Gábor Piroch

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Forced March

Forced March

Nov 03, 1989
Ben Kline is an American television star and a bankable name, who is cast to portray the Hungarian writer Miklos Radnoti, whose journal of poems was found with his body, buried in one of Hungary’s mass graves. Kline is also the son of a Holocaust survivor and has long resented his father’s refusal to speak about the War. Now given the opportunity to play the role of a hero, but faced with the reality of a victim, the boundaries between truth and illusion begin to blur.
Lakatlan ember

Lakatlan ember

Feb 01, 1992
Bizarre film which portrays the strange adventures of two good friends, Tamás and Csaba, in a non-specific time and place. Tamás, a Mozart lover, and the trumpeter Csaba, who can no longer speak after a suicide attempt, communicate in an unintelligible, unusual meta-language, which a monk interprets for the viewer.
Une Balle en plein cœur
Dans l'enfer de Sarajevo, en 1980, l'histoire vraie de deux amis devenus ennemis mortels. L'un est Serbe, l'autre Croate. Les circonstances les contraignent à se battre l'un contre l'autre dans cette guerre civile qui divise leur nation...
TV Movie


Aug 31, 1994
Royce est un membre du service ultra-secret « Black Hole », travaillant pour le gouvernement américain en mission top-secret. Lorsque le sénateur responsable de la formation Black Hole débande l'organisation, d'autres membres de Black Hole Royce complotent revanche sur l'homme responsable de les perdre leur emploi. Royce décide de ne pas se joindre à eux, décidant plutôt de contrecarrer leurs tentatives de se venger sur le sénateur.
Chief of Station

Chief of Station

May 02, 2024
Lorsqu’il découvre que la mort de sa femme n'était pas un accident, un ancien chef de station de la CIA se voit forcé de retourner dans le monde de l'espionnage, faisant équipe avec un adversaire pour démasquer une conspiration qui remet en question tout ce qu'il croyait être vrai.
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Adventures in the Secret Service
Indy finds that he must enlist the help of Hapsburg royalty when he embarks on a dangerous diplomatic mission through enemy-held Europe into the palace of Emperor Karl of Austria. Endangering his life and the lives of his royal charges, Indy gambles all in a desperate attempt to bring the war more quickly to an end. Then, in chaos-ridden Russia, Indy finds his espionage work once again threatening lives when he infiltrates a group of young Bolsheviks and begins to empathize with their plight. As the country lurches toward revolution, Indy finds himself torn between loyalty to his friends and his military duty.
Forced March

Forced March

Nov 03, 1989
Ben Kline is an American television star and a bankable name, who is cast to portray the Hungarian writer Miklos Radnoti, whose journal of poems was found with his body, buried in one of Hungary’s mass graves. Kline is also the son of a Holocaust survivor and has long resented his father’s refusal to speak about the War. Now given the opportunity to play the role of a hero, but faced with the reality of a victim, the boundaries between truth and illusion begin to blur.


May 13, 2004
Ben Kline is an American television star and a bankable name, who is cast to portray the Hungarian writer Miklos Radnoti, whose journal of poems was found with his body, buried in one of Hungary’s mass graves. Kline is also the son of a Holocaust survivor and has long resented his father’s refusal to speak about the War. Now given the opportunity to play the role of a hero, but faced with the reality of a victim, the boundaries between truth and illusion begin to blur.


Feb 05, 2021
Ben Kline is an American television star and a bankable name, who is cast to portray the Hungarian writer Miklos Radnoti, whose journal of poems was found with his body, buried in one of Hungary’s mass graves. Kline is also the son of a Holocaust survivor and has long resented his father’s refusal to speak about the War. Now given the opportunity to play the role of a hero, but faced with the reality of a victim, the boundaries between truth and illusion begin to blur.
Mr. & Mrs. Smith

Mr. & Mrs. Smith

Jun 07, 2005
Ben Kline is an American television star and a bankable name, who is cast to portray the Hungarian writer Miklos Radnoti, whose journal of poems was found with his body, buried in one of Hungary’s mass graves. Kline is also the son of a Holocaust survivor and has long resented his father’s refusal to speak about the War. Now given the opportunity to play the role of a hero, but faced with the reality of a victim, the boundaries between truth and illusion begin to blur.
L'Île aux pirates

L'Île aux pirates

Dec 22, 1995
Ben Kline is an American television star and a bankable name, who is cast to portray the Hungarian writer Miklos Radnoti, whose journal of poems was found with his body, buried in one of Hungary’s mass graves. Kline is also the son of a Holocaust survivor and has long resented his father’s refusal to speak about the War. Now given the opportunity to play the role of a hero, but faced with the reality of a victim, the boundaries between truth and illusion begin to blur.


