A horror feature that tells the story of Ezz El-Din, who returns from abroad after many years, looking for his family, and while staying at his family's mansion, he discovers an unexpected adventure.
The events of the film takes place on new year's eve of 2009 in the Red Sea at a resort near the city of Hurgahda inside the world of the wealthy where difficult situations and crises happen when they get together.
Lail Abdul Salam is a hired assassin working for top businessmen, exposed to many stories, including the problem of his wife, who hates her life with him because of his preoccupation with his work, and gets involved with him in many problems which turns him into a different person.
It deals with the events of the series in a social context mixed with comedy, the story of a father trying hard to be an ideal father in everything he does with his family, and many ironies fall to him.
La série s'articule autour de l'idée de choisir à travers de nombreuses histoires, la mère qui essaie d'élever son fils qui cherche à contrôler sa succession, et le fils qui se retrouve incapable de choisir
After he hits someone with his car, Hennawi, also known as the X-Lance, accidentally finds himself involved with a notorious gang that smuggles antiquities.
The events revolve around the attempts of the Egyptian intelligence to confront terrorism represented by ISIS, as the intelligence workers, including officers, communication experts, and secret agents, perform their roles in operations aimed at protecting the homeland and eliminating terrorism.
The series revolves around a teacher called (Amira) working in an international school, who gets harassed by a student, and in her pursuit for her right, she becomes the offender instead of the victim.
The life of the famous journalist Joumana El-Khouly changes, after a strange and mysterious phone call during a live program. And overnight; The police start chasing her everywhere!