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Il était une fois en Chine
A la fin du XIXe siècle à Fa Shan, en Chine du Sud. Tandis que les puissances coloniales européennes et américaines s'y affrontent pour le contrôle du commerce maritime, les premiers signes d'occidentalisation commencent à percer dans la société chinoise. Dans ce climat politique tendu, Wong Fei-hung, docteur en médecine chinoise, maître de kung-fu et chef instructeur de l'armée du Dragon noir, est chargé par le commandant Lau de maintenir l'ordre durant les guerres qui éloignent ses troupes de la région, afin de sauvegarder ce qui reste de paix et de stabilité.
As Tears Go By

As Tears Go By

Jun 09, 1988
Petit gangster de Hong-Kong, Wah (Andy Lau) se partage entre son boulot habituel, le recouvrement de dettes, et la nécessité de protéger son acolyte, Fly (Jacky Cheung), à la conduite problématique : celui-ci ne cesse d’emprunter de l’argent qu’il ne peut jamais rembourser. Mais cette vie, déjà̀ passablement déréglée, est bouleversée quand Wah doit héberger sa jolie cousine, Ngor (Maggie Cheung), qui vit loin de la ville, sur l’île de Lantau. Wah entame alors un épuisant va-et-vient entre son amour naissant pour Ngor, mirage d’une vie paisible, et sa fidélité́ à son «frère» de gang, Fly, tabassé à répétition par les hommes de main d’un autre gangster, Tony. Wah devra choisir sa destinée.
Une balle dans la tête
L’histoire d’un trio d’amis, Ben, Paul et Frank, qui de leur jeunesse insouciante à Hong Kong en 1967 à la fin de la guerre du Vietnam, deviendront les pires ennemis.
Histoires de fantômes chinois 3
Un siècle plus tard, après les événements du temple de l'Orchidée. Un moine bouddhiste et son disciple Fong voyagent vers un autre temple pour y livrer un Bouddha en or. Mais après quelques mésaventures avec des brigands sur le chemin, ils décident de s'arrêter un moment et de trouver refuge au temple de l'Orchidée. Mais pendant la nuit le grand moine flaire la présence de fantômes et décident alors de partir se balader en pleine forêt pour les chasser, en laissant à Fong la garde du Bouddha en or. Seulement un fantôme nommé Lotus réussit à rentrer dans le temple et à s'approcher de Fong pour le séduire...
Histoires de fantômes chinois 2
A peine les cendres de la jolie fantôme enterrées afin de permettre sa réincarnation, le jeune collecteur d’impôts (Leslie Cheung) est confondu avec un dissident politique. Emprisonné, il parvient néanmoins à s’échapper. Errant dans la forêt accompagné d’un moine taoïste (Jacky Cheung), il est attaqué par une horde de fantômes. Des fantômes ? Ou plutôt une équipé de brigands se faisant passer pour des revenants. Le pataquès autour de l’identité du collecteur d’impôts lui assure immédiatement l’adoption des hors-la-loi. Une compagnie dont notre héros se passerait bien, sauf qu’il croit reconnaître chez une femme du groupe le sosie parfait du fantôme qu’il avait tant aimé.
Flying Dagger

Flying Dagger

Mar 27, 1993
Hon Chung et son neveu comptent parmi les meilleurs chasseurs de primes, jusqu'au jour où ils sont mis au défi par leurs rivales, Lady Fung et sa sœur, de capturer les ennemis publics n°1, Flying Box et Flying Cat. Malheureusement, les deux bandits sont déjà pris en chasse par la police secrète qui ne compte pas laisser échapper ses proies, au profit de qui que ce soit.
Les Cendres du temps

Les Cendres du temps

Sep 17, 1994
Depuis que la femme qu'il aimait l'a quitté, Ouyang Feng vit seul dans le désert de l'Ouest, engageant des tueurs à gages experts en arts martiaux pour exécuter des contrats. Son cœur meurtri l'a rendu cynique et sans pitié, mais ses rencontres avec amis, clients et futurs ennemis vont lui faire prendre conscience de sa solitude.


Feb 11, 2010
In "Hot Summer Days" a hot summer heat wave engulfs the Chinese territory, while the movie covers the lives of various characters during that time. There's chaffeur Wah who tries to woo foot masseur Li Yan via text messages, air conditioner repairman Ah Wai interested in biker girl Ding Dong, a master sushi chef who spurns the love of writer Wasabi, country hick Da Fu who tries to impress teddy bear factory worker Xiao Qi Angela Baby by standing out in the hot noon sun for 100 days, & photographer Leslie Guan & assistant attempting to track down a woman who they believed cursed the photographer into blindness ...
Perhaps Love

