Sergei Volobuyev

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Nov 14, 2007
The film follows Denis, a young aspiring DJ who, although poor, has everything else in his favor: a calling in life as a musician, good friends and a faithful companion. Denis's fall from grace begins with a drug deal, which he agrees to out of the need for money. The decision leads to deadly consequences for almost everyone else around him, as Denis is subsequently forced to work as a drug dealer for a mafia boss and as an informer for the police chief of his city. Despite his attempts to “work off his sins”, Denis cannot escape the world of drugs and violence...


Dec 21, 2016
La jeune et talentueuse danseuse Youlia Olchanskaïa, originaire d’une petite cité minière, tire le « bon numéro » : elle est remarquée par un ancien danseur qui lui prédit un avenir de grande ballerine. Mais la voie qui mène sur la légendaire scène du Bolchoï passe par le conservatoire, où la jeune provinciale insoumise est prise en charge par une professeure encore plus fantasque. Pour devenir danseuse étoile, il lui faudra faire des sacrifices inouïs…