René Manzor

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36.15 code Père Noël
Un jeune garçon, sa mère et son Papy habitent dans un bâtiment grand comme un château. Il aime jouer ´des attaques´ comme Rambo ou comme un ninja. Il aime aussi les jouets électriques et le minitel. La mère est la propriétaire d'un grand magasin. Le jour avant la veille de noël, dans le magasin, un homme solitaire travaille comme père noël. Suite à une altercation avec un client, il se fait renvoyer. Il veut se venger. Il monte un camion qui porte des cadeaux au château. Là, le jeune garçon les attend.
Le Passage

Le Passage

Dec 03, 1986
Jean Diaz, réalisateur de films d'animation, entreprend, à la demande de la Mort, la conception d'un film-pamphlet contre la violence d'un monde qui le révolte. Peu après, Jean est tué dans un accident de voitures, son fils, David, tombe dans le coma. Jean signe alors un pacte avec la Mort, qui ramènera David à la vie une fois le film achevé. Le réalisateur comprend peu à peu les noirs desseins de la Mort : anéantir la planète. Dès lors, Jean met tout en œuvre pour déjouer ses plans et sauver sa propre vie et celle de son fils.
Chasseurs de loups, chasseurs d'or
A wilderness adventure tale about a teenager (Haas) and his Native American metis friend (Musy) who become friends in a U.S. boarding school in the 1800s. When they have to leave the school, they work as trappers in the Yukon and then go on a search for a legendary gold treasure. Along the way, Rod eagerly delves into Indian lore with Waby's spiritual guide Mukoki (Jimmy Herman). When they encounter resistance from a local tribe and struggle with what nature throws at them, they must depend on each together closely to survive.
Un amour de sorcière

Un amour de sorcière

Mar 19, 1997
A wilderness adventure tale about a teenager (Haas) and his Native American metis friend (Musy) who become friends in a U.S. boarding school in the 1800s. When they have to leave the school, they work as trappers in the Yukon and then go on a search for a legendary gold treasure. Along the way, Rod eagerly delves into Indian lore with Waby's spiritual guide Mukoki (Jimmy Herman). When they encounter resistance from a local tribe and struggle with what nature throws at them, they must depend on each together closely to survive.
Un amour de sorcière

Un amour de sorcière

Mar 19, 1997
A wilderness adventure tale about a teenager (Haas) and his Native American metis friend (Musy) who become friends in a U.S. boarding school in the 1800s. When they have to leave the school, they work as trappers in the Yukon and then go on a search for a legendary gold treasure. Along the way, Rod eagerly delves into Indian lore with Waby's spiritual guide Mukoki (Jimmy Herman). When they encounter resistance from a local tribe and struggle with what nature throws at them, they must depend on each together closely to survive.
36.15 code Père Noël
A wilderness adventure tale about a teenager (Haas) and his Native American metis friend (Musy) who become friends in a U.S. boarding school in the 1800s. When they have to leave the school, they work as trappers in the Yukon and then go on a search for a legendary gold treasure. Along the way, Rod eagerly delves into Indian lore with Waby's spiritual guide Mukoki (Jimmy Herman). When they encounter resistance from a local tribe and struggle with what nature throws at them, they must depend on each together closely to survive.
Monsieur N.

Monsieur N.

Jan 15, 2003
A wilderness adventure tale about a teenager (Haas) and his Native American metis friend (Musy) who become friends in a U.S. boarding school in the 1800s. When they have to leave the school, they work as trappers in the Yukon and then go on a search for a legendary gold treasure. Along the way, Rod eagerly delves into Indian lore with Waby's spiritual guide Mukoki (Jimmy Herman). When they encounter resistance from a local tribe and struggle with what nature throws at them, they must depend on each together closely to survive.
Le Passage

Le Passage

Dec 03, 1986
A mixed group of adventurers searches for Esperanza, a legendary gold treasure, in the Yukon territory in this Jack London-based tale.
Le Passage

Le Passage

Dec 03, 1986
A mixed group of adventurers searches for Esperanza, a legendary gold treasure, in the Yukon territory in this Jack London-based tale.
Red Shoe Diaries 8: Night of Abandon
Night of Abandon: A wild blissful night in Brazil during Carnival. Liar's Tale: A burned out photojournalist's obsession with a high-class call girl awakens her ability to feel again. In the Blink of an Eye: A passionate boxer seduces a happily married woman.
Chasseurs de loups, chasseurs d'or
A wilderness adventure tale about a teenager (Haas) and his Native American metis friend (Musy) who become friends in a U.S. boarding school in the 1800s. When they have to leave the school, they work as trappers in the Yukon and then go on a search for a legendary gold treasure. Along the way, Rod eagerly delves into Indian lore with Waby's spiritual guide Mukoki (Jimmy Herman). When they encounter resistance from a local tribe and struggle with what nature throws at them, they must depend on each together closely to survive.


Jan 01, 2009
A wilderness adventure tale about a teenager (Haas) and his Native American metis friend (Musy) who become friends in a U.S. boarding school in the 1800s. When they have to leave the school, they work as trappers in the Yukon and then go on a search for a legendary gold treasure. Along the way, Rod eagerly delves into Indian lore with Waby's spiritual guide Mukoki (Jimmy Herman). When they encounter resistance from a local tribe and struggle with what nature throws at them, they must depend on each together closely to survive.


