Sheila Gray Robinson

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Turtles All the Way Down
Aza est confrontée à son potentiel d'amour, de bonheur, d'amitié et d'espoir tout en naviguant dans un barrage incessant de pensées envahissantes et obsessionnelles.
Point Blank

Point Blank

Jul 12, 2019
Pour sauver sa femme enceinte, un infirmier urgentiste est contraint de s'associer à un suspect blessé pour affronter des flics véreux dans une course contre la montre.
Enemy of England

Enemy of England

Aug 01, 2022
Amidst nation-wide fears of the growing control of the European Union, a terrorist attack destroys a London school, killing children and anti-EU politician Dillon Tudor. With blame falling on an underground resistance movement, the English government calls a state-of-emergency and Europeans become outlaws overnight. In the aftermath, Sophia Tudor hunts those responsible for the death of her brother, as the head of the government's new enforcement agency. But when she is kidnapped and interrogated by the terrorists Sophia discovers that it can be difficult to separate your enemies from your allies.