Fernando Villena

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Spanish Fly

Spanish Fly

Feb 01, 1976
British sex comedy. Sir Percy de Courcy accidentally turns some poor tasting wine into an aphrodisiac when his old school chum, Mike Scott arrives with a photographer and several gorgeous models.
La saga de los Drácula
Count Dracula's pregnant granddaughter arrives at his castle, along with her husband, who is not a vampire. While she prepares to give birth to a new member of the Dracula line, her husband secretly launches into a series of affairs with the Count's resident "brides."


Mar 07, 1974
Marisa Salinas gets her first job at one of the top publishing companies of her country. Don Ricardo Arencibia, her boss, is a man who does not appreciate innovation and new proposals from the staff, but enjoys bloody crime stories, and beautiful women. Don Ricardo invites Marisa out for dinner; they start behind friends and, soon, they start a sexual relationship. All goes well - safe for a little mystery that envelops Ricardo's ex-wife. Marisa decides to investigate... and she will uncover much more than she expected: Ricardo had been trying to make Marisa look like his former wife, and there is a plot involving large scale corruption.
La Chevauchée des morts-vivants
Un nouveau docteur et sa femme s’installent dans ce lieu à l’apparence paisible mais ils vont rapidement découvrir les sombres secrets de l’endroit. Tous les sept ans, sept vierges sont sacrifiées durant sept nuits. Leurs esprits sont alors emprisonnés dans les mouettes dont les cris annoncent l’arrivée des Templiers.
Joaquín Murrieta

Joaquín Murrieta

Feb 01, 1965
The fictionalized story of Joaquin Murrieta, a real life Mexican bandit who terrorized California with his gang of raiders and cutthroats during the first half of the 19th century. Some saw him as a murderous outlaw, others as the Mexican Robin Hood.
Le mercenaire

Le mercenaire

Dec 20, 1968
A la veille de la Révolution mexicaine, dans une mine victime d'une mutinerie conduite par Paco Roman, un employé qui a fait exécuter les contremaîtres et humilié le responsable Alfonso Garcia, les propriétaires souhaitent cacher sept tonnes d'argent. Ils embauchent un mercenaire, le Polak, réputé pour ses qualités de tireur et pour avoir humilié un employé du casino tenu par Curly, lequel se lance à sa poursuite...
La Planète des vampires
Les vaisseaux spatiaux Argos et Galliot s’approchent d’une planète inconnue dont provient un mystérieux signal. Soudain, l’Argos est pris dans une force d’attraction magnétique faisant perdre connaissance à tous les membres de l’équipage, à l’exception du commandant Mark qui parvient à effectuer les manœuvres nécessaires à l’atterrissage. Après que le vaisseau a touché le sol, Mark a cependant la surprise de voir ses compagnons saisis par une rage homicide, dont ils n’ont plus aucun souvenir une fois qu’ils sont revenus à leurs esprits. L’atmosphère extérieure s’avérant respirable, les astronautes se mettent en route pour rejoindre le Galliot qui s’est posé non loin, mais en arrivant, ils constatent que tous les membres de l’équipage se sont entretués. Les deux vaisseaux étant hors d’usage, les survivants se retrouvent donc coincés sur cette étrange planète, désormais convaincus qu’il s’y tapit une force invisible vouée à les mener à leur perte…
Science Fiction
Le Maréchal de l'enfer
France, Moyen-Âge. De retour chez lui après avoir combattu contre les Anglais, le maréchal Gilles de Lancre est snobé à la cour, le roi lui refusant les honneurs qui lui reviennent. Revenu dans son château, Gilles retrouve sa maîtresse et décide de se consacrer à ses recherches sur la pierre philosophale. Il reçoit alors un soi-disant alchimiste nommé Simon de Braqueville pour l' aider dans son entreprise. Le charlatan avec l'appui de la perfide maîtresse convainc Gilles de répandre le sang de jeunes filles vierges lors de rituels voués au démon, s'il veut obtenir le pouvoir et la richesse. Très vite c'est le début de messes noires...
Potato Fritz

Potato Fritz

May 05, 1976
Potato Fritz (Hardy Kruger) and his friends have moved from Germany to the American Wild West, settling eventually in the Rockies. They are besieged by what appear to them to be hostile Native Americans. Before too long, it becomes clear that the hostiles are in fact a gang of gold thieves. This movie is notable among German-made Westerns for its use of authentic period costumes and firearms.


