Eddie Matthews

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Le Gang des Champions

Le Gang des Champions

Apr 07, 1993
Scotty Smalls vient d'aménager en ville. Les enfants du quartier le considèrent comme une véritable andouille. Il ne sait même pas jeter une balle de base-ball ! Mais les choses ne tarderont pas à changer lorsque Scotty se joindra à eux sur le terrain de sport…
Le Gang des Newton

Le Gang des Newton

Mar 26, 1998
Willis, Joe, Jess et Dock Newton sont quatre frères vivant dans la campagne américaine dans les année 1920. Délaissant la vie au champ, trop ennuyeuse, Willis, l'aîné, décide de se reconvertir en bandit de grand chemin, bientôt rejoint par ses trois frères. Ensemble, ils forment le "Gang de Newton" et réaliseront l'une des plus spectaculaire attaque de l'histoire des Etats-Unis.
L'ange de la destruction
A San Francisco, dans le futur. Les progrès technologiques ont permis la création de robots destinés à accomplir des missions militaires périlleuses. Très perfectionnés, ces engins peuvent non seulement se passer de toute assistance humaine, mais éprouver toutes sortes de sentiments et, même, prendre des décisions importantes. Lors d'un test, le robot Eve VIII, créé par la scientifique Eve Simmons à sa propre image, subit un grave traumatisme qui le libère soudain de tout contrôle. Eve VIII commence à errer dans les rues de la ville, expérimentant les tourments émotionnels de sa créatrice. Or, celle-ci est hantée par les souvenirs d'une enfance pénible, marquée par la disparition de sa mère et l'éloignement affectif de son père. Revivant le passé de la jeune femme, le robot sent naître en lui un terrible désir de vengeance...
Science Fiction


Aug 19, 2011
Plusieurs braquages opérés par des gangs différents ont lieu simultanément dans la même banque. Un des otages tente de comprendre les raisons de cette troublante coïncidence. Mais en tombant sous le charme d’une guichetière aguicheuse, la tâche ne lui est pas facilitée...
Road to Redemption

Road to Redemption

Sep 28, 2001
A couple come into contact with stolen mob money, gamble it away, and end up on the run from gangsters
La montée

La montée

Feb 22, 2002
Deux alpinistes aux ambitions similaires, mais au caractère foncièrement différent décident d'entreprendre ensemble grâce au financement d'une société, une ascension réputée impossible !


Dec 18, 2015
Un ancien agent de la CIA est enlevé par un groupe de terroristes. Lorsque son fils apprend qu'il n'y a aucun mission prévue pour le secourir, il mettra en place sa propre opération de sauvetage.


Jan 16, 2015
Dans un centre de loisirs futuriste, les humains synthétiques sont les serviteurs des riches qui vivent leurs fantasmes les plus sombres. Les humanoïdes sont réinitialisés à chaque nuit par Julian, le propriétaire de la station. Mais Kelly subit quelques dysfonctionnements et conserve tous les souvenirs dans sa mémoire, y compris les plus terrifiants. Réalisant ce que les touristes font endurer au personnel synthétique, elle décide de se venger…
Les derniers citoyens

Les derniers citoyens

Jun 28, 2018
Dans un monde postapocalyptique gangréné par des gangs sanguinaires, Nina (Kate Bosworth) et Mark (Tyler Hoechlin) arpentent des contrées sans foi ni loi pour trouver un refuge et, à bout de souffle, doivent rester solidaires pour survivre.
La marque de la vengeance
Après une énorme fusillade, un mystérieux inconnu (Van Damme) arrive dans un hôpital au seuil de la mort quand un gang étranger surgit pour s'emparer de lui. Son infirmière, la seule survivante de l'attentat, fait face à un interrogatoire du FBI qui révèle un complot international. Avec ses multiples revirements, “Kill Them All” vous gardera en haleine jusqu'à la dernière balle!


Jan 01, 2001
A boy is sent to a small town high school to complete his senior year.
Science Fiction


Sep 26, 2012
A boy is sent to a small town high school to complete his senior year.
12 Rounds

12 Rounds

Mar 19, 2009
A boy is sent to a small town high school to complete his senior year.
Brain Smasher... A Love Story
A professional model, Sam Crain, is asked by her sister to smuggle a package from Europe to Portland Oregon, where she discovers that her sister is battling Chinese Shaolin Monks (not ninjas!). Fleeing the monks, Sam unwittingly involves Ed "Brainsmasher" Molloy, a nightclub bouncer.
Brothers in Arms : L'honneur des marines
A professional model, Sam Crain, is asked by her sister to smuggle a package from Europe to Portland Oregon, where she discovers that her sister is battling Chinese Shaolin Monks (not ninjas!). Fleeing the monks, Sam unwittingly involves Ed "Brainsmasher" Molloy, a nightclub bouncer.


