Cole Stratton

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The Retrievers

The Retrievers

Jul 27, 2001
The Lowrys are starting a new life, moving to the quiet Northern California town of Placerville. But when they are "adopted" by a clever yet lovable stray Golden Retriever, their lives change in ways they never imagined. It'’s not long before the Lowrys discover that Pilot is pregnant. But when it comes time to find new homes for the puppies, the Lowrys learn how hard it can be to say goodbye… and how a determined Golden Retriever can show them a thing or two about the bonds of family. Pilot wants her puppies back! Can the Lowrys retrieve the Retrievers from the wacky cast of characters that adopted them? The Retrievers is a heartwarming story about how a stray Golden Retriever, along with her litter of pups, teaches the Lowrys some big lessons about life, love, family, and what'’s truly important.
RiffTrax Live: Night of the Shorts - SF Sketchfest 2013
Watch Mike, Bill, Kevin, and an all-star crew of hilarious guest riffers take on seven classic less-than-educational shorts, filmed LIVE onstage at San Francisco’s Castro Theatre in January of this year, in all its gritty, low-light, shakey-cam glory! Show includes: Welcome Back Norman Perc! Pop! Sprinkle! - with Cole Stratton (Pop My Culture Podcast) and Janet Varney (The Legend of Korra) Choking: To Save a Life - with Kevin McDonald (The Kids in the Hall) Cooking Terms More Dangerous Than Dynamite - with Adam Savage (Mythbusters) If Mirrors Could Speak - with Kristen Schaal (30 Rock, Bob’s Burgers, Flight of the Conchords) At Your Fingertips: Cylinders - with Paul F. Tompkins (Best Week Ever, Mr. Show, Tangled)
Rifftrax Live: Night of the Shorts - SF Sketchfest 2015
Mike, Kevin, and Bill take on some of the funniest, most unbelievable vintage shorts we've ever found, live in the beautiful Castro Theatre with a crew of hilarious guest riffers! Shorts performed during this event include One Turkey Two Turkey, Setting Up a Room, Writing Better Social Letters, Live and Learn, Making Sense with Sentences, and Safety - In Danger Out of Doors.
RiffTrax Live: Day of the Shorts: SF Sketchfest 2019
Bill and Kevin are joined onstage by the great Paul F. Tompkins, and together they host and riff an amazing set of bizarre short films. The shorts cover every subject under the sun (y’know, because “Day”), from workplace safety to childhood safety to sentient talking pillow safety. And that’s not all - we’ve got more guests, riffing teams and legends galore! John Hodgman, Frank Conniff & Trace Beaulieu, Cole Stratton & Janet Varney, and Bridget Nelson with Sean Thomason, RiffTrax Senior Writer, making his live riffing debut.
Around the Fire

Around the Fire

Sep 26, 1998
Simon is an intelligent and privileged young man whose family expects him to become a Princeton graduate. Crying out for attention from his reserved and cool hearted family, Simon commits numerous petty crimes and is soon sent away to boarding school where he befriends a "Deadhead," adopts the "hippie" lifestyle and dabbles in many drugs in his search for acceptance.
The Selling

The Selling

Apr 29, 2011
For most people affected by the recent housing market crash, the impact was financial. Super nice real estate agent Richard Scarry has an additional burden: the paranormal.
Good Girls

Good Girls

Jul 22, 2021
Trois mères de famille bien comme il faut orchestrent le casse d'un supermarché pour échapper à la ruine et accéder à l'indépendance. Toutes pour une, et une pour toutes.
Nash Bridges

Nash Bridges

May 04, 2001
Nash Bridges est un inspecteur vivant à San Francisco avec sa fille Cassidy et son père Nick. Il fait partie de la brigade spéciale d'intervention. Il a pour partenaire son meilleur ami, Joe Dominguez. Dans l'équipe on trouve aussi Evan Cortez, fils spirituel de Nash ainsi que Harvey Leek, ancien hippie devenu un as de l'informatique.
Action & Adventure
Nash Bridges

Nash Bridges

May 04, 2001
Nash Bridges est un inspecteur vivant à San Francisco avec sa fille Cassidy et son père Nick. Il fait partie de la brigade spéciale d'intervention. Il a pour partenaire son meilleur ami, Joe Dominguez. Dans l'équipe on trouve aussi Evan Cortez, fils spirituel de Nash ainsi que Harvey Leek, ancien hippie devenu un as de l'informatique.
Action & Adventure
American Horror Story

American Horror Story

Apr 24, 2024
À chaque saison, son histoire. American Horror Story nous embarque dans des récits à la fois poignants et cauchemardesques, mêlant la peur, le gore et le politiquement correct. De quoi vous confronter à vos plus grandes frayeurs !
American Crime Story

American Crime Story

Nov 09, 2021
American Crime Story est une série d'anthologie qui retranscrit à chaque saison, avec la plus grande fidélité possible, une affaire judiciaire ayant défrayé la chronique aux États-Unis. Saison 1 : L’affaire O.J. Simpson Saison 2 : L’assassinat de Gianni Versace Saison 3 : La destitution de Bill Clinton
For All Mankind

For All Mankind

Jan 11, 2024
Imaginez un monde dans lequel la course à l'espace n'aurait jamais pris fin. Le programme spatial de la NASA est resté au cœur de la culture américaine et au plus proche des espoirs et des rêves de tout un chacun. Les astronautes de la NASA, véritables héros et rock-stars de leur époque, doivent gérer la pression qui pèsent sur leurs épaules, tout en gérant la vie de leurs familles.


Nov 21, 2024
Du service d'appels d'urgences 911 aux pompiers, secouristes ou policiers, tous ces intervenants sont constamment sous pression, confrontés quotidiennement à des situations stupéfiantes, effrayantes, et parfois même choquantes. S'ils ont pour mission de voler au secours des personnes en danger, ces héros de l'ombre doivent aussi trouver le temps de résoudre les problèmes de leurs propres vies...
Fortune Rookie

Fortune Rookie

Oct 02, 2018
On the advice of a fortune teller in a bathroom, Janet Varney leaves showbiz behind to become a psychic. Exploring her gifts (such as they are), Janet parses the future of a Los Angeles populated by the famous, the not-yet-famous, from aspiring cult leaders to aging boy bands. She reads palms, cards and the occasional piece of cheese to help those seeking answers, herself most of all.