Onyekachi Ejim

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The Tenant

The Tenant

Oct 16, 2009
Obinna, an African refugee in Canada, faces deportation in 30 days. When all hope seems lost, a chance confrontation with Timothy, his terminally ill landlord, provides him an opportunity to remain in the country. Timothy who is a former immigration officer makes him a deal; he will intervene in his pending deportation if Obinna finds his estranged daughter Nicole and convinces her to see him one last time before he dies. With the clock ticking, Obinna fights to save his dreams, in the course of which he stumbles on a discovery that will shake the very foundations of his principles.


Nov 05, 2023
Orah, une immigrante nigériane conductrice de taxi à Toronto, accepte de blanchir de l'argent sale pour son patron en échange de la venue de son fils du Nigeria.
A Winter Tale

A Winter Tale

Apr 11, 2007
Shots ring out one winter night, and a bullet meant for a local dealer kills a child. In the aftermath of shock, Gene, a 40 something social worker starts a Black men's support group, at the local Caribbean Takeaway Restaurant.
The Tenant

The Tenant

Oct 16, 2009
Obinna, an African refugee in Canada, faces deportation in 30 days. When all hope seems lost, a chance confrontation with Timothy, his terminally ill landlord, provides him an opportunity to remain in the country. Timothy who is a former immigration officer makes him a deal; he will intervene in his pending deportation if Obinna finds his estranged daughter Nicole and convinces her to see him one last time before he dies. With the clock ticking, Obinna fights to save his dreams, in the course of which he stumbles on a discovery that will shake the very foundations of his principles.
Save Me

Save Me

Jul 27, 2019
Save Me drops us into random lives, mid-sentence. We get to know people through storylines that unravel with humour and pathos and a built-in ticking time bomb - that one of them at some point will be blindsided by a medical emergency. And all of it is rooted in the on-going stories of our regular cast of EMTs who come to the rescue.
Moby Dick

Moby Dick

May 29, 2011
Ismaël, dernier survivant du navire baleinier le «Pequod», fait le récit de son infortune et des événements qui ont coûté la vie à tous ses compagnons. Ismaël embarque à bord du «Pequod» dans le port de New Bedford, Massachussetts, en même temps que l'Indien Queequeg, avec lequel il s'est lié d'amitié peu de temps auparavant. Les deux hommes font la connaissance du capitaine Achab, qui entraîne ses hommes dans une chasse à la baleine très particulière. Autrefois, Achab a été blessé par Moby Dick, une baleine blanche, qu'il poursuit depuis de son acharnement sur toutes les mers du monde. L'équipage ne perçoit pas tout de suite la folie de son capitaine...
Kim's Convenience

Kim's Convenience

Apr 13, 2021
L'histoire drôle et sincère de The Kims, une famille canado-coréenne qui gère un dépanneur au centre-ville de Toronto. M. et Mme Kim («Appa» et «Umma») ont immigré à Toronto dans les années 80 pour s'installer près de Regent Park et ont eu deux enfants, Jung et Janet, qui sont maintenant de jeunes adultes. Cependant, quand Jung avait 16 ans, lui et Appa avaient une grosse dispute impliquant un combat physique, de l'argent volé et Jung quittant la maison. Père et fils ont été séparés depuis.
The Summit

The Summit

Jun 15, 2008
Set on the eve of the next G8 Summit, this miniseries follows a mother's desperate struggle to bring justice to her murdered son, fallen victim to a corrupt pharmaceutical company.