Nov 18, 1997
Ben Kline is an American television star and a bankable name, who is cast to portray the Hungarian writer Miklos Radnoti, whose journal of poems was found with his body, buried in one of Hungary’s mass graves. Kline is also the son of a Holocaust survivor and has long resented his father’s refusal to speak about the War. Now given the opportunity to play the role of a hero, but faced with the reality of a victim, the boundaries between truth and illusion begin to blur.
À nous la victoire

À nous la victoire

Jun 17, 1981
Ben Kline is an American television star and a bankable name, who is cast to portray the Hungarian writer Miklos Radnoti, whose journal of poems was found with his body, buried in one of Hungary’s mass graves. Kline is also the son of a Holocaust survivor and has long resented his father’s refusal to speak about the War. Now given the opportunity to play the role of a hero, but faced with the reality of a victim, the boundaries between truth and illusion begin to blur.
Valami madarak

Valami madarak

Dec 14, 2023
The uplifting story of an unusual friendship between an elderly man trying to get out of a nursing home and an impulsive teenage girl on social work who decides to help him.
Plus jamais

Plus jamais

May 21, 2002
The uplifting story of an unusual friendship between an elderly man trying to get out of a nursing home and an impulsive teenage girl on social work who decides to help him.


Dec 14, 1996
The uplifting story of an unusual friendship between an elderly man trying to get out of a nursing home and an impulsive teenage girl on social work who decides to help him.
Atomic Blonde

Atomic Blonde

Jul 26, 2017
The uplifting story of an unusual friendship between an elderly man trying to get out of a nursing home and an impulsive teenage girl on social work who decides to help him.
La Momie

La Momie

Apr 16, 1999
The uplifting story of an unusual friendship between an elderly man trying to get out of a nursing home and an impulsive teenage girl on social work who decides to help him.
Mademoiselle Détective
The uplifting story of an unusual friendship between an elderly man trying to get out of a nursing home and an impulsive teenage girl on social work who decides to help him.


Dec 14, 2006
The uplifting story of an unusual friendship between an elderly man trying to get out of a nursing home and an impulsive teenage girl on social work who decides to help him.
Un talent en or massif
The uplifting story of an unusual friendship between an elderly man trying to get out of a nursing home and an impulsive teenage girl on social work who decides to help him.


Aug 07, 2024
The uplifting story of an unusual friendship between an elderly man trying to get out of a nursing home and an impulsive teenage girl on social work who decides to help him.
Total Recall

Total Recall

Jun 01, 1990
The uplifting story of an unusual friendship between an elderly man trying to get out of a nursing home and an impulsive teenage girl on social work who decides to help him.
The Island

The Island

Jul 21, 2005
The uplifting story of an unusual friendship between an elderly man trying to get out of a nursing home and an impulsive teenage girl on social work who decides to help him.


Oct 13, 2016
The uplifting story of an unusual friendship between an elderly man trying to get out of a nursing home and an impulsive teenage girl on social work who decides to help him.
Guerre et Amour

Guerre et Amour

Jun 10, 1975
The uplifting story of an unusual friendship between an elderly man trying to get out of a nursing home and an impulsive teenage girl on social work who decides to help him.


Nov 20, 2003
The uplifting story of an unusual friendship between an elderly man trying to get out of a nursing home and an impulsive teenage girl on social work who decides to help him.
Les Aventures du jeune Indiana Jones
Cette série relate l'enfance et l'adolescence de Henry Walton Jones Jr, dit "Indiana Jones" ou "Indy". Bien avant d'être professeur d'archéologie, le jeune homme parcourt le monde et rencontre de nombreux lieux et figures historiques, des pyramides égyptiennes aux tranchées de la Somme en passant par les clubs de jazz américains.
Action & Adventure
Les Aventures du jeune Indiana Jones
En 1973, l'agent John Bentley, envoyé à Berlin pour une mission de la CIA, a été capturé par le KGB et placé sous le programme expérimental Tsikada pour prendre le contrôle de son esprit... De nos jours, l'Opération Treadstone, le programme de conversion secret de la CIA qui a façonné Jason Bourne, a été réinitialisé. Partout dans le monde, des agents dormants, qui ont vécu durant des années dans l'ombre tels des citoyens ordinaires, sont "réveillées" et affectés à de dangereuses missions. Parmi eux, Doug Mckenna, ouvrier américain sur une plateforme pétrolière dans l'Arctique, et Soyun Pak, mère et épouse sans histoire en Corée du Nord, se découvrent d'incroyables capacités de combat.
Action & Adventure