Владимир Глазков

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Ледяная история
In the Land of Cold, where the good queen Morozana reigns and ice cream is made for children, the villain Icicle suddenly seized power. The girl Varya, the boy Artyom and his Grandfather join the fight, the magic syrup of Good saves Varya and destroys the Icicle's plans. Friends and Grandpa have again launched the conveyor belt with good old ice cream, which brings joy and goodness to children.
Fantassins : Seuls en première ligne
Afin de les punir de leurs duels à répétition, deux chevaliers du Royaume de France, ennemis jurés, sont exilés par Louis XIV en Europe du Nord. L’un rejoint la cour de Suède, l’autre le Tsar de Russie. Ce qu’ils ignorent, c’est que se prépare entre ces deux nations l’une des plus grandes batailles du 18ème siècle, et qu’ils vont se retrouver face à face sur les lignes de front…


Dec 30, 2011
Au tournant du siècle, dans une Russie en proie au doute et aux troubles, l'arrivée du mystique Grigori Raspoutine à la cour impériale fait l'effet d'un électrochoc. Lorsque l'étrange guérisseur sauve le fils unique du tsar, atteint d'une maladie du sang, tous crient au miracle. Mais le vertige de la puissance et la débauche auront bientôt raison des bonnes résolutions de ce «saint diable» qui a su mettre le tsar sous son emprise. La Russie, et Raspoutine lui-même, pourront-ils échapper à la tragédie qui semble chaque jour plus proche ?
Друг войны

Друг войны

May 05, 1993
The film is set during World War II in a German-occupied European country. In a covered truck on a snow-covered road, the Germans are transporting a group of civilians. Thoughts of imminent death inevitably visit the passengers of the van. The Catholic priest accompanying the arrested, among whom there is a boy, prepares the companions to leave for another world. A complex psychological conflict arises between the priest and the boy. Circumstances develop in such a way that the boy manages to escape.
Жертва для императора
The film is based on documentary facts and tells the story of an officer in the Japanese General Staff who received the task under the name of Captain Rybnikov to infiltrate the military circles of St.Petersburg. It was exposed after the famous Tsushima battle of 1904, when Japan destroyed the entire Russian Far Eastern fleet.


Nov 01, 2021
Biography of the most famous Russian chansonnier of the twentieth century. The story of the artist who left Russia in 1919 and returned to the USSR in 1943, in the midst of World War II. Vertinsky lived, sang and was popular in Constantinople, Paris, Berlin, New York, Los Angeles, Harbin, Shanghai and Moscow. He was loved by beautiful women, he was applauded by royalty and thieves. He was a bohemian man, light and cheerful. However, this picture is primarily about his kindness. About the ability not to judge, but to regret, to sympathize with anyone. And for this, fate gifted him with great success and late family happiness. This is a story about how a songbird, an artist, a frivolous creature can live a life that causes both envy and respect.
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The Russian Empire entered the twentieth century as one of the most powerful world powers. Russia was in danger from rapidly developing countries that were eager to redistribute the world, but an even greater danger was posed by the revolutionary movement within the empire. After the granting of freedoms, a new generation grew up, wanting more and ready to use any means for their own purposes. But new leaders of the new era have also emerged. One of them is Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin, who became the youngest governor of Russia, earning the gratitude of Emperor Nicholas II for this post.


Nov 03, 2021
Petr is not only a successful writer but also is the owner of the agen- cy called Alibi — that creates alibis for the clients who need to hide their lies and failures. His second business is hidden, so he himself has a double life. But his attitude to lies changes when his own wife appears at the agency asking for an alibi. From this moment on, he will solve not only his client’s problems, but his own. Unfortu- nately, he’ll be able to help everyone but himself.