Karel Fiala

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Comment On Réveille Les Princesses
A peine née, une jeune princesse reçoit une malédiction de sa tante, jalouse que sa soeur soit devenue reine à sa place. A ses dix-sept ans, la jeune fille s'endormira comme tout le royaume, quand elle se piquera le doigt. Avant l'arrivée des dix-sept ans fatals, le roi se débarrasse de tous les rosiers et objets piquants, et tente de la faire épouser par un prince d'un autre royaume pour l'éloigner...
The Secret of Steel City
Le docteur François Sarrasin, et le professeur Érik Janus, cohéritiers d’une immense fortune, font construire chacun une ville. Tandis que la cité que le docteur Sarrasin fait ériger est moderne et privilégie le bien-être de ses habitants, le professeur Janus fait construire une cité industrielle destinée à la production d’armes de destruction massive. Au vu de dramatiques et inquiétants incidents s'étant déroulés à la frontière, le docteur Sarrasin envoi secrètement un observateur, pour enquêter…
Science Fiction
Muž na útěku

Muž na útěku

Feb 07, 1969
More than twenty years after the Second World War, a mining engineer named Fischer is revealed as a former member of the Gestapo, Karel Kraus. He is sentenced for murder to eight years in prison and now works with other prisoners on the renovation of the Convent of St Agnes of Bohemia in Prague. Then a car with a foreign registration begins to park regularly close to the construction site. Its crew, a man and a woman, contact the construction foreman, who probably would not reject a bribe offer to perform some service. The prisoner Bicík is appointed to work with Kraus; Bicík gives him a message from Kraus' brother Bert, who lives abroad, that he wants to help him escape.
L’Incinérateur de cadavres
M. Kopfrkingl est un employé modèle. Incinérateur de cadavres de son état, il exerce son métier avec amour. Il aime ses morts, il est heureux de libérer les âmes et souhaite, par amour de son prochain, a tous une mort prochaine. À la veille de la Seconde Guerre mondiale un ami nazi le persuade qu'il doit avoir du sang allemand dans les veines. Et M. Kopfrkingl se prend à rêver d'une race pure. Son crématoire va pouvoir tourner à plein régime.


Sep 24, 1970
The female employees of the poultry-processing factory find relief from their monotonous work in chatting about weddings and marriages. The very young Zdena (Marta Vancurová), too, dreams about a white veil and an entourage of bridesmaids. On her return home from work, she runs into a peculiar man on an abandoned road who pertinaciously offers to read her palm for a few crowns to buy soup. His augury is rather usual - wealth and poverty, suffering and happiness. Then however, he declares that Zdena must marry exactly on 3 November of that year otherwise she will be unhappy.
Jakou barvu má láska
Cyril Dadák (Václav Postránecký), a TV reporter falls in love at first sight with a young engineer Milena (Jaroslava Obermaierová) while he makes a reportage in a chemical factory. Milena has been dating for several years with a test driver Pavel (Rudolf Jelínek), however when she meets Cyril she feels that he might be the Mr Right. She accepts Cyril's invitation for a date and she spends a night with him. In the morning she finds in her flat Pavel. She wants to explain to him everything but Pavel makes coffee with a smile and gives her back the keys from the flat.
Noc oranžových ohňů
Petr Rynes (Svatopluk Matyás) is celebrating his forty-fifth birthday in the company of his friends. He is happy with his wife, and his abilities at work have been rewarded with the medal For Outstanding Work. But a few short seconds are enough to change his life when he makes the ill-judged decision to take his car to bring a friend's wife to the celebration, and hits a pedestrian on the way. He has of course been drinking at the party and is consequently sentenced to sixteen months in prison. Being in jail is not an easy thing for a honorable communist. He soon gets into conflict with several violent inmates, who think they can break his spirit by violence.
Na samotě u lesa

Na samotě u lesa

Sep 10, 1976
Les Lavicka, une famille tchèque originaire de la ville, loue une maison à la campagne avec la possibilité d'acheter. Cependant, le vieil M. Komarek semble réticent à vendre la maison comme convenu.
Pirosbetűs hétköznapok
Jirka is a composer, his wife, Jana, a pianist. Jana would like to have an own concert, but so far she has only been selected to accompany Valenta during his concerts in Budapest. After some resentments, she accepts the proposal.
Fuga na černých klávesách
Fati Farari, a black man from Africa, is completing his studies in classical piano at the Music Academy of Prague. It's the day before his first solo concert, where he is going to play Bach. While he strolls around the city he is thinking, not so much about the concert as about himself, both as a lonely foreigner and as a human being in cosmos. Here and there he encounters some racist comments, but mostly he just feels the weight of social exclusion because of his otherness, especially when it comes to women. On the morning of the day for his concert the embassy informs him that his whole family has perished. He feels totally broken, although he thinks that everyone holds some pain inside. His piano teacher, a professor at the Academy, looks him up, and tells him that he heard what has happened. The professor advises him to communicate his feelings that evening by using his Bach.


Jan 01, 1970
Final train station turnes out to be something much more different...


Oct 01, 1978
Journalist learns about battle in a small village.


Dec 27, 1963
Journalist learns about battle in a small village.
Nezvaný host

Nezvaný host

Sep 05, 1991
A run-of-the-mill family is terrorized by strangers dressed in military garb who invade their private realm.