sont la preuve d'une "nouvelle vague" britannique.
In the Secret State

In the Secret State

Mar 10, 1985
A Government Department with data on us all in its computers is not functioning quite as its ex-Head intended. Frank Strange sets out to clear his own name and finds he is investigating a murder.
Towers of Babel

Towers of Babel

Jul 09, 1981
A BAFTA award nominated black comedy about life and death in a London tower block.
The Secret Policeman's Ball
Amnesty decided not to present a benefit show in 1978 in order to consider how to make better use of the performing talent so favourably disposed to assist it in raising funds. Peter Luff left Amnesty in 1978 and the organisation's new fund-raising officer, Peter Walker, was deputed to work with Lewis on reconfiguring the show to raise more money and greater awareness of Amnesty. Lewis proposed to Cleese that in addition to the comedy performances the show should feature some contemporary rock musicians. Cleese delegated this responsibility to Lewis who recruited Who guitarist Pete Townshend to perform, as well as New Wave singer-songwriter Tom Robinson.
The Skulls : Société secrète
Pour Luke McNamara, c'est un rêve qui se réalise le jour où on lui propose enfin de rallier les Skulls, la prestigieuse société secrète, abritée par son université. Contrairement à la plupart de ses camarades de classe de New Haven, c'est en travaillant dur et en contractant des prêts étudiants prohibitifs que Luke est parvenu à se faire admettre dans l'antre de la connaissance. L'organisation clandestine recrute ses membres parmi l’élite des élèves les plus riches et les plus puissants de l’école. Mais les choses ne vont pas se passer comme il l'aurait voulu.
Unfair Exchanges

Unfair Exchanges

Jan 20, 1985
Julie Walters stars as a single mother seemingly haunted by a sinister telephone system that seems to have become an evil intelligence in its own right.
Dinner at the Sporting Club
Vinny Mathews is a small time boxing promoter who struggles with his conscience over what to do with a fighter he knows is unfit to face his opponent. However, Mathews needs sponsorship and this would be the ideal opportunity to mix with the "frilly shirted" sportsmen who enjoy their lavish lifestyle as fighters slug it out as the steak is served!
Nina Conti: Her Master's Voice
Internationally acclaimed ventriloquist Nina Conti takes the bereaved puppets of her mentor and erstwhile lover Ken Campbell on a pilgrimage to "Venthaven" the resting place for puppets of dead ventriloquists. She gets to know her latex and wooden travelling partners along the way, and with them deconstructs herself and her lost love in this ventriloquial docu-mockumentary requiem. Ken Campbell was a hugely respected maverick of the British theatre, an eccentric genius who would snort out forgotten artforms. Nina was his protégé in ventriloquism and has been said to have reinvented the artform. This film is truly unique in genre and style. No one has seen ventriloquism like this before.
Pas de larmes pour Joy
Joy est mariée à Tom, un voleur de petite envergure, dont elle a un fils. Lorsque Tom se fait arrêter, elle rencontre son complice, Dave, avec qui elle a une aventure. Ce dernier se retrouve bientôt en prison. Joy est à nouveau seule.
La Promise

La Promise

Aug 16, 1985
Le docteur Frankenstein donne naissance à une créature féminine de chair et de sang...
Uncle Silas

Uncle Silas

Nov 04, 1968
After her father's death, Maud, a young heiress, is sent to live with her Uncle Silas. She finds her new guardian living in a gothic nightmare of a mansion, and soon realizes that he wishes to murder her and claim her inheritance.


Mar 03, 1989
Évocation de l'affaire Keeler qui éclata a Londres en 1963. Christine Keeler, une des conquêtes de Stephen Ward, médecin mondain, fut la maitresse de nombreuses personnalités politiques. Poussée par Ward, elle devient la maitresse d'Ivanov, attache d'ambassade soviétique. A la même époque, John Profumo, ministre de la Guerre, la courtise et devient lui aussi son amant. Mais Ivanov, soupçonne d’être un espion, est surveille. Un an plus tard le scandale éclate...
The Moon Over Soho

The Moon Over Soho

Aug 18, 1985
A wily publisher of arts magazines tries to cope with ever-growing financial problems - and also his formidable German mother.
Alice au Pays des Merveilles
Alice est une petite fille à l'imagination débordante… Un adorable lapin blanc l'entraîne dans un univers de magie et de rêve. Dans ce monde enchanteur, elle découvrira une multitude de personnages extraordinaires. Une aventure fabuleuse dont notre craintive Alice sortira grandie, prête à affronter le monde des adultes…
The Big Flame

