Kubilay Karslıoğlu

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In Your Dreams

In Your Dreams

Feb 03, 2023
Vous connaissez ce sentiment. Votre regard croise celui d'un inconnu et le temps ralentit. C'est ce qui s'est passé avec Pelin et Engin. Sauf que, ô surprise, ils se réveillent dans le même lit. Et, soyez prêt, en tant que couple marié depuis deux ans ! Ce doit être un rêve. Non, un cauchemar. Mais pour se réveiller, ils doivent tomber amoureux.
Le Cataclysme de l'amour
Après une faillite, un publicitaire paumé craque pour une chanteuse de bar lors d'une retraite de yoga et s'engage avec elle dans un processus d'épanouissement personnel. Musique, yoga et prise de conscience. Dans leur quête d'amour et de transcendance, deux âmes sœurs parviendront-elles à se libérer de leur ancien moi ?
Daha İyi Bir Yarın

Daha İyi Bir Yarın

Jun 14, 2024
Abandoned by his lover, Ozan begins to suffer from love and cannot find solace anywhere he goes. Ozan decides to commit suicide one day. Suicide is legal as long as it is under state control, but there is only one exception to this: No one should fall in love with the person who will commit suicide or make such an application. When Ozan goes to the life termination center, his application is examined and he receives a rejection. Because a woman named Ekin is in love with Ozan, whom he never knew. That's why the poet can't die. His only solution is to find this girl named Ekin and make her give up on her love.


Oct 06, 2024
In the aftermath of the scandal involving leaked erotic videos, renowned model Sevda and Dr. Yusuf, seeking an escape from the monotonous walls of his routine life, coincidentally meet after Yusuf leaves home following a heated argument with his wife. What starts as a chance encounter evolves into walks through the streets of Galata under the pretext of Yusuf’s documentary film project. As the duo explores the intricacies of the city, they embark on a profound questioning of life, relationships, beliefs, and societal polarization through Sevda’s scandals and Yusuf’s relationship with his wife Aysel. Two marginalized characters begin to discuss the unconventional nature of the relationship that develops between them as the story progresses.
Hot Skull

Hot Skull

Dec 02, 2022
Dans un univers dystopique, une institution tyrannique traque un linguiste immunisé contre une maladie qui se propage par le biais de la communication verbale.
Frères Rivaux

Frères Rivaux

Jun 26, 2013
Frères rivaux relate la lutte acharnée entre deux frères, Kamal et Karim, liés par un terrible secret qui les éloigne de manière inéluctable... Seul point commun entre eux : l'immensité de leurs rêves et leur passion pour... la même femme.
Action & Adventure
The Protector

The Protector

Jul 09, 2020
Après avoir découvert ce qui le lie à un ancien ordre secret, un jeune homme de l'Istanbul moderne entreprend de sauver la ville des griffes d'un ennemi immortel.
Action & Adventure
Dudullu Postası

Dudullu Postası

Apr 20, 2018
The characters and story that are adapted from the Dudullu Post series are told in the eyes of extraordinary people who are unusual. Foolish youths, desperate housewives, young girls living in the dream world, dad lost in the carpet field match.
Babam ve Ailesi

Babam ve Ailesi

Jun 26, 2017
Tanınmış işadamı Kemal İpekçi, İstanbul’da karısı Suzan, çok sevdiği çocukları Mert ve Çiçek ile imrenilecek bir hayat sürerken, Kemal İpekçi’nin oğlu Mert’in başından geçen bir olay ile Adana’da kimselerin bilmediği bir ailesi daha olduğu ortaya çıkar. Gençlik aşkı Nilgün ve ikizleri Kadir ile Hasret o güne kadar Adana’da gözlerden uzak yaşamışken, Kemal de yıllarca ikili bir hayat sürmek zorunda kalmıştır. Ancak gerçekler açığa çıktıktan sonra Kemal hem yarım kalan aşkına hem de çocuklarına sahip çıkmak için hiç beklemediği olaylarla savaşmak zorunda
Gizli Bahçe

Gizli Bahçe

Nov 24, 2024
Nazlı is a poor, single and young mother who lives with her son Memo. Memo's powerful and rich uncle Demir takes action when he learns that his deceased brother has a son. When he finds out about Nazlı's profession, he starts a big war to get Memo. Nazlı, who finds herself in this struggle, has a bigger secret.