Danny Youngblood is a famed Hollywood director with a reputation for modeling sexy starlets into superstar actresses, and then turning his discoveries into his wives, one after another. However, Danny meets his match when he zeroes in on his latest starlet/conquest, Margot Murray, who decides to turn the tables on him.
Workers in an auto parts warehouse in 1933 New York City inhabit a bleak, dead-end world in the depths of the Depression where, at least, they have jobs. Introduced by its playwright, Arthur Miller, it was the first in a series of NET Playhouse programs concerning life in America during the Depression years.
Après 17 ans de séparation, Gary Ewing et son ex-femme Valene ont décidé de reprendre la vie commune. Ils partent se fixer loin de Dallas dans une résidence proche de la mer à Knots Landing, en Californie. A peine installés dans leur nouvelle demeure, ils font la connaissance de leurs voisins, les Fairgate et les Avery. La petite communauté mène une vie plus ou moins paisible... jusqu'à l'arrivée de l'intrigante Abby Fairgate !