Perhaps Love

Dec 01, 2005
Pékin, il y a longtemps... Lin Jian Dong souhaite faire carrière dans le cinéma quand il tombe amoureux de la jolie Sun Na, danseuse dans un bar. Elle aussi espère briller un jour à l'écran. C'est la rencontre de deux coeurs solitaires mais aussi celle de deux ambitions différentes. Peu après, Sun Na, qui a connu la misère et aspire à la reconnaissance, au succès et à la richesse, abandonne Lin Jian Dong pour un homme susceptible de la rendre célèbre. Dix ans plus tard, devenue une star, elle est la compagne d'un des plus grands cinéastes chinois, Ni Wen, dont on annonce le nouveau film : une histoire d'amour, sur fond de comédie musicale. Sun Na y jouera le rôle féminin principal et Ni Wen a décidé que la vedette masculine en serait Lin Jian Dong, devenu lui aussi un acteur célèbre et populaire. L'amour peut se révéler parfois un jeu aussi dangereux que compliqué...
La Voie du Jiang Hu

La Voie du Jiang Hu

May 26, 2004
Chef de la mafia locale, Hung Yan règne en maître dans la zone des triades. Cependant, lorsque son fils vient au monde, l'homme envisage de quitter une bonne fois pour toute le milieu du crime pour le bien de sa famille. Bien qu'il ne soit pas certain de sa décision, son dilemme ne manque pas de faire écho vers tous les autres gangs, qui ne tarderont pas lui mettre des bâtons dans les roues. La guerre des gangs peut alors commencer.
Crossing Hennessy

Crossing Hennessy

Apr 01, 2010
Two shopkeepers are set up on a blind date by well-meaning relatives, despite the fact that they both have somebody else on their minds.
Nos années sauvages

Nos années sauvages

Dec 15, 1990
Dans les années 60 à Hong Kong, Yuddy, élevé par sa mère adoptive, indolent et charmeur, se laisse bercer par la vie, passant de bras en bras, seulement alarmé quand on lui propose le mariage. Narcissique, obsédé par le besoin qu'il éprouve de découvrir ses origines, Yuddy quitte amis, maîtresses et mère pour partir aux Philippines à la recherche de son passé.


Apr 05, 1990
Une nuit, dans la bibliothèque impériale, un homme s'introduit furtivement et vole un parchemin appelé le volume sacré, écrit sous la Dynastie Ming, qui contiendrait les bases d'un art de combat surnaturel. Peu de temps après, lors d'un contrôle, les troupes d'un imminent officier accompagné par son intendant, Au Yeung, retrouve le coffret du volume sacré vide. Rapidement, les soupçons se tournent vers un ancien officier, le maître Lam Chun Nam. Bien que la demeure du Maître Lam soit encerclée par les soldats de l'eunuque, deux disciples de l'école de la montagne Wah, Ling Wu Chung et Kiddo, parviennent à entrer dans la demeure pour apporter un document et un message de la part de leur maître, Ngok. Mais très vite, le clan de Lam et les deux disciples doivent fuir sous l'oppressante menace de Zhor, allié de l'eunuque.
Faithfully Yours

Faithfully Yours

Dec 17, 1988
Trois gars tombent amoureux de la même fille. Son père les invite à dîner. Là, ils boivent trop, mais au lieu de leur montrer la sortie, le paternel les entraîne dans la chambre à coucher de la jeune fille qui devient enceinte. Mais qui est le père du bébé?


Feb 11, 2010
Kung and Kin's rivalry goes way back to the seventies when they fought over the same girl, who eventually became Kung's wife. Now they run competing phone stores right across from each other on Mongkok's busiest street, and stretch their minds trying to outdo each other with crazy promotions.


Mar 14, 2002
High school teacher Lam Yiu-Kwok is in the midst of a midlife crisis. His wife, Man-Ching, has been unfaithful; his friends are reaping the rewards of successful business careers while he earns a comparatively meager salary at an unglamorous job; and one of his young students, Choy-Lam, has fallen for him. When Man-Ching leaves for a month to help her former lover, a jealous Yiu-Kwok is tempted to retaliate by pursuing an affair with Choy-Lam.
Love on Delivery

Love on Delivery

Feb 04, 1994
Voulant protéger sa très belle petite amie, un livreur apprend l'art de se battre avec des techniques bien particulières.
The Banquet

The Banquet

Nov 30, 1991
Un fils indigne essaie de se servir de son père pour gagner de l'argent.
Tiger Cage

Tiger Cage

Jul 28, 1988
Après une descente de police très musclée, un trafiquant de drogue se fait descendre. Son frère ne tarde pas à venger sa mort. Arrêté, il menace de dénoncer un gang de flics ripoux. Un inspecteur plus intègre que les autres va découvrir la corruption et s'engager avec son collègue dans une véritable tuerie entre flics, d'où personne n'en sortira indemne…


Aug 12, 1993
A man wants to see his three daughters get married.


