Une membre des Marines, après avoir vécu des événements traumatisants, est de retour chez elle. Devenue concierge d'un immeuble new-yorkais, elle va se retrouver confrontée à des mercenaires bien décidés à mettre la main sur une précieuse oeuvre d'art.
Kate Gleason est une marieuse professionnelle à succès. Lorsque son associée, Britney, lui annonce que leur prochain client sera un membre de la famille royale, elle accepte de relever le défi.
An aspiring screenwriter and pathological daydreamer finds his wish magically manifested by a mysterious organization. To make sense of it all he must sift through memories, delusions and instances of both waking and imagined life.
An aspiring screenwriter and pathological daydreamer finds his wish magically manifested by a mysterious organization. To make sense of it all he must sift through memories, delusions and instances of both waking and imagined life.
An aspiring screenwriter and pathological daydreamer finds his wish magically manifested by a mysterious organization. To make sense of it all he must sift through memories, delusions and instances of both waking and imagined life.
An aspiring screenwriter and pathological daydreamer finds his wish magically manifested by a mysterious organization. To make sense of it all he must sift through memories, delusions and instances of both waking and imagined life.
The protagonists mistakenly fall in love, leading to a domino-type situation filled with awkwardness and comic situations. A large inheritance, acquired through a special will condition, sparks a tragico-comic competition among contenders.