Michael A. Hoey

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Classe 44

Classe 44

Apr 10, 1973
En 1944, dans une école, au son de l'hymne américain, les élèves reçoivent le diplôme sanctionnant la fin de leurs études secondaires. Trois amis, Hermie, Oscy et Benjie, fêtent l'événement dans la gaîté, mais la réalité de la vie va bientôt les séparer. Benjie s'engage dans les marines, tandis que ses deux camarades, bénéficiant d'un sursis, entrent à l'Université...
Insoupçonnable vérité
A sophisticated lawyer (Donna Mills), who is always the bridesmaid but never the bride, gets romantically involved with her down-to-earth secretary (Brian Wimmer).
À plein tube

À plein tube

Jun 07, 1968
A sophisticated lawyer (Donna Mills), who is always the bridesmaid but never the bride, gets romantically involved with her down-to-earth secretary (Brian Wimmer).
Micmac au Montana

Micmac au Montana

Mar 08, 1968
A sophisticated lawyer (Donna Mills), who is always the bridesmaid but never the bride, gets romantically involved with her down-to-earth secretary (Brian Wimmer).
Palm Springs Weekend

Palm Springs Weekend

Nov 05, 1963
Set in Palm Springs during a long, fun-filled weekend where several Los Angeles college students flock to spring break, centering on Jim who finds romance with Bunny, the daughter of Palm Springs harred, stressful police chief. Jim's bumbling roommate, Biff, tries to get Amanda, a tomboyish girl's attention with a so-called love gadget. Meanwhile, Gayle Lewis is a high school senior posing as a wealthy college girl who is pursued by Eric Dean, a wealthy and spoiled college prepie, while Gayle has eyes for a cowboy from Texas, named Stretch. Also Jim and Biff's basketball coach, Campbell, tries to romance Naomi, the owner of the motel where all of the gang is staying at, which is interfered by Naomi's young, trouble-making, brat son who's dubbed, Boom-Boom.


Jun 30, 1965
Set in Palm Springs during a long, fun-filled weekend where several Los Angeles college students flock to spring break, centering on Jim who finds romance with Bunny, the daughter of Palm Springs harred, stressful police chief. Jim's bumbling roommate, Biff, tries to get Amanda, a tomboyish girl's attention with a so-called love gadget. Meanwhile, Gayle Lewis is a high school senior posing as a wealthy college girl who is pursued by Eric Dean, a wealthy and spoiled college prepie, while Gayle has eyes for a cowboy from Texas, named Stretch. Also Jim and Biff's basketball coach, Campbell, tries to romance Naomi, the owner of the motel where all of the gang is staying at, which is interfered by Naomi's young, trouble-making, brat son who's dubbed, Boom-Boom.
Soupçons sur un champion
Set in Palm Springs during a long, fun-filled weekend where several Los Angeles college students flock to spring break, centering on Jim who finds romance with Bunny, the daughter of Palm Springs harred, stressful police chief. Jim's bumbling roommate, Biff, tries to get Amanda, a tomboyish girl's attention with a so-called love gadget. Meanwhile, Gayle Lewis is a high school senior posing as a wealthy college girl who is pursued by Eric Dean, a wealthy and spoiled college prepie, while Gayle has eyes for a cowboy from Texas, named Stretch. Also Jim and Biff's basketball coach, Campbell, tries to romance Naomi, the owner of the motel where all of the gang is staying at, which is interfered by Naomi's young, trouble-making, brat son who's dubbed, Boom-Boom.
When Husbands Cheat

When Husbands Cheat

Feb 02, 1998
Set in Palm Springs during a long, fun-filled weekend where several Los Angeles college students flock to spring break, centering on Jim who finds romance with Bunny, the daughter of Palm Springs harred, stressful police chief. Jim's bumbling roommate, Biff, tries to get Amanda, a tomboyish girl's attention with a so-called love gadget. Meanwhile, Gayle Lewis is a high school senior posing as a wealthy college girl who is pursued by Eric Dean, a wealthy and spoiled college prepie, while Gayle has eyes for a cowboy from Texas, named Stretch. Also Jim and Biff's basketball coach, Campbell, tries to romance Naomi, the owner of the motel where all of the gang is staying at, which is interfered by Naomi's young, trouble-making, brat son who's dubbed, Boom-Boom.
Seduction: Three Tales from the 'Inner Sanctum'
Victoria Principal stars in three gripping tales of obsessive love, portraying three different women who find there is a price to pay when passion, desire and love are taken to the extreme. In the three tales, she is seduced into a deadly love triangle, uncovering her husband's deadly obsession, and dealing with an innocent computer correspondence that becomes an obsessive, erotic love affair.
Dr. Goldfoot and the Bikini Machine
Victoria Principal stars in three gripping tales of obsessive love, portraying three different women who find there is a price to pay when passion, desire and love are taken to the extreme. In the three tales, she is seduced into a deadly love triangle, uncovering her husband's deadly obsession, and dealing with an innocent computer correspondence that becomes an obsessive, erotic love affair.
Le grand frisson

Le grand frisson

Oct 23, 1968
Victoria Principal stars in three gripping tales of obsessive love, portraying three different women who find there is a price to pay when passion, desire and love are taken to the extreme. In the three tales, she is seduced into a deadly love triangle, uncovering her husband's deadly obsession, and dealing with an innocent computer correspondence that becomes an obsessive, erotic love affair.
Les Liaisons coupables
Victoria Principal stars in three gripping tales of obsessive love, portraying three different women who find there is a price to pay when passion, desire and love are taken to the extreme. In the three tales, she is seduced into a deadly love triangle, uncovering her husband's deadly obsession, and dealing with an innocent computer correspondence that becomes an obsessive, erotic love affair.
Les Liaisons coupables
Victoria Principal stars in three gripping tales of obsessive love, portraying three different women who find there is a price to pay when passion, desire and love are taken to the extreme. In the three tales, she is seduced into a deadly love triangle, uncovering her husband's deadly obsession, and dealing with an innocent computer correspondence that becomes an obsessive, erotic love affair.
Le Sergent Noir

