Eric Sherman

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Pep Squad

Pep Squad

Jun 01, 1998
Le campus de Oak Hill High School, dans le Kansas, connaît des heures difficiles. Le directeur multiplie les vexations envers les étudiants et n'hésite pas à faire des avances aux jeunes filles. Alors qu'elle subit une agression dans son bureau, une étudiante l'assomme. Avec des amis, elle kidnappe sa victime pour que son forfait ne soit pas découvert. Dans le même temps, l'élection de la Miss de la Promo crée des conflits. Une participante ne supporte pas de concurrence et commet un premier meurtre pour intimider les jeunes femmes sélectionnées par le jury...
The Scenesters

The Scenesters

Aug 31, 2009
Someone is killing beautiful young Hipsters in East L.A. Charlie is a crime scene cleaner working for Aftershocks Inc. with a penchant for Sherlock Holmes type deduction. Wallace is an out-of-luck filmmaker working as a crime scene videographer. The detectives covering the murders are apathetic at best but with good names (Henry and Carlita, particularly Carlita). Good names, bad attitudes.
Black & White

Black & White

Feb 01, 2018
Nazism was born in Europe, but raised in South America. After World War II, thousands of Nazi criminals found safe shelter in Brazil and Argentina. His legacy of horror, however, remained hidden... until now.
The Scenesters

The Scenesters

Aug 31, 2009
Someone is killing beautiful young Hipsters in East L.A. Charlie is a crime scene cleaner working for Aftershocks Inc. with a penchant for Sherlock Holmes type deduction. Wallace is an out-of-luck filmmaker working as a crime scene videographer. The detectives covering the murders are apathetic at best but with good names (Henry and Carlita, particularly Carlita). Good names, bad attitudes.
The Scenesters

The Scenesters

Aug 31, 2009
Someone is killing beautiful young Hipsters in East L.A. Charlie is a crime scene cleaner working for Aftershocks Inc. with a penchant for Sherlock Holmes type deduction. Wallace is an out-of-luck filmmaker working as a crime scene videographer. The detectives covering the murders are apathetic at best but with good names (Henry and Carlita, particularly Carlita). Good names, bad attitudes.
Teen Wolf : Le film

Teen Wolf : Le film

Jan 18, 2023
Someone is killing beautiful young Hipsters in East L.A. Charlie is a crime scene cleaner working for Aftershocks Inc. with a penchant for Sherlock Holmes type deduction. Wallace is an out-of-luck filmmaker working as a crime scene videographer. The detectives covering the murders are apathetic at best but with good names (Henry and Carlita, particularly Carlita). Good names, bad attitudes.
Une histoire vraie

Une histoire vraie

Oct 15, 1999
Someone is killing beautiful young Hipsters in East L.A. Charlie is a crime scene cleaner working for Aftershocks Inc. with a penchant for Sherlock Holmes type deduction. Wallace is an out-of-luck filmmaker working as a crime scene videographer. The detectives covering the murders are apathetic at best but with good names (Henry and Carlita, particularly Carlita). Good names, bad attitudes.
Bad Girls

Bad Girls

Jan 24, 2001
Someone is killing beautiful young Hipsters in East L.A. Charlie is a crime scene cleaner working for Aftershocks Inc. with a penchant for Sherlock Holmes type deduction. Wallace is an out-of-luck filmmaker working as a crime scene videographer. The detectives covering the murders are apathetic at best but with good names (Henry and Carlita, particularly Carlita). Good names, bad attitudes.
3 Nights in the Desert
Three former band mates enter a cave after hearing it has the power to give them what they need. As unsettling desires rise to the surface, they all wonder if the cave has real power.

Sep 05, 2022

Liz Ortecho, une jeune femme née de parents migrants sans papiers, retourne à contrecoeur dans sa ville natale : Roswell. Elle y découvre alors que son amour de jeunesse, Max, désormais policier, est un extraterrestre ayant caché ses origines et ses pouvoirs toute sa vie. Tandis qu'ils se rapprochent à nouveau l'un de l'autre, une violente attaque prouve que les aliens sont bien plus présents sur Terre que le monde ne l'imaginait...
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Jan 31, 2002

L'histoire se déroule dans un manoir de Seattle nommé Rose Red, réputé hanté, qui fait l'objet de l’enquête du parapsychologue Joyce Reardon et de son équipe de psis, qui vont s'exposer à la colère des forces surnaturelles qui résident au manoir.