Erika Lásková

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Le Chemin de la Liberté
Slovaquie, à la veille du début de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. La famille du jeune juif Martin Friedmann se réunit pour célébrer sa bar-mitsva et faire la promesse solennelle de se retrouver un an plus tard autour de la même table ; mais les tempêtes de la guerre et du fanatisme antisémite vont conduire chacun d'entre eux sur des chemins très différents.
Nepravděpodobná romance
Luisa and Erika are prototypes of young women who plunge into relationships with the "wrong" men. Luisa wants to become an actress, which upsets her husband Igor to no end. Erika is trying to work as much as possible so that she can afford to study and thereby achieve a better outlook on life, but she unfortunately runs up against a boss who doesn't have the best intentions with her. Ultimately Luisa's husband demonstratively commits suicide. Erika accidentally kills her boss in self-defense... The women blame themselves for all these failures, and that has got to change. Both have to grow up and start living again. Perhaps even together.