Alla Usenko

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Просвітлої дороги свічка чорна. Пам'яті Василя Стуса
Documentary trilogy about the thorny path of the famous Ukrainian poet, translator, political prisoner Vasyl Stus. Filmed in 1989-1992, it describes the life of the poet, the story of the destruction of the dissident by the Soviet authorities, highlights his influence on Ukrainian society during life and after his death, records the testimony of witnesses, films the liquidated Kuchino camp, in which Stus was imprisoned, the reburial of Stus, Lytvyn and Tykhy in 1989. Consists of three parts: «Come back to me, my memory» (Верни до мене, пам’яте моя), «In the white cold the sun of Ukraine» (У білій стужі сонце України), «Crucified on a black cross» (Розіп’ятий на чорному хресті).


Jul 15, 1991
At first playfully, and then seriously, the heroine falls in love with her friend's husband, who fights for social justice. Then there will be an arrest, exhausting interrogations of a police officer fascinated by her, involvement in the death of her lover. And that's not all...
Усмішки Нечипорівки
A long time ago, in a certain village, a tired traveler was resting. His name was Nechipor. And then Nechipor saw in a dream how the girls gave him a box. And along the box there was a treble clef. He became the symbol of Nechiporovka. And the village was named in honor of its creator - Nechiporovka...
Вы Петьку не видели?
The chairman of the collective farm, Yuri Sergeyevich, has no rest - and all because of the boys, whose main instigator is Petka, dreams of space flights are overwhelming. With his ideas, he gives a lot of trouble to adults, and they decide to entrust him with a "serious" business ...
Второе дыхание
A seriously ill patient is brought to the clinic of a research institute. Young doctor Falko, a resident at the institute, insists on an urgent operation, but his supervisor Druz believes that in this case therapeutic treatment will be more effective and, moreover, will not be associated with risk. Professor Shostenko nevertheless undertakes to operate on the patient. The successfully completed operation confirms the diagnosis made by Falko. Parallel to the events in the clinic, the action unfolds in the house of the director of the institute Shostenko, where his son Igor returns after a three-year absence. The complicated relationship between Igor and his wife, the love story of Shostenko's daughter and Druz - the canvas of the second plot of the film.


Jan 01, 1990
The story of the dramatic life of folk artist Kateryna Bilokur, who sacrificed the love for her calling.