Jul 27, 2011
A professional model, Sam Crain, is asked by her sister to smuggle a package from Europe to Portland Oregon, where she discovers that her sister is battling Chinese Shaolin Monks (not ninjas!). Fleeing the monks, Sam unwittingly involves Ed "Brainsmasher" Molloy, a nightclub bouncer.
Vendredi 13, chapitre 4 : Chapitre final
A professional model, Sam Crain, is asked by her sister to smuggle a package from Europe to Portland Oregon, where she discovers that her sister is battling Chinese Shaolin Monks (not ninjas!). Fleeing the monks, Sam unwittingly involves Ed "Brainsmasher" Molloy, a nightclub bouncer.
Son Alibi

Son Alibi

Feb 03, 1989
A professional model, Sam Crain, is asked by her sister to smuggle a package from Europe to Portland Oregon, where she discovers that her sister is battling Chinese Shaolin Monks (not ninjas!). Fleeing the monks, Sam unwittingly involves Ed "Brainsmasher" Molloy, a nightclub bouncer.


Jan 19, 2007
A professional model, Sam Crain, is asked by her sister to smuggle a package from Europe to Portland Oregon, where she discovers that her sister is battling Chinese Shaolin Monks (not ninjas!). Fleeing the monks, Sam unwittingly involves Ed "Brainsmasher" Molloy, a nightclub bouncer.
Shazam! La Rage des dieux
A professional model, Sam Crain, is asked by her sister to smuggle a package from Europe to Portland Oregon, where she discovers that her sister is battling Chinese Shaolin Monks (not ninjas!). Fleeing the monks, Sam unwittingly involves Ed "Brainsmasher" Molloy, a nightclub bouncer.
Star Trek : Insurrection
A professional model, Sam Crain, is asked by her sister to smuggle a package from Europe to Portland Oregon, where she discovers that her sister is battling Chinese Shaolin Monks (not ninjas!). Fleeing the monks, Sam unwittingly involves Ed "Brainsmasher" Molloy, a nightclub bouncer.
Science Fiction
Love, Cheat & Steal

Love, Cheat & Steal

Dec 05, 1993
Paul Harrington thinks he has the perfect wife... stunning, kind, and ambitious. Yet behind Lauren's pretty face lies a wicked person who sent her former boyfriend to jail by setting him up. Reno Adams has lost seven years of his life in Jail and wants revenge. After escaping, he tracks Lauren down and intends to make her and her husband's life a living hell.
Black Water

Black Water

May 18, 2018
Paul Harrington thinks he has the perfect wife... stunning, kind, and ambitious. Yet behind Lauren's pretty face lies a wicked person who sent her former boyfriend to jail by setting him up. Reno Adams has lost seven years of his life in Jail and wants revenge. After escaping, he tracks Lauren down and intends to make her and her husband's life a living hell.
Destination finale 4

Destination finale 4

Aug 26, 2009
Paul Harrington thinks he has the perfect wife... stunning, kind, and ambitious. Yet behind Lauren's pretty face lies a wicked person who sent her former boyfriend to jail by setting him up. Reno Adams has lost seven years of his life in Jail and wants revenge. After escaping, he tracks Lauren down and intends to make her and her husband's life a living hell.
La Folle Journée de Ferris Bueller
Paul Harrington thinks he has the perfect wife... stunning, kind, and ambitious. Yet behind Lauren's pretty face lies a wicked person who sent her former boyfriend to jail by setting him up. Reno Adams has lost seven years of his life in Jail and wants revenge. After escaping, he tracks Lauren down and intends to make her and her husband's life a living hell.


Jul 15, 1990
Psychic Ally Sheedy helps police solve murders by mentally linking with the murderer. Then she discovers a murderer with the same talent - who wants to share the fear of his victims with her!
The Pleasure Drivers

The Pleasure Drivers

Jun 28, 2006
Psychic Ally Sheedy helps police solve murders by mentally linking with the murderer. Then she discovers a murderer with the same talent - who wants to share the fear of his victims with her!
Le Ninja de Beverly Hills
Psychic Ally Sheedy helps police solve murders by mentally linking with the murderer. Then she discovers a murderer with the same talent - who wants to share the fear of his victims with her!
Le Ninja de Beverly Hills
Psychic Ally Sheedy helps police solve murders by mentally linking with the murderer. Then she discovers a murderer with the same talent - who wants to share the fear of his victims with her!
Strange Days

Strange Days

Oct 13, 1995
Psychic Ally Sheedy helps police solve murders by mentally linking with the murderer. Then she discovers a murderer with the same talent - who wants to share the fear of his victims with her!
Le Royaume

Le Royaume

Aug 22, 2007
Psychic Ally Sheedy helps police solve murders by mentally linking with the murderer. Then she discovers a murderer with the same talent - who wants to share the fear of his victims with her!
Speed 2 : Cap sur le danger
Psychic Ally Sheedy helps police solve murders by mentally linking with the murderer. Then she discovers a murderer with the same talent - who wants to share the fear of his victims with her!