Aug 06, 1992
Two losers who'll do anything to try and be successful in the Triad world, but all they've accomplished is having a bad luck reputation.
Where's Officer Tuba ?
Tuba (Sammo Hung) est un flic un peu peureux et sans histoire. Il se retrouve malgré lui, à devoir faire le porteur de rançon dans une affaire de chantage à la bombe dont est victime un industriel. Malheureusement, les choses dégénèrent durant l’échange et le sergent Chiang (David Chiang) trouve la mort. Avant de mourir, il fait jurer à Tuba de conduire les criminels en prison. Ce dernier accepte mais n’a en réalité aucune intention de le faire et reprend ses activités habituelles. Toutefois, Chiang revient, sous forme de spectre, pour transformer sa vie en enfer tant qu’il n’aura pas accompli sa promesse. Face à l’accumulation des problèmes, Tuba décide de s’exécuter.
The Raid

The Raid

Mar 28, 1991
En 1930, Pu Yi, un empereur despote, crée une usine de gaz mortel capable d'anéantir le peuple chinois. L'armée révolutionnaire se lance alors dans une course effrénée pour arrêter la folie du dictateur, aidée dans son périple par le Dr. Choy, un aventurier âgé mais néanmoins courageux…
Curry and Pepper

Curry and Pepper

May 23, 1990
Deux flics qui sont amis depuis leur enfance font l’objet d’un documentaire. Les deux amis vont rivaliser d’ingéniosité afin de se mettre en valeur et se disputer les faveurs de la belle journaliste…


Oct 21, 1992
Shin (Jacky Cheung) and Chiang (Stephen Tung Wai) are happy-go-lucky partners investigating a particularly notorious crime syndicate. Unfortunately, Shin's Mainland relatives -- Cha Chiang (Alfred Cheung Kin-ting) and his beautiful sibling Cha Shi (Loletta Lee Lai-chun) -- decide to drop by. While Chiang insists on accompanying his cousin on the job, Shin starts to make eyes with Shi. Meanwhile, Chiang runs into his ex-girlfriend Nancy (Bonnie Fu Yuk-ching). When Nancy witnesses a gangland hit, she and everyone around her are threatened by the mob.
Jacky Cheung Wake Up Dreaming
After releasing the album Wake Up Dreaming in late 2014, Jacky Cheung held a small concert at Beijing's National Olympic Sports Center on May 24, 2015. The Wake Up Dreaming Concert only hosted 8,000 audience members at the venue, while its livestream accumulated 50 million views. The concert is now released as a live video album featuring the pop king's impeccable performances of the songs on Wake Up Dreaming and other select hits and medleys.


Aug 13, 1994
An undercover cop finds himself tortured by his life among the triads. He’s locked into his job with no way out, and he’s starting to find the triad guys more honorable than his supremely despicable superior officer.
Tracing the beginnings of Jet Tone Films, which was founded in 1991 by Wong Kar Wai for the production of Ashes of Time (1994), the film features never-before-seen materials, including deleted scenes, behind-the-scene footage, and selected narration by Wong Kar Wai.


Mar 26, 2013
Needing money for her brother’s medical treatment, Liu Yazi agrees to become a surrogate mother for a mysterious benefactor. But when the contract is suddenly terminated, she disappears in a whirlwind, taking the unborn child and leaving former acquaintances, spurned lovers and secret admirers seeking her desperately.


Sep 18, 1987
In this homage to Alfred Hitchcock, a femme fatale and a photographer embark on a romantic adventure surrounding a mysterious marble.


Jun 28, 2024
Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department officers Chow Ching-lai and Cheung Wan-nam share a close mentor-student relationship. On a case involving seized smuggled arms, Ching-lai is sent to take part in a joint operation with Interpol to capture a reclusive arms dealer. However, Wan-nam makes a drastic decision that further complicates the case.


Oct 25, 1990
Min is an assassin. His adopted son Eagle and his son KK kill another assassin, Michael, because he broke the rule of the assassin group. This breeds contempt in Panther, Michael's brother. He tries every means to identify Eagle and wants to kill him. When all come to failure, he frames Eagle to have broken the group's rule.


Jul 02, 1988
Mr. Lau (Kent Cheng) is a seedy detective who sets up cameras to record an illicit affair. Things go awry however when a hideously glam rock band checks into Lau’s room, and gets a free show via his hook-up. Meanwhile, silly thief Donald Ng (Richard Ng) uses ninjitsu to fool the locals while a womanizing tour guide (Eric Tsang) gets stalked by not one, but two pretty women (Cherie Chung and Pat Ha). And Buddy Cheung (Jacky Cheung) is a lowly mechanic at the hotel who lusts after gorgeous executive Sunflower (Joey Wong). But his tomboy co-worker Boy George (Cecilia Yip) secretly pines for him.


Aug 26, 1994
Private investigator Jacky Cheung is adrift. He has separated from his wife (Kathy Chow) and misses his young daughter. His next assignment seems fairly simple: he must track down a troublesome teenage girl (Mavis Fan) and return her home to China. Powerful behind the scenes forces soon become apparent, however, and plunge our intrepid hero into greater trouble than he's ever known.


