A BMX racer, who lives in a small town with his mother and sister, is faced with a tough decision, qualify for Helltrack or take his SATs in order to attend college.
A drifter stranded in Kansas accepts a job offer from a wheat harvester who, in desperation over his cancer and financial woes, attempts suicide but becomes a father-figure to the young man.
A swarm of locusts appears on the horizon near a Midwestern town and the inhabitants must find a way to destroy or divert them before the insects devour the area's valuable crops
L'histoire véridique de quatre Jamaïcains qui ont un rêve fou : obtenir une médaille d' or dans une discipline olympique qui leur est totalement inconnue et impossible à pratiquer en Jamaïque : le bobsleigh. Avec leurs coach les quatres athlètes quittent les tropiques pour le froid polaire de Calgary. Ils vont se donner à fond pour se qualifier et participer aux épreuves.