Marián Sotník

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Uzlíky nádeje

Uzlíky nádeje

Jan 01, 1979
Social ballad. Three short stories – "Uzlík tepla", "Chlapec a pánboh" and "Rubári" – depict three different human stories, the common denominator of which is suffering and existential threat.
Súdim ťa láskou

Súdim ťa láskou

Apr 09, 1982
A sociological drama with a detective plot taking place in the period of industry and agriculture collectivization of the 1950s. Peter Lánik, a young lawyer, during a trial finds out that whom he thought to be his father is in fact only his stepfather. Little by little he learns about the tragic life of his parents as well as about the dramatical atmosphere of the forced cooperativization of village farms.
Majster kat

Majster kat

Aug 05, 1966
A dramatic story about two friends - fisherman Richardus and municipal executioner Emil Targo takes place at the river Danube, in places that used to be targets of Ottoman raids. But their attraction to the same woman and Emil’s betrayal change their indissoluble friendship to an equally strong hatred. And as it usually goes - after twenty years by a trick of fate Richardus’ daughter Agajka becomes the wife ofthe sun of his sworn enemy.
Sedmi kontinent

Sedmi kontinent

Jul 12, 1966
A group of children discover the new continent of the world, uninhabited by adults. Soon, many other children are joining them in that new paradise, leaving their parents and other adults baffled on all remaining continents.
Živý bič

Živý bič

Jan 19, 1967
A film about the dramatic lives ofthe people of the village of Ráztoka during WW I. Women are left without husbands, families fall apart, finding themselves on the verge of poverty. Eva, the main heroine, is going through difficulties after her husband was drafted to the army. Her defilement and her tragic death cause a rebellion by which the village inhabitants finally stand up against their unbearable situation.
L'Éden et après

L'Éden et après

Apr 20, 1970
Des étudiants se réunissent dans un café où ils s'inventent un monde parallèle, violent et érotique. Un étranger se joint à eux et conte des récits africains qui les fascinent. Une des jeunes filles, Violette, accepte un rendez-vous nocturne avec ce séduisant inconnu. Mais l'heure dite, elle découvre son cadavre. Violette plonge alors dans une rêverie qui la mène en Tunisie...
Nevesta hôľ

Nevesta hôľ

Dec 22, 1972
A balladic story situated in a Slovak mountain region before the 2nd World War. A young man returns to his native village after many years. There he meets Zuna, a mysterious girl of the forest, who opens his eyes to the charming nature to perceive hidden corners of the world and of his own soul.
Zajtra bude neskoro

Zajtra bude neskoro

Dec 14, 1972
1943. Captain Ian Nalepke, Chief of Staff of the Slovak regiment, bearing protection of military facilities in the small town of Belarus contacts the partisansand passes to them the obtained information about upcoming operations of the German forces.
Javor a Juliana

Javor a Juliana

Mar 02, 1973
A girl is transformed into a maple tree by her impulsive and angry mother. Three poor wandering musicians come by the tree and create instruments from it. Walking around the country instead of happiness they bring death everywhere with their cursed instruments. However they cannot get rid of them, unless they bury the wooden instruments at the place of the tree. The three are anything but harmonious, each taking in their disputes various stances.
Les clefs de la ville

Les clefs de la ville

Jan 01, 1983
Le jeune Ivan, 6 ans, avec sa sœur aînée Martina, participent à une visite dans le musée de Bratislava. Alors qu'il avait promis à sa sœur de ne pas s'éloigner d'elle, Ivan pénètre seul dans une salle et par curiosité, regarde dans la grande horloge. Il y perd sa casquette. Cela perturbe le cycle du temps, Ivan et Martina commencent alors à se déplacer dans le passé et parcourent les grands moments historiques de la capitale slovaque…