Jun 14, 1991
Maggie came back to Hong Kong and gathered her grandmother back to Vancouver for good. She took this opportunity to bunch up with her boyfriend Michael, best friends Jackie and his wife Carol. Although Michael convinced her that the couple had moved to Macau, incidentally they met each other on the street. Maggie couldn't believe her own bare eyes that Jackie was already addicted to cocaine. And the most absurd fact that Michael was the drug dealer himself. Jackie owed the mob a great deal of money; and one of the gangster, Chau Sung was determined to force Jackie to the corner.
Five years after his 2002 tour, Canto-pop god Jacky Cheung finally returned to the stage in 2007 for his long-awaited The Year of Jacky Cheung World Tour. In one year's time, he performed 105 concerts in 12 countries, bringing his perfect voice to the many fans around the world who have been touched by his music in the last 23 years. The singer held concerts in U.S.A, Canada, China, Macau, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, and of course his native Hong Kong, where he held a total of 18 concerts.


Aug 21, 2014
Lung, a hardworking property agent, is facing a serious situation in life. His girlfriend won't marry him unless he can buy her a 1000-sq ft. apartment in one year’s time; whilst Charlotte desperately needs a place to stay after her divorce. Along with Lung’s intern Very, a mainland rich, they become co-owners of the office girl Hak’s small flat that was left to Hak by her estranged mother.
Jacky Cheung Half Century Tour
From 2010 to 2012, Jacky Cheung brought his 1/2 Century Tour to fans all around the world, holding a record-breaking 146 concerts in 77 cities. The legendary singer has lived over half a century and he's spent most of it singing. Serving as the tour's creative director himself, Jacky shared his many years of music with audiences through impeccably performed pop classics, musical numbers and jazz tracks. For the first half of the show, Jacky staged a musical, while the second half he devoted to his rock, ballad, jazz and pop selections.


Apr 16, 1993
The prequel to Taylor Wong's With or Without You finds Prince being raised as a trained assassin by his "father." Meanwhile, he falls in love with Tweedy, a singer who teaches him how to love.
Future Cops

Future Cops

Jul 15, 1993
2043. Le général Bison a été fait prisonnier et va passer en jugement. Il envoie ses hommes dans le passé, en 1993, pour retrouver le juge qui le condamnera. Les Future Cops sont également envoyés en 1993 pour protéger le juge


Feb 11, 1988
Three oddball brothers go looking for love but unfortunately, their out-there personalities get in the way!
La Légende de l'aigle chasseur de héros
Il était une fois une reine d’Orient, aussi belle que machiavélique, qui, avec l’aide de son amant (et cousin incestueux), Ouyang Feng, usurpa le trône censé revenir à la jeune et fougueuse « Troisième Princesse ». Afin de se venger de sa marâtre et de reconquérir son royaume, celle-ci va devoir partir en quête du mythique livre du Yin, seul capable de lui enseigner un kung-fu ésotérique d’une puissance inégalée. Cet ouvrage étant caché dans une grotte gardée par trois monstres, la princesse recevra l’aide de Huang Yaoshi, jeune combattant romantique et facétieux qui lui servira de guide...
The Wicked City

The Wicked City

Nov 20, 1992
Le monde des démons est en conflit avec le monde des humains. Taki est un inspecteur qui a pour but de tuer les démons, aidé par son coéquipier Ken, qui est mi-homme mi-démon. Après une mission à Tokyo, ils rentrent à Hong Kong, et Taki doit enquêter sur une drogue, « Happiness ». Son enquête va l’amener à retrouver une vieille connaissance, un démon dont il était jadis tombé amoureux, Gaye…


Aug 07, 1999
An "experimental" film by Eric Kot, featuring an all-star cameo cast.


May 25, 1989
Peter Ho (Jacky Cheung) is a low-level employee at a prestigious firm in Central, but he hides a secret from his stodgy bosses. Peter's family is exceptionally poor, and his father (Bill Tung Piu) is actually an infamous street performer who sings off-color songs for donations on the street. Peter manages to progress in his job, and even begins to date his boss' daughter. But when the truth of his background is discovered, Peter is summarily fired. Bitter and angry, Peter joins the triads along with his pal (Sean Lau Ching Wan), and finds new romance with the luminous Maggie Cheung. When given the chance, Peter even uses his new underworld position to threaten his previous boss! But Peter sinks too far into the triad underworld, and soon not even his family can be spared from violence. A harrowing drama that progresses from social critique to triad indictment, My Dear Son runs the full gamut of emotions to deliver a tough and truthful message about the choices we make in life.