The Big Flame

Feb 19, 1969
After a prolonged industrial dispute in the Liverpool Docks, the striking workers reject management demands of a return to work and decide instead to occupy the docks and run the operation themselves.
The Tempest

The Tempest

Sep 13, 1979
Prospero, a potent magician, lives on a desolate isle with his virginal daughter, Miranda. He's in exile, banished from his duchy by his usurping brother and the King of Naples. Providence brings these enemies near; aided by his vassal the spirit Ariel, Prospero conjures a tempest to wreck the Italian ship. The king's son, thinking all others lost, becomes Prospero's prisoner, falling in love with Miranda and she with him. Prospero's brother and the king wander the island, as do a drunken cook and sailor, who conspire with Caliban, Prospero's beastly slave, to murder Prospero. Prospero wants reason to triumph, Ariel wants his freedom, Miranda a husband; the sailors want to dance.
L'infaillible inspecteur Clouseau
Notre naïf inspecteur Clouseau s'embarque dans une nouvelle aventure : cette fois, à la demande de Scotland Yard, il doit démanteler un gang de braqueurs de banques rusés : en effet, lors de leurs hold-up, tous portent un masque et pas n'importe lequel : celui de l'inspecteur Clouseau...
Joshua Then and Now

Joshua Then and Now

Sep 17, 1985
Based on a novel by Mordecai Richler, allegedly his autobiography, it tells the story of a Jewish writer, from his life as a young boy in Montreal to his more complicated grown-up life.
Extraordinary Visitor

Extraordinary Visitor

Sep 02, 1998
As the new millennium approaches, God considers pulling the plug on the planet unless St. John the Baptist finds a reason to spare humanity. John travels to the Newfoundland city that bears his name where he becomes entangled in the lives of talk-show host Marietta, her husband Rick. (Toronto International Film Festival)


Oct 04, 1985


À l'entrée d'un zoo, un cygne s'écrase contre une voiture, provoquant un accident. La conductrice, Alba Bewick, est sauve, malgré l'amputation d'une jambe. Dans l'autre véhicule impliqué, les épouses d'Oswald et d'Olivier, tous deux employés par le zoo, sont tuées sur le coup. Les jumeaux, siamois de naissance et veufs de circonstances, mus par une insoutenable douleur, se penchent alors sur les origines des espèces et photographient inlassablement des animaux et des fruits en décomposition. Les deux frères rencontrent alors Alba, seule survivante de l'accident, et en tombent immédiatement amoureux…
Un poisson nommé Wanda
Wanda, Ken, Otto et George viennent d'accomplir un joli hold up. Mais George, très vite dénoncé par Wanda et Otto, finit en prison. Or, lui seul connaît l'endroit où sont cachés les diamants qui constituent le butin. Wanda décide de séduire Archie Leach, un avocat très traditionnel, coincé et marié à une femme snob, afin qu'il fasse libérer George de prison...
Les Ailes de la renommée
Dans les années 1960, lors d'un festival de cinéma, on attend la star César Valentin. Brian Smith, jeune écrivain inconnu, approche la vedette et le tue d'une balle de revolver avant d'être tué par la chute d'un projecteur. Smith désormais célèbre pour ce meurtre est conduit avec sa victime sur une île, dans un hôtel réservé aux célébrités dont le souvenir est encore vivace sur terre. Ceux qui tombent peu à peu dans l'oubli étant logés dans les mansardes, les caves ou rejetés à la mer, dès lors pour tous, une seule crainte obsessionnelle : Perdre sa gloire et rejoindre le groupe des oubliés de l'éternité. Dans cette atmosphère d'ennui et de haine, Smith et Valentin jouent au chat et à la souris..
Dreamchild : De l'autre côté du miroir
Le film suit Alice Liddell, la jeune fille qui avait inspiré Les Aventures d'Alice au pays des merveilles à Lewis Carroll, qui est devenue une femme âgée. Les personnages du conte, qui auparavant l'amusaient tant, sont devenus dans son esprit plus obscurs et commencent même à la hanter. Se replongeant dans son passé, elle repense à sa relation privilégiée avec le timide écrivain, en l’envisageant maintenant sous un angle nouveau, auquel son âge lui permet désormais d’accéder...
Breaking Glass

Breaking Glass

Oct 01, 1980
Breaking Glass is the story of punk singer Kate and her meteoric rise to stardom. Starting out in the rock pubs of London, Kate, assisted by her manager Danny, becomes a huge star overnight. Once at the top the pressure is immense as Kate's band are squeezed out and she is left to cope alone in the spotlight.
Secret Nation