Le Sergent Noir

May 25, 1960
A middle-aged lawyer struggles to face his inner demons as he finds himself embroiled in affairs with three separate women.
Micmac au Montana

Micmac au Montana

Mar 08, 1968
A middle-aged lawyer struggles to face his inner demons as he finds himself embroiled in affairs with three separate women.
Classe 44

Classe 44

Apr 10, 1973
A middle-aged lawyer struggles to face his inner demons as he finds himself embroiled in affairs with three separate women.
Runaway Father

Runaway Father

Sep 22, 1991
A woman's husband leaves her and their three daughters. Years later she sets out to find him and get him to pay back child support.
Untamed Love

Untamed Love

Aug 03, 1994
A badly abused girl of 6 is saved from having to be admitted to an institution by a dedicated Special Education teacher whose class she's been placed in until there is an opening in the hospital. In that time they form a strong bond and the child begins to heal. The teacher begins to think an institution is not what this child needs.
Grand Nord

Grand Nord

Jan 03, 1996
A badly abused girl of 6 is saved from having to be admitted to an institution by a dedicated Special Education teacher whose class she's been placed in until there is an opening in the hospital. In that time they form a strong bond and the child begins to heal. The teacher begins to think an institution is not what this child needs.
The Lazarus Syndrome

The Lazarus Syndrome

Jan 01, 1978
An adulterous newspaper reporter, who has just experienced a heart attack, pesters a doctor into investigating the questionable medical practices taking place at the hospital where both are residing.
TV Movie


Sep 24, 1972
An adulterous newspaper reporter, who has just experienced a heart attack, pesters a doctor into investigating the questionable medical practices taking place at the hospital where both are residing.
Rio Shannon

Rio Shannon

Aug 14, 1993
A widow and her family face new challenges when they relocate to a run-down guest ranch in New Mexico.
The Healers

The Healers

May 22, 1974
The director of an urban medical center faces various major problems during the course of running the hospital.

May 18, 1990

Ce feuilleton raconte la lutte impitoyable entre la riche Angela Channing et son neveu Chase Gioberti, qui a hérité de son père une partie du domaine viticole de Falcon Crest, situé dans la vallée de Tuscany, non loin de San Francisco.

May 19, 1996

Veuve de Franck Fletcher, Jessica Beatrice Fletcher, ancienne professeur d'anglais devenue auteur de romans policiers, utilise ses dons d'observation et son sens inné de la logique pour jouer les détectives amateurs et résoudre des affaires criminelles. Elle officie surtout dans la petite ville de Cabot Cove, dans le Maine, où elle réside, même si elle se prête au jeu dans différents états des États-Unis. Il lui arrive également d'enquêter en dehors du territoire américain, ce qui lui vaut d'être fichée non seulement au FBI, mais aussi à la CIA et au KGB, pour s'être mêlée à plusieurs reprises de certaines de leurs affaires qu'elle a pourtant aidé à résoudre, que ce soit à l'occasion de la promotion de ses livres, ou de voyages personnels : si elle n'a pas d'enfants, Jessica n'en a pas moins une immense famille, qui compte un nombre incalculable de neveux et de nièces...

May 18, 1987

Véritable réinvention du film culte oscarisé, Fame livre un portrait bouillonnant d'énergie et visuellement époustouflant de jeunes artistes décidés à imposer leur talent et à trouver leur voie. Dans l'atmosphère électrique de la très prestigieuse High School of Performing Arts de New York, danseurs, chanteurs et comédiens affrontent quatre ans durant tous les challenges d'un environnement ultra compétitif. Chacun se voit offrir la chance d'accomplir son rêve... à condition d'être doué, de faire preuve d'un engagement absolu et de travailler sans jamais faiblir. Parallèlement aux exigences de l'apprentissage, chacun doit affronter ses doutes, et vivre tout ce qui fait la vie à cet âge : les amitiés, les premières amours et la découverte de ses propres limites... Alors que chacun lutte pour atteindre la lumière des projecteurs, tous vont découvrir qui, parmi eux, a suffisamment de talent et de discipline pour connaître vraiment la gloire...

May 07, 1986

Blacke's Magic is an American crime drama series that aired on NBC from January to May 1986. The series stars Hal Linden as magician Alexander Blacke who, with some help from his con-man father Leonard, solves mysteries that get in the way of his performances. The series aired for a total of thirteen episodes and featured crimes that tested logic against seemingly magical crimes. The stories were not so much whodunits as "how-he-do-its," for Alex Blacke often had to turn detective to solve the mysteries.

Aug 22, 1987

Michael Nouri plays a tough cop who has rubbed his superiors the wrong way once too often. By way of punishment he is assigned the supervision of four colorful parolees in this police drama with humor. They are: Dennis Shotthaffer who imagined himself to be a doctor and tried to perform operations; Terry Casaro, a young black pickpocket; Jesse Smith, a street-wise tough; and Harriet Conover, a land-fraud artist who lives in a big mansion. Forney, who hates his assignment but wants to get back on the force where he belongs, devises a plan to put his four charges under one roof—in Conover's mansion.

Jan 10, 1978

The Fitzpatricks is an American drama series which ran on CBS during the 1977–78 season. The series aired from September 5th, 1977 to January 10th, 1978. This show lasted only thirteen episodes, and was cancelled in 1978.