Italo Luiz

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Tromba Trem: O Filme

Tromba Trem: O Filme

Sep 08, 2022
Gajah is a forgetful elephant who is elevated from anonymity to celebrity status overnight. He ends up moving away from his old traveling companions on the Tromba Trem. His fame is short-lived, as he becomes the prime suspect in a series of mysterious kidnappings. To unravel this mystery, he will have to count on the help of his old friends from before he became famous: a group of obstinate termites who live in a colony and Dudley, a vegetarian anteater.
Teca e Tuti: Uma Noite na Biblioteca
The tiny clothes moth Teca lives with her family and pet dust mite in a sewing box. What they love most is to eat paper, but when Teca learns to read, she notices that books cannot be eaten; after all, they keep stories that she loves. Committed to solving a great mystery, Teca and Tuti part towards the library, searching for the most important story of their life.


Jan 27, 2021
'Oswaldo' follows the misadventures of a school-aged penguin who was adopted and raised by human parents and who must now face his biggest challenge -- surviving school… which is way harder than it sounds, especially when you are an excitable, flat-out weird little guy whose brain is infused with useless pop-culture. Thankfully, this weirdest of penguins can count on Tobias and Leia the kind of friends who are there no matter what life throws at him – strict art teachers, rabid packs of babies, role-playing games gone awry, and even occasional rogue science fair projects. Which is pretty much what ‘Oswaldo’ would call a normal day.
O Menino Maluquinho

O Menino Maluquinho

Apr 06, 2023
Nutty Boy is an out-of-the-box kid with big ideas who loves involving everyone in his adventures — even though they don't usually go as planned!
Turma da Mônica Jovem
Il s'agit d'une série d'animation adaptée de la bande dessinée Turma da Mônica Jovem. Monica a bien grandi dans le quartier de Limoeiro qui mélange les références de la jeunesse actuelle avec des nouveautés encore loin de la réalité, comme les voyages dans l'espace, les super-vilains et les organisations secrètes (la mystérieuse DI.NA.MI.CA). Les quatre amis inséparables, qui ont vécu tant d'aventures dans leur enfance, sont aujourd'hui des ados et tentent d'allier leurs aventures avec les responsabilités de l'école, les drames de l'adolescence et les confusions amoureuses inévitables. Monica, Cebolinha, Cascão et Magali sont toujours ceux que nous connaissons, mais comme tout enfant qui se transforme en adolescent, ils "ont grandi et sont différents".