Emi Ikushima, a star actress in the Roses, is half-hearted, but she wasn't disappointed by the news of her father Enmy's sudden death, and she performed enthusiastically on the stage that night, attracting a crowded audience.
En mars 1945, pendant l'offensive de l'armée américaine sur Okinawa, les jeunes filles des écoles sont ammenées sur le terrain pour soigner les blessés. Leur emblème est le lys blanc, ou une fleur de cerisier. Le film relate leur épopée jusqu'à leur sacrifice final.
When Japan entered into the great tragedy that was unforgettable, the general general of the history of the Ming Dynasty, hokudai Yamashita, left the Malay front and occupied Singapore at once, and was praised as a "Malay tiger." However, the situation in Japan changed steadily by the failure of Sai pan from the GA Talca translation.