Jan 01, 2009
A wilderness adventure tale about a teenager (Haas) and his Native American metis friend (Musy) who become friends in a U.S. boarding school in the 1800s. When they have to leave the school, they work as trappers in the Yukon and then go on a search for a legendary gold treasure. Along the way, Rod eagerly delves into Indian lore with Waby's spiritual guide Mukoki (Jimmy Herman). When they encounter resistance from a local tribe and struggle with what nature throws at them, they must depend on each together closely to survive.
36.15 code Père Noël
A wilderness adventure tale about a teenager (Haas) and his Native American metis friend (Musy) who become friends in a U.S. boarding school in the 1800s. When they have to leave the school, they work as trappers in the Yukon and then go on a search for a legendary gold treasure. Along the way, Rod eagerly delves into Indian lore with Waby's spiritual guide Mukoki (Jimmy Herman). When they encounter resistance from a local tribe and struggle with what nature throws at them, they must depend on each together closely to survive.
Meurtres en Haute-Savoie
A wilderness adventure tale about a teenager (Haas) and his Native American metis friend (Musy) who become friends in a U.S. boarding school in the 1800s. When they have to leave the school, they work as trappers in the Yukon and then go on a search for a legendary gold treasure. Along the way, Rod eagerly delves into Indian lore with Waby's spiritual guide Mukoki (Jimmy Herman). When they encounter resistance from a local tribe and struggle with what nature throws at them, they must depend on each together closely to survive.


Sep 09, 2003
A wilderness adventure tale about a teenager (Haas) and his Native American metis friend (Musy) who become friends in a U.S. boarding school in the 1800s. When they have to leave the school, they work as trappers in the Yukon and then go on a search for a legendary gold treasure. Along the way, Rod eagerly delves into Indian lore with Waby's spiritual guide Mukoki (Jimmy Herman). When they encounter resistance from a local tribe and struggle with what nature throws at them, they must depend on each together closely to survive.


Apr 15, 1981
Réne Manzor's debut short, a surreal story about a tramp trying to build a road through the desert.


Apr 15, 1981
Réne Manzor's debut short, a surreal story about a tramp trying to build a road through the desert.


Apr 15, 1981
Réne Manzor's debut short, a surreal story about a tramp trying to build a road through the desert.
Maddy Etcheban

Maddy Etcheban

Jan 25, 2020
Réne Manzor's debut short, a surreal story about a tramp trying to build a road through the desert.
Highlander 3

Highlander 3

Nov 29, 1994
Réne Manzor's debut short, a surreal story about a tramp trying to build a road through the desert.
Spécial cinéma

Spécial cinéma

May 27, 1997
Marcello Mastroianni, Isabelle Adjani, Alain Delon, Martin Scorsese, Woody Allen… les plus grandes stars du cinéma ont été reçues par Christian Defaye dans son émission Spécial cinéma. Entre confessions intimes des comédiens et immersion dans l'univers des plus grands cinéastes, Christian Defaye a entraîné, durant près de trente ans, les téléspectateurs dans cet univers fascinant du Septième art.
Spécial cinéma

Spécial cinéma

May 22, 1999
Jolie femme, voleuse à ses heures, et âgée de 1200 ans : Amanda est immortelle ! En s'alliant à Nick Wolfe, ex-policier devenu détective privé, elle décide de se battre pour la justice, en l'aidant sur ses enquêtes.
Spécial cinéma

Spécial cinéma

May 16, 1998
Duncan MacLeod est un immortel issu du même clan que Connor MacLeod, le héros des films. Il a plus de quatre cents ans et travaille comme antiquaire avec sa compagne Tessa Noël entre la ville fictive de Seacouver (contraction de Vancouver, ville de Colombie-Britannique, où a été partiellement tournée la série, et Seattle, ville au Nord-Ouest des États-Unis), et Paris. Il protège également un jeune voyou prénommé Richie. La vie quotidienne de Duncan est ponctuée de duels à l'épée avec d'autres immortels qui veulent l'éliminer. En effet, chaque immortel qui en décapite un autre libère son « quickening », et s'approprie ainsi ses connaissances et ses pouvoirs. MacLeod va donc devoir affronter des ennemis de plus en plus puissants, qu'il connaît souvent depuis plusieurs siècles (la série, comme les films, a souvent recours aux flashbacks).
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Spécial cinéma

Spécial cinéma

Feb 01, 2025
Une collection d'intrigues policières liées à une légende ou une particularité locale, menée par un duo d'enquêteurs... Les régions ont leur polar !
Spécial cinéma

Spécial cinéma

Apr 18, 1998
Jake takes out an ad in the newspaper after the suicide of his unfaithful fiancée, in an effort to understand the reasons for the betrayal. By soliciting the secret diaries of other women, he hopes to find some reconciliation with the truth.
Spécial cinéma

Spécial cinéma

Dec 01, 2007
Alex Santana travaille dans une unité spéciale de la police. Lorsque la vie d'otages est en jeu, c'est à lui que sa hiérarchie fait appel pour sauver la situation. Santana doit, sans violence, par la parole, convaincre les forcenés de relâcher leurs victimes et de rendre les armes.