Firma and Nero make a blood pact on the roof of a parking garage to make sure their love is real, thus putting their own relationship and the world at risk.
The film is following the undefined relationship between the two characters, based on autobiographical events and raw dialogues about insecurity, nostalgia. They attempt to explain their thoughts whilst they cook pancakes or take a walk along the river, while being stuck in the feeling of emptiness.
The film is following the undefined relationship between the two characters, based on autobiographical events and raw dialogues about insecurity, nostalgia. They attempt to explain their thoughts whilst they cook pancakes or take a walk along the river, while being stuck in the feeling of emptiness.
The film is following the undefined relationship between the two characters, based on autobiographical events and raw dialogues about insecurity, nostalgia. They attempt to explain their thoughts whilst they cook pancakes or take a walk along the river, while being stuck in the feeling of emptiness.
Le royaume de la Ravka est maudit depuis des millénaires. Son destin repose désormais sur les épaules d'une orpheline. Alina a été recrutée par l'Armée pour accompagner les Grisha, de puissants magiciens qui luttent contre le brouillard maléfique qui déchire le pays. Quand son ami d'enfance frôle la mort lors de ce raid, Alina doit affronter ses peurs et sa destinée... Le monde des Grisha est dangereux et les pièges nombreux. À qui Alina pourra-t-elle accorder sa confiance, alors que la seule personne sur laquelle elle pouvait compter n'est plus en mesure de l'aider ?
Le sorcier Geralt, un chasseur de monstres mutant, se bat pour trouver sa place dans un monde où les humains se révèlent souvent plus vicieux que les bêtes.