Maurizio wakes up after sleeping for twenty years and goes to live with his cousin Carlina, who shares her apartment with two other women: one an actress, the other unemployed.
L'intervention d'un mannequin magnifique dans un melodramme diffuse a la television, en presence du realisateur, provoque un scandale parmi les animateurs de l'emission, cependant qu'une famille "telepathe", n'ayant rien remarque d'etrange, va se coucher tranquillement.
Licia dolce Licia is an Italian television series. It is one of the four live adaptations of the Japanese manga Ai Shite Knight. It is the sequel to "Love me Licia" and was followed by "Teneramente Licia" and "Balliamo e cantiamo con Licia".
Teneramente Licia is an Italian television series. It is one of the four live adpatations of the Japanese manga Ai Shite Knight. It is the sequel to "Love me Licia" and "Licia dolce Licia", and was followed by "Balliamo e cantiamo con Licia".
Love me Licia is an Italian television series. It is one of the four live adpatiations of the Japanese manga Ai Shite Knight. Its sequels are "Licia dolce Licia," "Teneramente Licia," and "Balliamo e cantiamo con Licia".
Balliamo e cantiamo con Licia is an Italian television series. It is one of the four live adpatations of the Japanese manga Ai Shite Knight. It is the sequel to "Love me Licia", "Licia dolce Licia", and "Teneramente Licia".