Yelena Pokatilova

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Ссуда на брак
The reason for serious reflection by the staff of one of the typical enterprises in the country was the lack of powder necessary for production and the money to purchase it. The employees came up with a reason to get money from the director’s fund. Having issued a loan for a fictitious marriage between the only man in the department and an unmarried employee, the team thereby organized a completely happy marriage...
Tchernobyl, Le Danger Final
1986, l'impensable arrive... La centrale nucléaire de Tchernobyl brûle. Le réacteur est hors de contrôle et irradie les alentrours de ses rayons mortels. Le problème n'est plus Russe, il devient Mondial. L'expert Américain le Dr. Kenneth Gale offre son assistance aux victimes. Seul un homme, le Dr. Hammer, pourra surmonter les difficultés relationelles entre les Américains et les Russes. Avec l'influence de ce dernier, Gale brisera toute ingérence dans les secours et pourra venir en aide aux blessés. Une femme Russe ne peut sauver son mari, un des premier pompiers étant arrivé sur les lieux de la catastrophe et voit l'effet des radiations sur son bébé...
Забытая мелодия для флейты
A flutist in the forgotten past, at present the husband of a “big man’s” daughter and head of one of the Chief Directorate’s sections felt unwell one day: the forty-year-old man had a pain in his heart. This unpleasant incident provided an opportunity to meet a nurse named Lida. However, their stormy love affair ended, with Filimonov returning to normal life and an unloved wife.
Где находится нофелет?
Forty-year-old researcher Pavel is still single. And not because he likes to be free and unmarried, but because he is very indecisive - he does not know how to meet girls. Pavel’s parents are sounding the alarm - they really want to give their son "in good hands" and see their grandchildren. But he doesn’t like those girls whom Pavel’s mother is wooing. And then one day a master takes over - a cheerful, battered and excessively sociable brother of Pavel — Gennady. He has in his arsenal one effective way to get acquainted with any girl he likes, to interest her in his persona. Gennady is getting into a rage so much that he almost gets married, forgetting about the watchful wife, who always stands guard over their long marriage...