Apr 30, 2015
Le Criminel le plus recherché, « Helios » (Chang Chen) et son assistant (Janice Man) ont volé de l’uranium et planifient de produire un important nombre d’armes destructives. Ils souhaitent également collaborer avec une organisation terroriste située à Hong Kong. L’inspecteur en chef, Lee Yin Ming (Nick Cheung) et l’inspecteur Fan Ka Ming (Shawn Yue) sont à la tête de l’unité spéciale contre le terrorisme au sein de la police de Hong-Kong et travaillent avec leurs séniors chinois, Song An (Wang Xueqi), le physicien Siu Chi Yan (Jacky Cheung) et deux experts en armes sud-coréens, Choi Min Ho (Ji Jin-hee) et Pok Yu Chit (Choi Siwon). Tous ces hommes doivent unir leurs forces afin de stopper cette fusion qui risque de détruire le monde …


Sep 25, 1986
Ip Cheung and her husband, a senior police inspector, had been happily married for 18 years. One day, Ip runs into her neighbour, a Taiwanese woman. As they are talking, three men suddenly appeared and tried to kill them. The Taiwanese woman is killed but Ip and the kid, Yen, managed to escape. At the same time, Ip's husband commits suicide. His superior suspected him of corruption. Ip finds out that the Taiwanese woman was her husband's mistress and Yen, his illegitimate son. Ip is given custody of Yen but they are unable to get along. However she will save his live when the gang go after him.


Jan 19, 1991
Hong Kong superstar Jacky Cheung is a triad street racer in the thrilling triad actioner Off Track! Lui (Jacky Cheung) is an illegal racer supreme, and he's just found a new rival: Joe (Max Mok), a sensitive, but tough mechanic with his own street skills. Meanwhile, Lui's girlfriend Katy (Ellen Chan) and sister Ann (Rachel Lee) disapprove of Lui's criminal activities and hot-headed attitude. Complicating matters is Joe's tender romance with the alluring Ann, and the presence of Lui's father (Ng Ma), a renowned cop who's turned a blind eye to his son's law breaking. When Lui and Joe suit up for a climactic race, passions and destiny collide on Hong Kong's mean streets! Featuring car stunts from veteran car stunt coordinator Blacky Ke Shou Liang, including some exciting car races and more than a few painful-looking stunts! Full of over-the-top emotions and energetic action sequences, Off Track is an exciting and tension-filled racing melodrama.


May 21, 1992
A cop falls in love with a karaoke singer, while her violent, and psychotic gangster-boyfriend, known as Prince, is away on business.


Dec 21, 1988
Nightmares become reality for two people, and also bring them together. One is an office worker who also works at 7-11 at night, who also has a pretty fiancee who is being hassled by loan sharks. The other is a gorgeous interior designer. The nightmares happen to them in reality, and start small. The man is attacked by a hand jumping out of a computer keyboard, while videotape attacks the girl. But the nightmare isn't all bad. Two weird brothers, who only appear in these people's dreams, force lots of money into their pockets, which they can use in the real world. But the payback for this money is quite high


Sep 05, 1991
Two hitmen, both good friends who work for the Triad, get a new partner, a nervous young rookie who starts off badly by blowing an assignment, but soon becomes proficient at his bloody work. When one of them is blackmailed into helping the police, a Triad boss grows suspicious.


Jun 19, 1993
Jackie (Jacky Cheung) is the owner of a very shady nightclub, which the cops are itching to shut down. But they haven't been able to catch Jackie red-handed yet due to his trickiness. When Jacky goes so far as to trick a female cop, Tammy (Maggie Cheung), into falling in love with him, the rest of the police force goes bananas, swearing to put an end to his nefarious activities at any cost. But is Jacky actually falling for Tammy and beginning to change his ways? Or is he already in too deep with the cops for that to help his situation?


Apr 11, 1986
Jane, born in a lower-class family and neglected by her parents, becomes a rebellious girl. She enters a famous high school by personal relationship of her aunt. May, born in a rich family and spoiled by her parents, is very capricious. Isolated by her classmates, Jane keeps silent and swallow everything. Not until one day, when she rescued May, who has constantly saved Jane from being embarrassed in class, Jane shows her power and is greatly respected by May.


Mar 25, 1989
Ever since he was a child, Lee Chi-kin has been determined to become a police officer, despite the fact that he comes from a family of criminals. As an adult, he joins the police force, where he is first placed with the Narcotics Bureau. During a drug raid operation, he catches a drug dealer. He is later transferred, first to the Anti-Porno Bureau where he falls in love with a call girl, then to the Regional Crime Unit where he works under Inspector Chu. During a drug raid operation, Lee kills drug lord Ng Cheung. Ng's father hires a killer, Thousand Faces Man to take revenge on Lee. After several confrontations, Lee finally brings Thousand Faces Man to justice. The corrupt director of a mental hospital places Lee in the mental hospital for a year, during which time he develops mental disorders. After being discharged from the hospital, he becomes a restaurant waiter.


