Kenan Evren

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12 Eylül: Darbe Günlüğü
Turkish democracy got over May 27 and March 12 and set off again, but the storm did not subside, and the mutual reckoning was not over. On the contrary, new fronts were opened in the country and blood began to flow like a gutter. Finally, on September 12, there was a knock on the door again. Those who came that day changed everything, everything. Nothing will ever be the same again
12 Eylül: 12 Eylül'ün Bilançosu
Turkish democracy got over the 27th of May and the 12th of March and set off again, but the storm did not subside and the mutual reckoning was not over. On the contrary, new fronts were opened in the country and blood began to flow like a gutter. Finally, on September 12, there was a knock on the door again. Those who came that day changed everything, everything. Nothing would ever be the same again, nothing would be the same as before.
12 Eylül: Katliamlar Başlıyor
Turkish democracy got over the 27th of May and the 12th of March and set off again, but the storm did not subside and the mutual reckoning was not over. On the contrary, new fronts were opened in the country and blood began to flow like a gutter. Finally, on September 12, there was a knock on the door again. Those who came that day changed everything, everything. Nothing would ever be the same again, nothing would be the same as before.
12 Eylül: Darbenin Ayak Sesleri
Turkish democracy got over the 27th of May and the 12th of March and set off again, but the storm did not subside and the mutual reckoning was not over. On the contrary, new fronts were opened in the country and blood began to flow like a gutter. Finally, on September 12, there was a knock on the door again. Those who came that day changed everything, everything. Nothing would ever be the same again, nothing would be the same as before.
12 Eylül: Uçurumun Eşiğinde
Turkish democracy got over the 27th of May and the 12th of March and set off again, but the storm did not subside and the mutual reckoning was not over. On the contrary, new fronts were opened in the country and blood began to flow like a gutter. Finally, on September 12, there was a knock on the door again. Those who came that day changed everything, everything. Nothing would ever be the same again, nothing would be the same as before.
12 Eylül: Kıbrıs'tan Cepheleşmeye
Turkish democracy got over the 27th of May and the 12th of March and set off again, but the storm did not subside and the mutual reckoning was not over. On the contrary, new fronts were opened in the country and blood began to flow like a gutter. Finally, on September 12, there was a knock on the door again. Those who came that day changed everything, everything. Nothing would ever be the same again, nothing would be the same as before.
12 Eylül: Demokrasiye Dönüş
Turkish democracy got over the 27th of May and the 12th of March and set off again, but the storm did not subside and the mutual reckoning was not over. On the contrary, new fronts were opened in the country and blood began to flow like a gutter. Finally, on September 12, there was a knock on the door again. Those who came that day changed everything, everything. Nothing would ever be the same again, nothing would be the same as before.
12 Eylül: Renklerin Çatışması
Turkish democracy got over the 27th of May and the 12th of March and set off again, but the storm did not subside and the mutual reckoning was not over. On the contrary, new fronts were opened in the country and blood began to flow like a gutter. Finally, on September 12, there was a knock on the door again. Those who came that day changed everything, everything. Nothing would ever be the same again, nothing would be the same as before.
Özallı Yıllar: 24 Ocak
While we were wandering through the pages of our democracy history, we saw right-left fights and experienced revolutions. Blood was shed, scaffolds were set up, but they could never change the country's path. When we came to the 1980s, a person came out and shook the system to its roots and changed the world of people. According to some, this was a great revolution, according to others, it was the wear and tear of some values. Regardless, this person left his mark on a period of Turkey.
Turquie, nation impossible
L'histoire de la Turquie a été façonnée par deux grandes figures politiques : Mustafa Kemal (1881-1934), connu sous le nom d'Atatürk, le père des Turcs, fondateur de l'État moderne, et l'actuel président Recep Tayyıp Erdoğan, qui souhaite apparemment que la Turquie retrouve la prééminence politique et militaire qu'elle avait en tant qu'empire sous la dynastie ottomane.