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Jun 03, 2022
Haruna Tsunematsu is studying folklore at university and she decides the subject of her graduation thesis will be the "Kisaragi Station" urban legend which has been a hot topic on the Internet since 2004.


Nov 13, 2020
Sasano and Kanon chose to farewell because they lived together as a college student couple but felt a difference in feelings. High school soccer team member Kawano and manager Eguchi have canceled the summer tournament due to self-restraint. And although they are working adults and lovers, Kuro and Nari are unable to respond to each other's feelings.
Mashin Sentai Kiramager: Bebop Dream
Les Kiramagers font face à la sorcière Minjo, qui contrôle les rêves. Nos héros expérimentent la sensation de tomber d'un immeuble, nager avec un poisson rouge géant, se faire tirer dessus par un pistolet qui les change en marionnette et avoir une machine à faire de la glace sur leur tête. Grâce à l'inspiration de Juru, les Kiramagers réussiront à sortir de ces rêves ?


Aug 08, 2021
Kiramager special focusing on the characters of Yodonna and Mizuki Kakihara
Science Fiction
Kamen Rider Amazons

Kamen Rider Amazons

Jun 30, 2017
Nozama Peston Service est un groupe de chasseurs de primes engagé pour exterminer des monstres gigantesques appelés Amazonz. Durant une mission, ils rencontrent deux nouveaux Amazons d'un genre particulier : Alpha et Omega...
Action & Adventure
By the seaside in a quiet Japanese town, there is a remarkable guesthouse. Its owner is a cook like no other. She is a veritable walking encyclopedia of recipes. When guests come to stay at the guesthouse, breakfast is always the most important meal. But there’s a twist: It is not the owner who cooks the breakfast – it’s the guests! (by viki)
For Mamoru Nekoyashiki, a dōjinshi artist, the only thing that satisfies his need for approval is to sell his original BL manga at the popular Kabesa section (a section for popular dōjinshi circles on the wall side of the venue) and be recognized by readers at the event. But then one day, something happens to him! He meets Issei Kazama, a childhood friend he once had a crush on who is now a popular up-and-coming idol. Their lives in distant worlds should never have crossed paths, but you can't take your eyes off this story of two young men growing up in each other's presence!
Mashin Sentai Kiramager
Le Royaume de Crystalia est sous la menace de l'empire des Ténèbres Yodonheim et pour y échapper, la princesse Mabushina s'enfuit sur Terre avec cinq pierres précieuses dont elle souhaite confier les pouvoirs à cinq guerriers qui pourraient lui venir en aide. Tandis qu'elle n'est parvenue qu'à réunir quatre combattants, le pro-gamer Izumi Tametomo, la jeune athlète Hayami Sena, l'acteur Oshikiri Shiguru et la médecin Oharu Kiyo, les forces de Yodonheim commencent à attaquer la Terre. Le jeune lycéen Atsuta Juru va alors devenir malgré lui le cinquième Kiramager.
Action & Adventure