Dec 24, 2003
The year is 2046 and 82 year old Golden Chicken Kum, spots a heartbroken man planning to take memory loss-pills. Claiming that Hong Kong people have a way of forgetting, she begins to recap part of her life story, starting in 2003 during a time where she was desperately looking for a husband and the SARS outbreak happened.
Bodyguards et Assassins
Hong Kong, 1906, à la fin des Qing, Sun Yat-sen, leader nationaliste et républicain en exil au Japon, doit se rendre dans la colonie britannique pour rencontrer les chefs révolutionnaires de différentes provinces. La cour impériale chinoise saisit l'occasion pour envoyer un régiment d'assassins... Chez les partisans du père de la Chine moderne, on s'organise.


Apr 28, 1988
Specially trained government troops are sent to clean out a city that is plagued by vampires, ghosts and cannibalistic zombies.
The Haunted Cop Shop

The Haunted Cop Shop

Nov 19, 1987
The police station used to be the army club during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong. Many Japanese officers committed hara kiri there on V-J Day. The old building thus became a ghost house. Petty thief Ming is detained in the basement. It is the Ghost Festival when ghosts are allowed one night's leave. The Colonel shows up and bites Ming, who becomes a vampire.
Keeper of Darkness

Keeper of Darkness

Nov 26, 2015
Street-smart exorcist Fatt has an unique method of dealing with vengeful spirits: He negotiates with them and persuades them to let go of their grudges. After recordings of his exorcisms go viral, Fatt attracts the attentions of a murderous spirit who’s targeting mediums, as well as a troublesome reporter who takes great interest in Fatt and his close relationship with a female spirit.


Sep 10, 1992
Nightingale Wong is a super heroine who looses her memory when her triad boss father is murdered. She is taken in by a kindly prostitute, and eventually takes revenge.


Jul 14, 1991
Ga Yat Lung is a young warrior who meets and falls in love with Mung Suet, the day of her sacrifice to the Ghost King. Without her sacrifice all those living in the local village will be destroyed. Ga Yat Lung is helped by Ching, a Fox Demon, to attempt to save Mung Suet and her people.


Apr 16, 1987
Kit (Jacky Cheung) accidentally stumbles upon a house after his motorbike went out of control, and a girl (Maggie Cheung) helps him on his feet, then disappears. But Kit soon finds himself juggling more women than he might want after his female friend who has now moved next door (Pat Ha) expresses her interest along with her sister (Dodo).


Jul 01, 1989
Interior designer Dodo and lawyer Michael have been in love for years with no plans of marriage. Because of the intervention by the colleagues, Dodo resigns in anger and leaves for New York with Michael. She is heart-broken to catch Michael in a passionate scene with her close friend at the airport. After that, Dodo gets stuck with her first assignment of her own company. She has no resources but to seek help of Jacky, a worker from former design company, but misunderstanding arises between them due to difference in rank. But as they get on more, they begin to admire each other. Meantime, Michael, who tries to win back Dodo's heart. What would Dodo decide between her two admirers?
From Vegas to Macau 3

From Vegas to Macau 3

Feb 06, 2016
Après que la rivale amoureuse de Ken (Chow Yun-fat), Molly (Carina Lau), ait sauté de son jet privé sans parachute, elle semble avoir survécu et est maintenant emprisonnée dans une sorte de bulle laser, inconsciente, nue et repeinte à l'aérographe, tandis que son admirateur, le scientifique fou Yik Tin-hang (Jacky Cheung) est en colère car Ken ne veut pas rembourser son repaire de Paradise Island, au large de la Thaïlande. À Macao, Ken s'effondre en apprenant le mariage de sa fille Rainbow (Kimmy Tong (en)) avec son filleul Vincent (Shawn Yue). Pour l'aider à s'en sortir, son ami Mark n'est jamais loin, sans oublier Ko Chun...


Feb 13, 1991
George Lam is a famous conductor, Maggie Cheung an auto-mechanic; he rides a portable bicycle, she a motorcycle. Somehow, together, they find time to deal with some troublesome teens (Jacky Cheung, Vivian Chow) and fall in love.
Heaven in the Dark

Heaven in the Dark

Mar 24, 2016
Michelle et Marco Tol, un ancien pasteur, se rencontrent lors d’une fête. Ils discutent de ce qui s’est passé il y a cinq ans, lorsqu’un scandale impliquant le couple a éclaté et a déshonoré Tol.


