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Jan 08, 2021
Struggling for years, 55 year old Andy finally claim herself as woman, despite it was just partially completed. Andy’s dream come true, but she has to pay for the price. Wearing dresses had make her losing her job and her family. It never rains but it pours. The closest friend of her passed away out of sudden, Andy suddenly feel empty!A long day with a little surprise, a mother and a son turn up in Andy’s life, seeing them leaving no where with no identity, Andy decided to keep them with her, without knowing this sympathy has change the story of Andy.
Falling Love At First Kiss
Struggling for years, 55 year old Andy finally claim herself as woman, despite it was just partially completed. Andy’s dream come true, but she has to pay for the price. Wearing dresses had make her losing her job and her family. It never rains but it pours. The closest friend of her passed away out of sudden, Andy suddenly feel empty!A long day with a little surprise, a mother and a son turn up in Andy’s life, seeing them leaving no where with no identity, Andy decided to keep them with her, without knowing this sympathy has change the story of Andy.


Dec 30, 2020
Pang Yu and Feng Xi were old friends who cared deeply for each other - one is refined and gentlemanly while the other is exceptionally talented but doesn't let it show. Because of Dong Yue's appearance, Pang Yu and Feng Xi eventually have a falling out and turn into enemies. Dong Yue encourages the two men to make peace as they face greater enemies in their efforts to assist Pang Yu to the throne.


Jul 06, 2017
When Li Xia and her best friend enroll into the arts specialized Qian Chuan secondary school, they meet the legendary Fu Xiao Si and Lu Zhi Ang. Together, the group of youths officially begin their beautiful high school life. After graduation, the friends part with everyone going their separate ways, but everyone continues to fight for their dreams. However, they're all gradually changing and thus become doubtful about the origin of their friendship. A span of ten years makes them realize that other than memories, nothing can be eternal, but they learnt to love and grow.


Dec 06, 2019
Après avoir décroché un job de garde du corps de célébrité, la fille turbulente d'un puissant chef de triade chamboule la vie d'une star de la télé et trouve l'amour.


Aug 23, 2021
Au lycée, Qiao Jing Jing était amoureuse de Yu Tu, un génie passionné d'aérospatiale, mais bien qu'elle se soit déclarée elle n'a jamais eu l'occasion de concrétiser son amour. Dix ans plus tard, Qiao Jing Jing est devenue une grande célébrité. Alors qu'elle a l'occasion de devenir l'ambassadrice du célèbre jeu vidéo Honor of Kings, une vidéo est postée en ligne affectant sa réputation : en effet, elle serait une joueuse très médiocre et son image ne correspondrait pas à celle du jeu. Craignant pour sa carrière, elle se voit contraint de participer à une cérémonie dans laquelle elle devra jouer Honor of Kings avec des fans sélectionnés au hasard. En s'entrainant au jeu, elle va recroiser la route de Yu Tu qui va devenir son coach de jeu.


Mar 09, 2016
Growing up in a family of physicians, Tan Yunxian was adored by her grandparents for her intellect, curiosity and medical acumen. Despite the many barriers for female physicians in ancient China, Yunxian nevertheless proved herself to be a skilled family and female doctor — and ultimately the most famous female doctor of the Ming Dynasty.