Secret Nation

Jan 02, 1992
A graduate history student returns to her native Newfoundland, searching for proof of a conspiracy surrounding the referendum that saw Newfoundland join Canada.
Smart Money

Smart Money

Oct 26, 1986
Leon, a hacker convicted for a crime he did not commit, escapes from detention centre following the death of his father, to take revenge on the man who really did it.
Hard Men

Hard Men

Oct 28, 1996
Tone , Bear et Speed sont des durs. Des vrais. Depuis douze ans, ils font équipe et travaillent pour Pops Den, un mafieux. Sans se poser de questions,ils exécutent les leurs ennemis.Lorsque la petite amie de Tone refait surface avec un enfant, dont il ne soupçonnait pas l'existence, il décide de quitter le milieu. Mais¨Pops Den ne l'entend pas de cette oreille, et charge ses deux anciens complices de l'éliminer...
The Last Window Cleaner
When DC Denis Deacey finds himself surprisingly transferred to Belfast he gets digs in a most unusual boarding house called The Crumlin View where no one is what they seem and everyone has been living with 'the troubles' for far too long...
TV Movie


Oct 01, 1990
What would happen if the nation’s criminals decided to go on strike? A comedy drama based on an idea by Czech writer Jaroslav Hasek.
The Story of Pantomime
This 1976 BBC documentary sees Ken Campbell (and his Roadshow) investigate the origins and the development of the traditional British Christmas pantomime.


Aug 01, 1979
An aged art connoisseur (Beaumont) and his young female neighbour (Coles), who has a job posing naked in a club, meet and exist in fantasy and reality. Although this raises certain much-discussed questions about the nature of representation, and about the construction of narrative and daydreams in films, 'Phoelix' tends to treat these as just pretty and pertinent issues, opting instead for a mannered concentration on detail.
A Different Hand

A Different Hand

Mar 23, 1992
A musical comedy drama about a young woman (played by Tina Leslie) rebelling against society's attitudes (including her parents, her doctor, her priest and teacher) towards people like her who are without hands or in other ways different. Everyone is trying to force her to wear artificial hands, everyone except for her disabled friend (Nabil Shaban), who assists in her revolt.
Secret Service

Secret Service

Jan 12, 1977
Set in Richmond, Virginia in October 1864, tells the story of a Union spy working to seize control of the telegraph office.
The Rules of the Game

The Rules of the Game

Apr 30, 1975
Dramatist Luigi Pirandello's mordant comedy of manners tells the tale of upper-crust Italians Silia Gala and her sneering spouse, Leone, who finds his impassivity tested when he has to duel his wife's frustrated paramour.
Unfair Exchanges

Unfair Exchanges

Jan 20, 1985
Julie Walters stars as a single mother seemingly haunted by a sinister telephone system that seems to have become an evil intelligence in its own right.
The Bill

The Bill

Aug 31, 2010
The daily lives of the men and women at Sun Hill Police Station as they fight crime on the streets of London. From bomb threats to armed robbery and drug raids to the routine demands of policing this ground-breaking series focuses as much on crime as it does on the personal lives of its characters.
The Gentle Touch

The Gentle Touch

Nov 24, 1984
The Gentle Touch is a British police drama television series made by London Weekend Television for ITV which ran from 1980-1984. Commencing transmission on 11 April 1980, the series is notable for being the first British series to feature a female police detective as its leading character, ahead of the similarly themed BBC series Juliet Bravo by four months.
L'hôtel en folie

L'hôtel en folie

Oct 25, 1979
Créée par John Cleese, l'un des membres de la célèbre troupe des Monty Python, cette série met en scène Basil Fawlty, propriétaire irascible d'un hôtel à Torquay (Royaume-Uni), dominé par son épouse Sybil qui passe son temps au téléphone. Ils sont assistés de Polly, l'indispensable et très sensée femme de chambre, et de Manuel, l'homme à tout faire mexicain (espagnol dans la version originale), souffre-douleur de Basil.


Sep 05, 2010
Set during the 1960s in the fictional North Yorkshire village of Aidensfield, this enduringly popular series interweaves crime and medical storylines.


Mar 10, 1994
This comedy drama series featured Terry McCann, a former boxer with a conviction for G.B.H., and Arthur Daley, a second-hand car dealer with an eye for a nice little earner. Alongside his many business ventures, Arthur would regularly hire Terry out as a minder or bodyguard, later replaced by nephew, Ray Daley.