Jun 08, 1989
In ancient China, a demon was defeated in a fierce battle with a priest, who sealed it's evil spirit in a vase. Centuries later, during the cultural revolution, rebels attempted to gain possession of the vessel from the priest's descendant; however, he threw it into the ocean to keep it from being tampered. The vase was recovered years later in Hong Kong and was auctioned off to a councilman. The demon, unfortunately, escaped and took control of the councilman's body, beginning a spree of terror in the city.
Jacky Cheung Private Corner
In January 2010, veteran Hong Kong crooner Jacky Cheung returned to the Canto-pop world with the jazz-pop album Private Corner, and it was a resounding success with Hong Kong music fans and critics alike. When Cheung announced a mini concert for an exclusive audience to commemorate the release of the album, debate began among music fans and professionals about which classic songs Cheung would give his new jazz sound to. Now, the answer is finally revealed with the release of the Private Corner Mini Concert. The two-disc set includes the entire 85-minute concert, which took place in the performing hall of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. In addition to seven songs from Private Corner, Jacky also performs beloved classics like Blessing, Li Xiang Lan, and a cover of Lover's Tears.


Jun 29, 1988
"Romeo and Juliet" in Hong Kong, except the widow Capulet is father Montague's childhood sweetheart. The young lovers try to reconcile their mothers with the help of the father, who is left with a bad taste in his mouth.


Feb 10, 1989
Lucky Guys is a Hong Kong Comedy directed by Yao Ka-Hung and it stars Eric Tsang and Jacky Cheung.
1:99 Shorts

1:99 Shorts

Aug 04, 2003
12 segments chacun réaliser pour un réalisateur différent, fait pour récolter de l'argent au moment ou le SARS sévissait en chine et a Hong Kong.


Jun 17, 2004
Super model Mandom (Ronald Cheng) is very famous in the field. One day, he is threatened by someone, asking him not to attend a model competition. Mandom calls for police and Madam Cheung (Karena Lam) is sent to bodyguard him 24 hours a day. However they have hostile feeling to each other. At the same time, Mandom also faces a challenger Fantasy (Sammy). How can Mandom fight against Fantasy in the model competition?
The Heavenly Kings

The Heavenly Kings

Apr 05, 2006
En 2005, Daniel Wu et ses trois compères Conroy Chan, Andrew Lin, Terence Yin fondent le Boys Band Alive. The Heavenly Kings raconte l'histoire de ce groupe sans réel talent (autre que de belles gueules et une belle amitié...) et brosse le portrait de l'industrie de la pop cantonaise. Les stars s'expriment: Jacky Cheung, Karen Mok, Nicholas Tse ou encore Candy Lo. Personne ne comprend leur motivation de se lancer dans un tel défi. Absurde parfois, drôle toujours, The Heavenly Kings est la preuve que le karaoké peut nuire à la santé.


Jun 24, 1989
In the early 1920's of China, seven former soldiers band together to defend a helpless village against a group of vicious bandits in this Hong Kong remake of Seven Samurai.


Sep 07, 1990
When an evil demoness attempts to enter the realm of humans, a Taoist priest and his two fairies battle her and steal her Bead of Hell. The conflict re-emerges one thousand years later in modern-day Hong Kong, where a police captain unknowingly takes in one of the fairies who's being pursued by the demoness.
Anna Magdalena

Anna Magdalena

May 28, 1998
Chan Kar-Fu est un jeune homme discret et solitaire. Un jour s'installe chez lui, un peu contre son gré, Yau-Muk Yan dragueur, glandeur et squatteur notoire. La cohabitation se passe plutôt bien jusqu'au jour ou la belle Mok-Man Yee emménage au-dessus de chez eux. Deux garçons, une fille… Entre séduction et querelles, quelle sera l'issue de ce tringle amoureux ?


Dec 03, 1992
A Cinderella story between a rich boy and a cosmetics salesgirl.
Big Brother

Big Brother

Jun 15, 1989
Un Chinois à la recherche de travail sauve par hasard un chef de la pègre locale et se voit ainsi lui succéder. Il semble être protégé par les fleurs qu’une vieille dame lui vend régulièrement. Afin de permettre le mariage de la fille de la vendeuse avec le fils d'un millionnaire, il utilise son organisation pour faire croire que la vendeuse est en fait une riche veuve habitant le luxueux hôtel dans lequel elle a fait croire à sa fille qu'elle résidait.
龍咁威 2003

龍咁威 2003

Aug 21, 2003
Cantonese pop star Ronald Cheng stars as spoiled rich kid Dragon Lung, who spends his days idly loafing with his fellow teenaged trust-fund brats, Sue-hei (Sam Lee) and Gold (Tat-ming Cheung). When the trio's frustrated fathers force their sons to attend a police academy for some much-needed discipline (or else face the loss of their hefty inheritances), the would-be cadets bungle their way through boot camp in a series of madcap, gun-fueled hijinx.


