Nikolai Pazhitnov

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Егор Булычов и другие
Major timber merchant Yegor Bulychyov is terminally ill. In his house, he is surrounded by insignificant and greedy people, impatiently waiting for his death. Clever and insightful Yegor understands that he lived his whole life with strangers. He protests in his own way against the dissimulation and hypocrisy of the "masters" - the clergy, liberals, against the foundations of the bourgeois society that is going to collapse. Bulychyov's dying curse drowns his class in the powerful sounds of a revolutionary song.


May 12, 1958
Le prince Mychkine revient de Suisse pour la Russie, où il a été soigné dans une clinique psychiatrique. Dans le train qui le mène à Saint-Pétersbourg, le prince rencontre Parfyon Rogozhin, qui lui raconte son amour passionné pour Nastasya Filippovna, l'ancienne femme du millionnaire Totsky. À Saint-Pétersbourg, le prince se retrouve dans la maison chez sa parente - Lizaveta Yepanchina (épouse du général), rencontre son mari, leurs filles, ainsi que le secrétaire du général - Ganya Ivolgin. Le portrait de Nastasya Filippovna, aperçu par hasard sur la table du général, fait grande impression sur le prince...
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Based on the novel of the same name by Anton Chekhov. Princess Mariya fell in love with doctor Toporkov, who was treating her, in the recent past the serf of her family. Now he has become a celebrity and is only concerned about buying a new home profitably. He does not notice her love and marries a rich merchant. The princess in love comes to see Toporkov and opens to him. Her strong feeling touches Toporkov’s hardened heart, he leaves his wife and leaves the princess abroad.
Конец света

Конец света

Jun 24, 1963
A satirical comedy with elements of metaphysical horror about religion in rural 1960s Soviet Russia. Notable for using first-person pseudo-documentary "found footage" technique framing the movie as the creation of the protagonist, who is returns to his home village from the city to discover that a local drunk has formed a doomsday cult.