Apr 01, 1987
Deserted by their father and with their mother dead, nine-year-old Pablo and his little sister Maria refuse to be separated from each other by their caretaker aunt. With a cross as their guide, they embark on a perilous, but ultimately rewarding adventure in search of a mystical gem that holds the key to happiness. They escape the fearsome metal hook of a pirate and are helped by a delightfully drunken Captain in their quest for the magic stone.
Erdbeben in Chili

Erdbeben in Chili

Jun 03, 1975
Tutor Jeronimo and heiress Josephe fall in love but are quickly torn from one another by execution and jail. However, when fate intervenes in the form of a massive earthquake, the two lovers have no idea what is in store for them.
Retrato de familia

Retrato de familia

Sep 17, 1976
Cecilio Rubes, a businessman engaged in the manufacture of baths and toilets, tries to remain neutral in the imminent Spanish civil war. But the attitude of Cécil, his only child, a spoiled boy who grows without respect their parents, will forced him to face the cruel reality of the facts. Jumping back and forth in time, we are shown his present and his past through his wife Adela and Paulina, the mistress of father and son.
Terreur dans le Shanghaï-Express
En 1906, Alexander Saxton, paléontologue, découvre un hominien fossilisé en Chine. Lors de son retour à Londres par le Transsibérien, il fait la rencontre de son rival, le Docteur Wells, qui décide d'ouvrir la fameuse caisse qui contient la créature. Celle-ci revient à la vie.


Sep 08, 1975
Angel is a poacher who lives in the forest with his domineering mother. One day he goes to the city and meets Milagros, an escapee from a reform school and the lover of a known criminal so he takes her to his house in the mountains.
Tire Encore Si Tu Peux
Django a participé à un braquage, mais ses complices décident de s'enfuir avec le butin en le laissant pour mort sur le bord de la route. Déterminé à se venger, il parcourt l'Ouest et apprend que des villageois ont tué les voleurs, sans savoir ce qui est advenu de l'or. Des bandits apprennent pour l'argent et ils kidnappent le fils d'un homme qui saurait où l'argent se trouve. Django sauve l'adolescent, mais malheureusement peu après qu'il se soit fait violer.
Del amor y de la muerte
Don Diego goes to war and his son Don Gonzalo is, in his absence, the new lord of the region. The milling Elvira, one of the mistresses of Don Diego, has a beautiful daughter, Elena, who has the desire of Don Gonzalo. But Elena is also the daughter of Don Diego and to separate the love of his brother, they marry her to Rodrigo, the pastor. This will be the beginning of the tragedy.
El valle de las espadas
Also released as Valley of the Swords, this lugubrious US/Spanish co-production features the usual mid-1960s "tax shelter" international cast. Broderick Crawford plays a despotic 10th century Spanish king who, in cahoots with the invading Moors, has banished handsome Castilian nobleman Spartaco Santoni. With the surreptitious aid of Crawford's daughter Teresa Velasquez, Santoni assembles an army to march against the Moors. In keeping with the 13th century epic poem from which this film was derived ("El Poema de Fernan Gonzales") Santoni's path is smoothed by the celestial intervention of patron saints Milan and Santiago. Among the big names picking up a few tax-free dollars in The Castilian are Cesar Romero, Linda Darnell, Alida Valli and Fernando Rey.
Hay que matar a B.

Hay que matar a B.

Jun 14, 1975
In a fictitious South American country there's lots of political tension, the labor-unions have all their members on strike. The public demands the return of politician B. from exile. However private trucker Pal can't afford to strike, so he's beaten up and his truck burned. In the headlines he's described as strike-breaker. This is only part of an intrigue which shall get him to murder B.
Gunfighters of Casa Grande
In this western, a gambler wins a big Mexican ranch and decides to herd all of the cattle upon it into Texas. The crook enlists the aide of a few Mexicans, but they don't realize he plans to cheat them. En route, the cattle drivers are ambushed by banditos. They survive, but during the course of the struggle, the cattle hands learn the truth and ensure that justice gets served.
Les Aventures Extraordinaires de Cervantes
Au xvie siècle, on assiste aux exploits et aux amours du jeune et fougueux Miguel de Cervantes, futur auteur de Don Quichotte. De son alliance avec le pape Pie IV, son combat auprès de Philippe II d'Espagne contre les Maures, ses démêlés avec le cardinal Giulio Acquaviva et l'Ottoman Hassan Bey, sa bravoure à la bataille navale de Lépante, ses amours contrariées avec la belle courtisane romaine Giulia, jusqu'à son emprisonnement à Alger puis son retour en Espagne.