Mar 26, 2009
On the night when his lover (played by Maggie Cheung) married his elder brother in a fit of pique, Ouyang Feng (played by Leslie Cheung) left the White Camel Mountain dejectedly and walked into a small town in the desert, becoming a middleman for assassins. His friend, the romantic swordsman Huang Yaoshi (played by Tony Leung Ka-fai), would come to the small town every year to drink heartily with him. The news about the White Camel Mountain in their drunken conversations gradually turned his attempt to forget the past into self-deception.
Five years after his 2002 tour, Canto-pop god Jacky Cheung finally returned to the stage in 2007 for his long-awaited The Year of Jacky Cheung World Tour. In one year's time, he performed 105 concerts in 12 countries, bringing his perfect voice to the many fans around the world who have been touched by his music in the last 23 years. The singer held concerts in U.S.A, Canada, China, Macau, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, and of course his native Hong Kong, where he held a total of 18 concerts.
Jacky Cheung Half Century Tour
From 2010 to 2012, Jacky Cheung brought his 1/2 Century Tour to fans all around the world, holding a record-breaking 146 concerts in 77 cities. The legendary singer has lived over half a century and he's spent most of it singing. Serving as the tour's creative director himself, Jacky shared his many years of music with audiences through impeccably performed pop classics, musical numbers and jazz tracks. For the first half of the show, Jacky staged a musical, while the second half he devoted to his rock, ballad, jazz and pop selections.


Mar 14, 2002
High school teacher Lam Yiu-Kwok is in the midst of a midlife crisis. His wife, Man-Ching, has been unfaithful; his friends are reaping the rewards of successful business careers while he earns a comparatively meager salary at an unglamorous job; and one of his young students, Choy-Lam, has fallen for him. When Man-Ching leaves for a month to help her former lover, a jealous Yiu-Kwok is tempted to retaliate by pursuing an affair with Choy-Lam.
The Last Tycoon

The Last Tycoon

Dec 22, 2012
High school teacher Lam Yiu-Kwok is in the midst of a midlife crisis. His wife, Man-Ching, has been unfaithful; his friends are reaping the rewards of successful business careers while he earns a comparatively meager salary at an unglamorous job; and one of his young students, Choy-Lam, has fallen for him. When Man-Ching leaves for a month to help her former lover, a jealous Yiu-Kwok is tempted to retaliate by pursuing an affair with Choy-Lam.


Apr 30, 2015
High school teacher Lam Yiu-Kwok is in the midst of a midlife crisis. His wife, Man-Ching, has been unfaithful; his friends are reaping the rewards of successful business careers while he earns a comparatively meager salary at an unglamorous job; and one of his young students, Choy-Lam, has fallen for him. When Man-Ching leaves for a month to help her former lover, a jealous Yiu-Kwok is tempted to retaliate by pursuing an affair with Choy-Lam.
Lust, Caution

Lust, Caution

Sep 24, 2007
High school teacher Lam Yiu-Kwok is in the midst of a midlife crisis. His wife, Man-Ching, has been unfaithful; his friends are reaping the rewards of successful business careers while he earns a comparatively meager salary at an unglamorous job; and one of his young students, Choy-Lam, has fallen for him. When Man-Ching leaves for a month to help her former lover, a jealous Yiu-Kwok is tempted to retaliate by pursuing an affair with Choy-Lam.
A beautiful life

A beautiful life

May 13, 2011
High school teacher Lam Yiu-Kwok is in the midst of a midlife crisis. His wife, Man-Ching, has been unfaithful; his friends are reaping the rewards of successful business careers while he earns a comparatively meager salary at an unglamorous job; and one of his young students, Choy-Lam, has fallen for him. When Man-Ching leaves for a month to help her former lover, a jealous Yiu-Kwok is tempted to retaliate by pursuing an affair with Choy-Lam.
Une flic de choc

Une flic de choc

Nov 27, 1986
High school teacher Lam Yiu-Kwok is in the midst of a midlife crisis. His wife, Man-Ching, has been unfaithful; his friends are reaping the rewards of successful business careers while he earns a comparatively meager salary at an unglamorous job; and one of his young students, Choy-Lam, has fallen for him. When Man-Ching leaves for a month to help her former lover, a jealous Yiu-Kwok is tempted to retaliate by pursuing an affair with Choy-Lam.
The Yuppie Fantasia

The Yuppie Fantasia

May 20, 1989
High school teacher Lam Yiu-Kwok is in the midst of a midlife crisis. His wife, Man-Ching, has been unfaithful; his friends are reaping the rewards of successful business careers while he earns a comparatively meager salary at an unglamorous job; and one of his young students, Choy-Lam, has fallen for him. When Man-Ching leaves for a month to help her former lover, a jealous Yiu-Kwok is tempted to retaliate by pursuing an affair with Choy-Lam.
馬時亨 香港情

馬時亨 香港情

Jun 10, 2023
As Hong Kong society evolves, host Frederick Ma invites guests such as Eric Tsang, Jacky Cheung, and others to share their experiences in different fields, discussing topics related to clothing, food, housing, transportation, entertainment, and education. They reveal unknown details about past and present Hong Kong and explore how the city has transformed.


May 22, 1994
A collection of different love stories starring the most famous singers and stars from Hong Kong of the 90's.