Russell Koplin

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Sand Castle

Sand Castle

Oct 13, 2015
Faced with obstacles big and small, some out of her control, a young girl builds a sand castle.
Goldilocks and the Two Bears
Follows Ingrid, Ian and Ivy, three unique strangers who find each other in an uninhabited condominium. They discover they actually have a lot in common, and start wondering where they might be each other's salvation.
Mad Women

Mad Women

Jun 10, 2015
A mother of three daughters (one died at the age of three) commits a crime of conscience and becomes radicalized in prison; she turns into an idealist run amok, determined to change her little corner of the world for the better. Her middle daughter, with a physician for a father, an older sister who joins Doctors Without Borders, and a baby sister who dies, is fanatically trying to find a place for herself in this family of overachievers.
Marvel's Iron Fist

Marvel's Iron Fist

Sep 07, 2018
Alors qu'il était présumé mort, Danny Rand refait surface 15 ans plus tard. Avec le pouvoir de son poing d'acier, il va renouer avec le passé et accomplir sa destinée.
Action & Adventure
New York 911

New York 911

May 06, 2005
À New York, les unités de secours de la brigade 55 sont prêtes à intervenir dès la moindre alerte. Accidents, incendies, malaises, cambriolages ou encore agressions font partie du quotidien de cette équipe de pompiers, policiers et secouristes, qui travaille exclusivement de 15 à 23 heures. Chaque jour, ils assurent la protection de la population en circulant dans les rues de la ville et interviennent le plus rapidement possible.