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May 20, 1996
Quelque part dans cet immense océan noir qu'est le cosmos, il existe une île de collines à la terre rouge, sur laquelle débarque Angel Bengoelxeo, un homme au passé obscur et souffrant d'un dédoublement de la personnalité. Il est chargé de désinfecter les vignes par fumigation afin de stopper l'épidémie de cochenilles qui donne au vin un étrange goût de terre. Il trouvera la possibilité de résoudre son problème au contact de deux femmes, Mari et Angela.
Hola, ¿estás sola?

Hola, ¿estás sola?

Oct 28, 1995
Nina is a 20 years old girl from Valladolid who lives with her divorced father, an autoritarian and conservative man. Trini is of the same age and has lost her mother. For both Valladolid and their families have nothing to offer and therefore they go on a risky voyage to the Costa del Sol at the south of Spain.
Km. 0

Km. 0

Jun 30, 2000
Located in Madrid's Plaza del Sol, Km. 0 is the point from which all distances in Spain are measured from the capital. In Km. 0, it is also the meeting point for a gallery of characters. Bored, affluent housewife Marga meets up with gigolo Miguel, who co-habitates with gay Benjamin. Sergio, a soon-to-be-married office clerk who can't wait to lose his virginity, makes the acquaintance of prostitute Tatiana, while gay dancer Bruno meets Maximo. Meanwhile, wannabe director Pedro arranges to meet up with Silvia, an actress who wants to work in musicals directed by Gerardo, and bartender Mario is caught between Amor, who wants to marry him, and her little sister Roma, who is truly in love with him.
Deadly Cargo

Deadly Cargo

Oct 03, 2003
Cinq amis partent faire de la plongée sous-marine et découvrent le cadavre d'un homme flottant à la surface. Leur bateau ayant coulé peu après suite à une avarie, ils se retrouvent seuls au milieu de l'océan. Alors qu'ils s'apprêtent à demander de l'aide à des marins d'un navire marchand, ils sont témoins d'un horrible meurtre...


Jan 29, 2004
Chronique des tribulations d'un jeune peintre des rues à travers le monde, au fil de ses rencontres, des paysages qu'il traverse. Roschdy Zem tient le rôle principal. Siegfried a également composé la musique du film avec le violoniste Ivry Gitlis, qui joue son propre rôle dans le film. Sansa est un vagabond de carte postale, gapette vissée sur la tête, manteau râpé, pas un sou vaillant, mais des rêves plein la tête et des voyages plein les bottes. France, Espagne, Italie, Hongrie, Russie, Inde, Japon, Egypte, Portugal, Ghana, Burkina Faso... Ses pérégrinations le mènent aux quatre coins du monde, et l’amènent à croiser toutes sortes d’énergumènes, de flics et de jolies filles.


Sep 07, 2000
Three stories of ordinary people intersect on Christmas Eve: a dentist desperate to find his son's toy; a writer who is not happy and decides to look for the woman of his dreams; and a doctor who intends to flirt with a Spanish woman.
The Dark Hour

The Dark Hour

Oct 06, 2006
Rares survivants d'une guerre bactériologique, une petite communauté dirigée par Maria vit enfermée dans un immeuble en plein délabrement. Dehors, l'ensemble de la population a été transformée en zombies : le moindre contact et c'est la mort assurée. Et puis il y a les êtres Invisibles, des entités qui se baladent librement dans l'immeuble. Le seul moyen de détecter leur présence est une subite baisse de la température, connue sous le nom de l'heure froide...
Tuno negro

Tuno negro

Jul 19, 2001
Students of the university of Salamanca are brutally murdered by a black masked minstrel. Alex, an architecture student who has recently moved to Salamanca discovers a pattern behind the killings; it seems as if the killer strikes regularly after the exams to free the campus from lousy students.
Tengo una casa

Tengo una casa

Sep 13, 1996
Nico is a guitarist who , after eleven years playing from town to town , is expelled from the orchestra unable to suppress the power within. Only in the road Nico meets Ferrari, a young man traveling with his girlfriend but has also left alone, and that will run from the police in a dilapidated 1500 . Their meeting is not exactly cordial , but Nico does not want to keep walking and Ferrari needs someone to push the vehicle . So they decide to stay together , but the journey is interrupted when they steal the car. Lost in the night, Nico and Ferrari 1500 found in a small wooden house in the woods , owned by " The Hot Rod " . The Hot Rod, well known for his radio listeners, is a man of integrity , who has not left gobble by commercial radio circuits formula .


Jul 16, 2004
Los Cuatro Altares

Los Cuatro Altares

Jan 01, 1970
The intensity of Ana's life, a Spanish journalist, has reached its climax. On a trip to the Amazon that begins as an investigation into deforestation and illegal gold, she meets Don Abel, a man initiated into an ancient sacred science. Ana will find herself in a ritual that will change her life.
Bluu, Last Days Of Ibiza
On a stormy day, Nat a Parisian woman, arrives by boat in Ibiza; invited by her childhood friend Sandra. Very quickly, she'll find herself in the middle of a group of initiated, within which, the suicidal master intends to lead them towards an apocalyptic end. But Nat, Sandra and their friends will take matters into their own hands in order to save Ibiza...
Diario para un cuento

Diario para un cuento

Nov 18, 1998
A young man works in the port of Buenos Aires translating the love letters that prostitutes receive and seeks inspiration for his works in them.


Dec 04, 2003


Science Fiction
Tre mogli

Tre mogli

Jan 26, 2001
After being abandoned on New Year's Eve and discovering that their husbands have committed a robbery, three very different women choose to go to Argentina in search of their spouses.