Mark Johnson

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L'attaque dura Sept Jours
Durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, un commando de marines affronte un bataillon japonais sur l'île de Guadalcanal. Alors que leurs camarades meurent jour après jour, le soldat Doll et le chef Welsh se confondent en divergences sur l'importance du conflit.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Une nuit d'orage, la voiture de Janet et Brad, un couple coincé qui vient de se fiancer, tombe en panne. Obligés de se réfugier dans un mystérieux château, ils vont faire la rencontre de ses occupants pour le moins bizarres, qui se livrent à de bien étranges expériences.
Public Eye

Public Eye

Apr 07, 1975
Public Eye is a British television series that ran from 1965 to 1975. It was produced by ABC Television for three series, and Thames Television for a further four series. The series depicted the investigations and cases handled by the unglamorous enquiry agent Frank Marker, an unmarried loner who is in his early forties when the series begins. In the words of an ABC trailer for the third series: "Marker isn't a glamorous detective and he doesn't get glamorous cases—he doesn't even get glamorous girls. What he does get is people who are in trouble—the sort of trouble you can't go to the police about, even if you are innocent."