Nov 22, 1995
Psychic Ally Sheedy helps police solve murders by mentally linking with the murderer. Then she discovers a murderer with the same talent - who wants to share the fear of his victims with her!
La marque de la vengeance
Psychic Ally Sheedy helps police solve murders by mentally linking with the murderer. Then she discovers a murderer with the same talent - who wants to share the fear of his victims with her!


Oct 08, 1999
Psychic Ally Sheedy helps police solve murders by mentally linking with the murderer. Then she discovers a murderer with the same talent - who wants to share the fear of his victims with her!
The Mask

The Mask

Jul 29, 1994
Psychic Ally Sheedy helps police solve murders by mentally linking with the murderer. Then she discovers a murderer with the same talent - who wants to share the fear of his victims with her!
Deep Red

Deep Red

Mar 12, 1994
After a young girl is accidently infected with an alien substance known as "Deep Red", the astonishing results attract the attention of the illustrious scientist Dr. Newmeyer. Disillusioned security expert Joe Keyes must team up with his estranged wife to protect the girl and her mother from the obsessed scientist who will stop at nothing to get what he wants.
Arizona Dream

Arizona Dream

Jan 06, 1993
After a young girl is accidently infected with an alien substance known as "Deep Red", the astonishing results attract the attention of the illustrious scientist Dr. Newmeyer. Disillusioned security expert Joe Keyes must team up with his estranged wife to protect the girl and her mother from the obsessed scientist who will stop at nothing to get what he wants.
The Dirt

The Dirt

Mar 22, 2019
After a young girl is accidently infected with an alien substance known as "Deep Red", the astonishing results attract the attention of the illustrious scientist Dr. Newmeyer. Disillusioned security expert Joe Keyes must team up with his estranged wife to protect the girl and her mother from the obsessed scientist who will stop at nothing to get what he wants.
Les Chenapans

Les Chenapans

Aug 05, 1994
After a young girl is accidently infected with an alien substance known as "Deep Red", the astonishing results attract the attention of the illustrious scientist Dr. Newmeyer. Disillusioned security expert Joe Keyes must team up with his estranged wife to protect the girl and her mother from the obsessed scientist who will stop at nothing to get what he wants.
Chasse à l'homme

Chasse à l'homme

Apr 27, 1993
After a young girl is accidently infected with an alien substance known as "Deep Red", the astonishing results attract the attention of the illustrious scientist Dr. Newmeyer. Disillusioned security expert Joe Keyes must team up with his estranged wife to protect the girl and her mother from the obsessed scientist who will stop at nothing to get what he wants.


Apr 18, 2025
A young orphan escapes the realities of her life by fantasizing about, and then entering, a fairy tale world.
Le Gang des Newton

Le Gang des Newton

Mar 26, 1998
A young orphan escapes the realities of her life by fantasizing about, and then entering, a fairy tale world.
Reno 911, n'appelez pas !
Reno, dans le Nevada, est la plus grande petite ville du monde. En composant le 911, les habitants de Reno font appel à des agents de la sécurité publique qui n'inspirent pas vraiment confiance et qui enchaînent bourdes et farces au gré d'interpellations plus ou moins musclées.
La Loi de Los Angeles

La Loi de Los Angeles

May 19, 1994
Les vies amoureuse et professionnelle des avocats du célèbre cabinet McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney et Kuzak de Los Angeles. Bien que leur réputation leur assure une clientèle fortunée, ils n'hésitent pas à défendre aussi des clients plus modestes.
La Loi de Los Angeles

La Loi de Los Angeles

Apr 23, 2021
Sam Wilson, alias Falcon, et Bucky Barnes, le Soldat de l’hiver, se lancent dans une aventure autour du monde qui va mettre leurs ressources – et leur patience – à rude épreuve. La série se déroule après les événements d'Avengers : Endgame.
Action & Adventure
La Loi de Los Angeles

La Loi de Los Angeles

Aug 04, 2024
Dans une petite ville du Michigan qui subsiste grâce à la prison locale et la vie policière comme criminelle qui règne autour du centre pénitencier. C'est l'histoire de la famille McClusky...