Александр Красовский

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Feb 20, 2002
In order to justify himself to the bigwigs of the criminal world, a young "gentleman of street luck", a former orphanage April is forced to take from the "godfather" of the mafia order to eliminate the two individuals who allegedly framed him. At the same time, one of the "targets" of April — confused in his relationship with crime businessman Vova — and he must save his life by agreeing to a very dangerous and questionable case. Naturally at one point their way — the roads intersect, but at the wrong time and in the most unexpected place. In just one night, the film's characters are trying to solve their problems, find the truth and, perhaps, pay a high price for it…


Jun 02, 2022
Ancien militaire russe, Ivan est revenu du front depuis longtemps. Hanté par ses années de guerre, il décide pourtant de partir en Syrie après que son ex-commandant, Grey, a été capturé par l'Etat Islamique. Pour tenter de le sauver, il s'engage dans une mission périlleuse en se faisant passer pour un correspondant de guerre.
Russian Raid

Russian Raid

Oct 01, 2020
Nikita, ancien agent des forces spéciales russes, est missionné pour trouver une faille dans la sécurité d’une usine sur laquelle l’organisation secrète qui l’emploie veut mettre la main. Avec son groupe de combattants surentraînés, il va devoir affronter le propriétaire du site, un chef de guerre lié à l’armée russe et à la Nomenklatura.
Звоните ДиКаприо!
The main character is the star of a popular TV series about doctors, actor Yegor Rumyantsev. Having achieved great success, he becomes an egoist and does not notice the feelings and experiences of those around him: he does not come to the shooting, leads a promiscuous sex life and deceives people. One day, Egor finds out that he has HIV. Rumyantsev's brother Lev is a mediocre and unlucky actor who runs a program about useful handicrafts on the cable channel "Ant-TV". Leo has a pregnant wife with two young daughters. He has no prospects for making money and moving up the career ladder until he gets a chance to replace his brother Yegor in the series.


May 09, 2024
Victor is a world boxing champion, the idol of millions of fans, a star. Everything changes in an instant when, by a ridiculous coincidence, he becomes the culprit of an unintentional murder. After liberation comes the realization that there is no more fame, no more money contracts. In the absence of work, Victor agrees to participate in underground battles. However, no one expects him to win here either. Only his father remembers his glorious sporting past, and the twelve—year-old boy Kirill is a boarding school student with autism. Victor begins to train the boys from the orphanage, trying to change them and himself for the better. He will have to recreate himself, emerge victorious from all the troubles and remain human at the same time. The latter is especially important, because his boys are now looking up to him.