Saga about a proud band of Sioux Indians, and the efforts of one brave to save his people from destruction through the use of mysterious powers handed down by ancestors.
Saga about a proud band of Sioux Indians, and the efforts of one brave to save his people from destruction through the use of mysterious powers handed down by ancestors.
Saga about a proud band of Sioux Indians, and the efforts of one brave to save his people from destruction through the use of mysterious powers handed down by ancestors.
Saga about a proud band of Sioux Indians, and the efforts of one brave to save his people from destruction through the use of mysterious powers handed down by ancestors.
Saga about a proud band of Sioux Indians, and the efforts of one brave to save his people from destruction through the use of mysterious powers handed down by ancestors.
Saga about a proud band of Sioux Indians, and the efforts of one brave to save his people from destruction through the use of mysterious powers handed down by ancestors.
May 02, 1983
1983 min928 vues
Les Visiteurs arrivent sur Terre avec des intentions qu'ils promettent bienveillantes. Mais l'illusion ne dure qu'un temps ! Bien vite, les événements dégénèrent. L'apparence humaine de ces extraterrestres n'est qu'un leurre et leurs intentions sont loin d'être pacifiques. Face à cette invasion, la résistance s'organise parmi les humains...
Action & Adventure
May 08, 1984
1984 min128 vues
Quelques mois ont passé depuis les événements de la première mini-série. La Résistance s'est développée et utilise des méthodes plus efficaces pour combattre les Visiteurs, dont l'emprise sur la Terre ne cesse de grandir.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Dec 10, 1985
1985 min31 vues
Sometimes she's too big. Or much too small. Sometimes things are backwards. And there's always too much pepper in the soup! Nothing is quite right since Alice chased a very unusual White Rabbit and stumbled into an adventure that grows curiouser and curiouser. One of the greatest childhood fantasies is captured in Irwin Allen's colorful production adapted from Lewis Carroll's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland." Originally aired over two nights in 1985 on CBS.