Dec 04, 1994
The adventures of the eponymous Lovejoy, a likeable but roguish antiques dealer based in East Anglia. Within the trade, he has a reputation as a “divvie”, a person with an almost supernatural powers for recognising exceptional items as well as distinguishing genuine antique from clever fakes or forgeries.
Private Schulz

Private Schulz

Jun 10, 1981
Private Schulz is a BBC television comedy drama serial set mostly in Germany, during and immediately after World War II. It stars Michael Elphick in the title role and Ian Richardson playing various parts. Other notable actors included Tony Caunter, Billie Whitelaw, Billy Murray and Mark Wingett. Over six one-hour episodes, it tells the story of a German fraudster and petty criminal who is forced against his will to serve in the SS. In a story based on the real, though unrealised, plot by the Germans known as Operation Bernhard, he tricks the Nazis into making counterfeit British five pound notes, millions of which will be used to destroy the British economy. However, Schulz is primarily interested in stealing them. Other elements of the story based on the history of the period include the Venlo incident, when two British intelligence officers were abducted from the Netherlands at the very start of the war, and Salon Kitty. This was a Berlin brothel which was secretly run by the SD, for the purpose of spying on its wealthy clients, who were often prominent German government officials or military officers. Additionally, many of the main characters are real people.
Baby Bob

Baby Bob

Jun 20, 2003
Baby Bob is an American sitcom that aired on CBS as a midseason replacement in March 2002. The Baby Bob character had previously been on television since February 2000, appearing in commercials for While actual infants played Bob, the effect to make him look like he was talking was achieved through computer editing.
Law & Order

Law & Order

Apr 27, 1978
Law & Order is a series of four British television plays written by G. F. Newman and directed by Les Blair. It was first transmitted in 1978 on BBC2.
Mystery and Imagination
Mystery and Imagination is a British television anthology series of classic horror and supernatural dramas. Five series were broadcast from 1966 to 1970 by the ITV network and produced by ABC and Thames Television.
Super Gran

Super Gran

May 31, 1987
Adapted from Forrest Wilson's books, the children's programme revolves around a grandmother with super powers and her arch nemesis, The Scunner Campbell.
An Audience with...

An Audience with...

Jun 01, 2013
An Audience with... is a British entertainment television show produced by London Weekend Television, in which a host, usually a singer or comedian, performs for an invited audience of celebrity guests, interspersed with questions from the audience, in a light hearted revue/tribute style.
Reality on the Rocks

Reality on the Rocks

Feb 26, 1995
A trilogy of films in which the comic actor, Ken Campbell, tries to get to grips with Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time.


May 15, 1994
19th century Great Britain. The Industrial Revolution brings both the promise and fear of change. In the provincial town of Middlemarch, the progressive Dorothea Brooke desperately seeks intellectual fulfillment in a male-dominated society and is driven into an unhappy marriage to the elderly scholar Casaubon. No sooner do they embark on their honeymoon than she meets and develops an instant connection with Casaubon's young cousin, Will Ladislaw. When idealistic Doctor Lydgate arrives, his new methods of medicine sweep him into the battle between conservatives and liberals in town. He quickly becomes enamored of the beautiful, privileged Rosamond Vincy, a woman whose troubles seem bound to destroy him.
Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes

Apr 11, 1994
Cette série met en scène les exploits du célèbre détective Sherlock Holmes, adaptés des romans et nouvelles de sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Home to Roost

Home to Roost

Jan 19, 1990
Home to Roost is a British television sitcom produced by Yorkshire Television in the 1980s. Written by Eric Chappell, it starred John Thaw as Henry Willows and Reece Dinsdale as his 18-year-old son Matthew. The premise is that Henry Willows is forty-something, who has been divorced from his wife for seven years and is perfectly happy living alone in London. That is, until his youngest child, Matthew arrives to live with him, after being thrown out by his mother. The plots generally revolved around Henry's annoyance at having his solitude disturbed, and the age gap clash. Henry employed two cleaners throughout the show's life; first Enid Thompson, and, in the third season, Fiona Fennell.
Les Professionnels

Les Professionnels

Feb 06, 1983
Cette série met en scène les aventures de William Bodie et Raymond Doyle deux des meilleurs agents du CI5 (Criminal Intelligence 5), une organisation secrète chargée de maintenir la sécurité en Angleterre dont le patron est l'irascible George Cowley.
Action & Adventure
Miss Marple

Miss Marple

Dec 29, 2013
Cette série met en scène les enquêtes de la détective amateur Miss Marple, vivant dans le petit village de St. Mary Mead.