Tells the story of Sebastian, who suffers the transformation of their four friends in zombies. Humanity perishes against infection radioactive base an evil plot of destruction.
Vairitosky is an immortal artist. His act consists of dying in different ways, and then magically resurrected. The public is impatient, wants to see Vairitosky, who does not come into play. What will happen?
With the arrival of the apocalypse, four friends decide that they are going to spend the last night of their lives together, fulfilling the ritual that has kept them together for years. Every Thursday they eat a barbecue, NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS.
With the arrival of the apocalypse, four friends decide that they are going to spend the last night of their lives together, fulfilling the ritual that has kept them together for years. Every Thursday they eat a barbecue, NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS.
Tells the story of Sebastian, who suffers the transformation of their four friends in zombies. Humanity perishes against infection radioactive base an evil plot of destruction.