1 Да здравствует Сталин Jun 01, 1994 Да здравствует Сталин 1994 15 min 1 vues A village meeting in communist Russia to pay homage to Stalin leads to a gossip marathon, which develops into an endurance test for the participants. Documentary
1 Мы - мужчины Nov 18, 1976 Мы - мужчины 1976 86 min 1 vues A teacher comes across a love letter from an old friend, addressed to his wife. He decides to defend his honor the old-fashioned way - challenge his opponent to a duel, and strangely enough, it was accepted... Romance
1 Штрихи к портрету В.И. Ленина Oct 01, 1967 Штрихи к портрету В.И. Ленина 1967 255 min 1 vues Life and works of V.I. Lenin during the difficult period for the country of 1918. History
1 Секретарь парткома Mar 30, 1971 Секретарь парткома 1971 132 min 1 vues Collective farmer is unanimously elected secretary of the party committee by her fellow villagers. Drama