John Wood a laissé une civilisation brisée derrière lui, afin de retourner à ses racines dans la forêt, après qu'une pandémie de virus a frappé le monde.
Muni d'un seul mot : "Tenet", et décidé à se battre pour sauver le monde, notre protagoniste sillonne l'univers crépusculaire de l'espionnage international. Sa mission le projettera dans une dimension qui dépasse le temps. Pourtant, il ne s'agit pas d'un voyage dans le temps, mais d'un renversement temporel…
During a traditional battle claim, an earl kills a tough Viking in a cowardly way. Twenty years later, the Vikings' son has become one of the most notorious barbarians and is now seeking revenge on the entire village.
After being confronted with her fear of being too big, Sara, 181 centimeters tall and heavily built, begins to explore her perception of femininity, with her talkative vulva.
Sophie's life intertwines with Jonny, a reformed addict artist. Their love flourishes but faces a harsh test when Jonny's past addiction resurfaces, pushing Sophie's strength and devotion to the brink.
In the wilderness, a lone rider agrees to help a stranger search for his lost friend. But as they venture deeper into the forest, doubt creeps in—does this missing man even exist, or is the rider being led astray?
A cure has been found. The zombie apocalypse has been stopped. Now, we follow four participants through a governmental program aiming at to reintroducing former zombies back into society.
A cure has been found. The zombie apocalypse has been stopped. Now, we follow four participants through a governmental program aiming at to reintroducing former zombies back into society.
During a traditional battle claim, an earl kills a tough Viking in a cowardly way. Twenty years later, the Vikings' son has become one of the most notorious barbarians and is now seeking revenge on the entire village.
A cause d'une faille spatio-temporelle, des " visiteurs du passé " surgissent aujourd'hui dans les rues d'Oslo. Parmi eux, des vikings combattifs. Le détective, Lars, est chargé de comprendre ce qui a pu permettre cet incident. Il s'associe alors à Alfhildr Enginnsdóttir, une guerrière viking...