A mousetrap snaps shut. A dusty town square awakens. A group of men debate how to kill the animal in the little box – each trying to outdo the others’ increasingly sadistic fantasies. Until a stranger suggests letting the creature loose. A voice of reason? Or the sickest manipulator of them all?
In a world which resembles a computer game from bygone times, an unloved boy embarks upon a search for answers to the essential questions: How does one become happy in life? Is there a “real me”, or do we just play some character?
In a world which resembles a computer game from bygone times, an unloved boy embarks upon a search for answers to the essential questions: How does one become happy in life? Is there a “real me”, or do we just play some character?
In a world which resembles a computer game from bygone times, an unloved boy embarks upon a search for answers to the essential questions: How does one become happy in life? Is there a “real me”, or do we just play some character?